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Add Geospatial plugin (#7406) * Add XLSX import spec for demo real estate spreadsheets * Fix fieldname * Improve map pin * RealEstate demo: Set lat, long, price fields to be numeric * Clean up Flickr demo * Update geomap widget to refresh properly * Add Leaflet MasterCluster plugin * Setup the marker cluster plugin * Rearrange real estate demo * Reduce default cluster radius * Beginnings of real estate demo * Fix interpretation of HTTP status codes * Real estate demo: Make columns hideable * Real estate demo: sortability * Real estate demo: search and limit * Fix typo * Fix lat long transposition * Fix startup ordering * Add geolookup operator * Real Estate Demo: Add support for computed columns * Real estate demo: Increase result limit * Remove demo data * Track map pan and zoom state in a state tiddler * WIP * Use geojson extension for geojson file * Use geojson extensions for another geojson file * Split demo from the geospatial plugin into its own edition * Add build targets required by ./bin/site-build.sh... ... when building the geospatial edition as the main edition, making it easier to find on Vercel * CI Fixes * Fix default tab * Rearranging geospatial plugin vs. edition * More refactoring between demo and plugin * Start of plugin docs * Display GeoJSON properties on click * Fix layer lookup demo * Restore XLSX Utils plugin and dependencies * Cleanup docs * Remove 5.2.8 release note * Remove 5.2.8 release note * Docs update * Fix minor refreshing bug for geomap widget * Docs updates * Add jsonset operator * Add geonearestpoint operator * jsonset: support for other data types and documentation * Add logo * Add link to preview build * jsonset: add support for assigning JSON strings * Fix nonstandard initialisation code for fill/parameter/slot widgets * Introduce testcase widget so that we can reuse testcases as documentation examples There's still a bit to do: adding tabs to the source panel of the testcase display, and tweaking the CSS. * Update logo * Testcasewidget: Add tabs for switching between source tiddlers * Testcase appearance tweaks * Switch to fluid-fixed layout * Docs for the testcase-transclude and testcase-view widgets * Split docs into separate tabs * Extend testcase-view to be able to view other fields * Extend default testcase template to show all fields of payload tiddlers * Add some geomap examples * Fix testcase rounded corners * Add a geomap layer demo * Add favicon * Switch from building the geospatial plugin as the main build back to tw5.com To make it easier to get to the documentation for the new features * Remove obsolete comment * Remove geospatial plugin from tw5.com build * Fix build link * Add note about core enhancements included in this branch * Refactor data widget implementation To avoid code duplication * Integrate test cases with the docs * Remove erroneously pasted docs material * Remove erroneously copied olc-encode tests within old-decode test case * Refactor compound tiddler handling into data widget And add some tests for the data widget * Default test case template tweaks * Move Flickr macros into geospatial plugin from the demo edition * FlickrDemo: Simplify UI * FlickrMacros: Use a template to define photo tiddler fields * Remove geospatial plugin from prerelease default tiddlers * Extend Flickr helpers to support photoTiddlerTemplate parameter * Update modification times of doc tiddlers So that they are at the top of the recent tab * Update 5.3.0 release note * Remove custom CI step for this branch * Restore standard sitetitle * Flickr macro docs * Rename $:/tags/GeoLayer to $:/tags/GeoFeature And make sure that it works with all GeoJSON features, not just polygons * More test data (from leaflet.js) * Captions should be transcluded, not viewed raw * Make HTTP handler use wiki of widget that sent the message * Switch testcase widget to use an intrinsic template Makes things much simpler * Complete Flickr demos * Extend geonearestpoint operator to work with feature collections * Extend realestate demo to show data on nearest volcano * Flickr macros: fix pagination after first page Make sure that the widget we create to run the actions also has access to the event handlers attached to the rootwidget. * Real estate demo: Fix nearest volcano * Testcase docs update * Testcase template: put title at the top and remove header row * Docs correction * New geonearestpoint test case * Make test cases editable * Test case default template: Always put "Output" tab first * Initial Commit * HttpClient object shouldn't need to know about events * Add support for cancelling HTTP requests * Make the number of outstanding HTTP requests available in a state tiddler * Add a network activity button Click it to cancel outstanding requests * WIP * Fix typo Thanks @btheado Co-authored-by: btheado <brian.theado@gmail.com> * Data widget: parse carriage returns in compound tiddlers * Fix crash when cancelling more than one HTTP request Thanks @saqimtiaz * Further fixes to cancelling outstanding HTTP requests * Don't have data widget rendering its own JSON Making the data widget render its raw JSON (introduced in 683ec3300490714da21ef0a1e1e50d348473d868) was a bad idea as it messes up the innerwiki use of the data widget. Instead we use the testcase widget with a special template to render the raw JSON of the payload of a testcase, thus giving us a way to test the data widget * Fix missed docs update * Introduce geolayer widget for specifying layers for geomap * Fix breaking tests * Remove docs references to obsolete widgets * Tests for geounion, geointersect and geodifference * Support for multiple base layers * Make the layers control visible which allows the base layer to be chosen, and individual overlay layers to be hidden * Add tiddlers tagged $:/tags/GeoBaseLayer to define some useful map base layers * Add geobaselayer widget to define base layers * Add a satellite base layer and another terrain base layer * Add a note where to get more base layers * Docs update * Geomap widget: fix default base layer rendering * Add startPosition and layersPanel attributes to geomap widget * Update geolayer widget docs with missing attributes * Add interactive demos for geounion, geodifference, geointersection * Open geofeature and geomarker maps on the bounds of their content * Move settings from demo into plugin Because now the Flickr macros are part of the plugin * Icon for geospatial plugin * Fix missing body * Flickr Demo typo * Docs update * Add support for draggable markers * Removed accidentally committed file * Remove unwanted log * Add support for tm-request-geolocation message * Fix typo * Fix bug when fitting to non-extistent bounds * Update main wiki greeting * Use "Flickr helpers" instead of "Flickr macros" * File renames for 05d32716037dd14b8a3741b28a82235defea4701 * Fix testcase widget example Thanks @btheado * Fix testcase widget refreshing * Fix failing tests from 03b6413c7a519429ea75353faf32c0a0baf2b88e * Docs: Clarify that template must be in the payload * Testcase widget: Exclude tab state tiddlers See https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/7406#discussion_r1327971965 Thanks @btheado * Remove obsolete setquerystring operator Instead we have the query- parameters to the http request message * Remove obsolete change to --setfield command * Fix tiddler name typo * Initial Commit * Add note to preview build * Fix whitespace and indenting Thanks @pmario * Fix crash with unset $tiddler attribute on <$data> widget Thanks @CodaCodr * Remove Stamen baselayers They have stopped making them available for free - see https://maps.stamen.com/stadia-partnership/ * Disable test that won't run in browser CI * Disable broken tests * Update olc-encode.tid (#7885) Correct spelling * Don't duplicate "description" field in test cases * Use different background colours for nested testcase widgets * Extend the testcase widget to run tests * Add testcases to control panel * Add a view template body template to render testcase tiddlers * Test edition should display testcases * Whitespace fixes * Make testcase tiddler tempalte link to itself * Styling tweaks * Docs improvements * Styling tweaks * Run the new tw5.com testcases in the test edition * Update data widget to display its content in JSON * Add testcase convenience procedure * Clearer testcases for data widget, and docs tweaks * Don't expect our intentionally failing test to pass * Extend testcase default template so that the display format can be chosen It is selected by setting the variable "displayFormat" * DataWidget docs typo * Mark Geospatial plugin as experimental * Update to Leaflet v1.9.4 * Remove unneeded template Left over from when the testcase widget was first implemented * Don't hide the volcanoes of the world data set * Update Flickr demo docs * Fix subtle typo that was preventing popups from working correctly * Go back to hiding the volcanoes of the world by default Too much data for a small device now that the markers are displayed correctly * Clarify docs for tm-request-location * Update modified testcase from master * Prepare for merging --------- Co-authored-by: btheado <brian.theado@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Drevarr <drevarr@gmail.com>
2024-05-31 13:31:30 +01:00
{"version":3,"file":"leaflet.markercluster-src.js","sources":["../src/MarkerClusterGroup.js","../src/MarkerCluster.js","../src/MarkerOpacity.js","../src/DistanceGrid.js","../src/MarkerCluster.QuickHull.js","../src/MarkerCluster.Spiderfier.js","../src/MarkerClusterGroup.Refresh.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*\n * L.MarkerClusterGroup extends L.FeatureGroup by clustering the markers contained within\n */\n\nexport var MarkerClusterGroup = L.MarkerClusterGroup = L.FeatureGroup.extend({\n\n\toptions: {\n\t\tmaxClusterRadius: 80, //A cluster will cover at most this many pixels from its center\n\t\ticonCreateFunction: null,\n\t\tclusterPane: L.Marker.prototype.options.pane,\n\n\t\tspiderfyOnEveryZoom: false,\n\t\tspiderfyOnMaxZoom: true,\n\t\tshowCoverageOnHover: true,\n\t\tzoomToBoundsOnClick: true,\n\t\tsingleMarkerMode: false,\n\n\t\tdisableClusteringAtZoom: null,\n\n\t\t// Setting this to false prevents the removal of any clusters outside of the viewpoint, which\n\t\t// is the default behaviour for performance reasons.\n\t\tremoveOutsideVisibleBounds: true,\n\n\t\t// Set to false to disable all animations (zoom and spiderfy).\n\t\t// If false, option animateAddingMarkers below has no effect.\n\t\t// If L.DomUtil.TRANSITION is falsy, this option has no effect.\n\t\tanimate: true,\n\n\t\t//Whether to animate adding markers after adding the MarkerClusterGroup to the map\n\t\t// If you are adding individual markers set to true, if adding bulk markers leave false for massive performance gains.\n\t\tanimateAddingMarkers: false,\n\n\t\t// Make it possible to provide custom function to calculate spiderfy shape positions\n\t\tspiderfyShapePositions: null,\n\n\t\t//Increase to increase the distance away that spiderfied markers appear from the center\n\t\tspiderfyDistanceMultiplier: 1,\n\n\t\t// Make it possible to specify a polyline options on a spider leg\n\t\tspiderLegPolylineOptions: { weight: 1.5, color: '#222', opacity: 0.5 },\n\n\t\t// When bulk adding layers, adds markers in chunks. Means addLayers may not add all the layers in the call, others will be loaded during setTimeouts\n\t\tchunkedLoading: false,\n\t\tchunkInterval: 200, // process markers for a maximum of ~ n milliseconds (then trigger the chunkProgress callback)\n\t\tchunkDelay: 50, // at the end of each interval, give n milliseconds back to system/browser\n\t\tchunkProgress: null, // progress callback: function(processed, total, elapsed) (e.g. for a progress indicator)\n\n\t\t//Options to pass to the L.Polygon constructor\n\t\tpolygonOptions: {}\n\t},\n\n\tinitialize: function (options) {\n\t\tL.Util.setOptions(this, options);\n\t\tif (!this.options.iconCreateFunction) {\n\t\t\tthis.options.iconCreateFunction = this._defaultIconCreateFunction;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis._featureGroup = L.featureGroup();\n\t\tthis._featureGroup.addEventParent(this);\n\n\t\tthis._nonPointGroup = L.featureGroup();\n\t\tthis._nonPointGroup.addEventParent(this);\n\n\t\tthis._inZoomAnimation = 0;\n\t\tthis._needsClustering = [];\n\t\tthis._needsRemoving = []; //Markers removed while we aren't on the map need to be kept track of\n\t\t//The bounds of the currently shown area (from _getExpandedVisibleBounds) Updated on zoom/move\n\t\tthis._currentShownBounds = null;\n\n\t\tthis._queue = [];\n\n\t\tthis._childMarkerEventHandlers = {\n\t\t\t'dragstart': this._childMarkerDragStart,\n\t\t\t'move': this._childMarkerMoved,\n\t\t\t'dragend': this._childMarkerDragEnd,\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Hook the appropriate animation methods.\n\t\tvar animate = L.DomUtil.TRANSITION && this.options.animate;\n\t\tL.extend(this, animate ? this._withAnimation : this._noAnimation);\n\t\t// Remember which MarkerCluster class to instantiate (animated or not).\n\t\tthis._markerCluster = animate ? L.MarkerCluster : L.MarkerClusterNonAnimated;\n\t},\n\n\taddLayer: function (layer) {\n\n\t\tif (layer instanceof L.LayerGroup) {\n\t\t\treturn this.addLayers([layer]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t//Don't cluster non point data\n\t\tif (!layer.getLatLng) {\n\t\t\tthis._nonPointGroup.addLayer(layer);\n\t\t\tthis.fire('layeradd', { layer: layer });\n\t\t\tre