mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2025-03-12 06:28:10 +00:00

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CodeMirror 5.36.0 modularized (#3184) * v5.35.1 * codemirror 5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * v5.35.1 * adding search&replace and autocomplete * update version number * add jump-to-line.js required for search&replace * adding show-hint.js required by autocomplete * adding basic autocomplete for any word * adding autocomplete css * adding new files to tiddlywiki.files * forgot adding search.js * minify 'em all * Delete vim.js * Delete sublime.js * Delete emacs.js * Delete anyword-hint.js * Delete show-hint.css * Delete show-hint.js * Update config.tid * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update config.tid * Update config.tid * Update config.tid * Delete dialog.js * Delete dialog.css * Delete jump-to-line.js * Delete search.js * Delete searchcursor.js * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update tiddlywiki.files * Update tiddlywiki.files * add search-and-replace cm-addon as plugin * add autocomplete cm-addon as plugin * add fullscreen-editing cm-addon as plugin * add keymaps as plugins + cleanup * add highlighting modes as plugins * small update on usage.tid * moved multiplex.js to htmlembedded mode - the only one using it * config/CodeMirror update * how to disable line numbers * how to change CM theme * add closebrackets and closetags addons * packaging a base-addon * move meta.js from codemirror to base addon * inputStyle: textarea -> prevents contenteditable on mobile browsers, keeps focus when clicking toolbar buttons, prevents import on paste * default config no line numbers * temporary add panel plugin for demo * put base-plugin back to codemirror editor * searchcursor to searchnreplace plugin * bad copypasta mistake * another typo * stripped down meta.js + moved matchbrackets to closebrackets plugin * remove panel * change module-type to codemirro and make init "require" dynamic. * make config handling dynamic with sensible defaults * make cm settings translateable * delete multids. they will be replaced * add auto-config tiddlers * dynamically create config structure for CM * fix filename * change typo * kitchensink config, plus change plugin description for better sorting. * add matchBrackets config tiddler * RIP codeblock * removed install instructions from readme - codemirror usage tiddler still todo * control panel settings for cm base * add setting for auto-close tags * adding fontfamily settings and theme settings * change tags for settings from $:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings to $:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings/CodeMirror * more usage info * more usage info * update to v5.36.0 * ugly hack enables highlighting and tag-closing for vnd.tiddlywiki and x-tiddlywiki * disable auto-indent for vnd.tiddlywiki & x-tiddlywiki and add some hidden settings * remove engine.js hack * meta.js -> tw-meta.js * codemirror settings tab * rename tiddler to tw-meta.js * make editor font monospace or sans-serif - dropdown select * make editor font monospace or sans-serif - dropdown select * now using correct tiddler for editor font setting * better usage doc * make markdown-mode require tw-meta * add more themes info * add active-line highlighting option * mini usage change * add integer type to engine.js config-getter * blink rate config type string * correct engine.js * license for base-plugin, usage link in settings tab * codemirrordemo hellothere update * codemirrordemo hellothere update * Update license.tid * codemirror demo sidebarlayout, license * license headers to addon files * license formatting & forgot what year we have * license formatting & forgot what year we have & codemirror demo sitetitle sitesubtitle * more informations 'try-this-style' for codemirrordemo hellothere * codemirror demo sitetitle & cm fontfamily * hellothere * font-family setting must be editor-font-family, not code-font-family * add basic keyboard shortcuts table * shortcuts change to not interfere with toolbar shortcuts - needs testing - vim and emacs todo * formatting * controlpanel change keymap - default keymap is default * ctrl-T becomes Alt-T in default keymap * adjustments for codemirror demo * demo: hellothere - hint for sidebar keymap cheatsheet * toolbar focus fix + remove console log * engine.js cleanup * formatting * reverting focus fix * indenting engine.js * hoping that indenting gets better
2018-04-06 18:34:50 +02:00
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE
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