--[[ Node.lua by Ale32bit https://github.com/Ale32bit-CC/Node.lua MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Ale32bit Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- DOCUMENTATION -- To start: local node = require("node") Functions: node.on( event, callback ): Event name (string), Callback (function) Returns table with listener details and thread node.removeListener( listener ): Listener (table) Returns boolean if success node.setInterval( callback, interval, [...] ): Callback (function), Interval in seconds (number), ...Arguments for callback (anything) Returns table with interval details and thread node.clearInterval( interval ): Interval (table) Returns boolean if success node.setTimeout( callback, timeout, [...] ): Callback (function), Timeout in seconds (number), ...Arguments for callback (anything) Returns table with timeout details and thread node.clearTimeout( timeout ): Timeout (table) Returns boolean if success node.spawn( function ): Function to execute in the coroutine manager (function) Returns table containing details and methods node.promise( executor, [options] ): Executor (function), Options (table): options.errorOnUncaught (boolean) use error() or just printError in case of uncaught reject Returns table, 3 functions: bind(cb) on fulfill, catch(cb) on reject and finally(cb) after these functions. They all want callback functions. node.init(): Start the event loop engine !! REQUIRED TO RUN !! node.isRunning(): Check if event loop engine is running Returns boolean ]]-- -- Variables -- local isRunning = false local threads = {} -- Store all threads here -- Utils -- local function assertType(v, exp, n, level) n = n or 1 level = level or 3 if type(v) ~= exp then error("bad argument #"..n.." (expected "..exp..", got "..type(v)..")", level) end end -- Thread functions -- local function killThread(pid) -- Kill a thread assertType(pid, "number", 1, 2) if threads[pid] then threads[pid].tokill = true return true end return false end local function spawnThread(f) -- Spawn new thread assertType(f, "function", 1, 2) local pid = #threads + 1 local thread = { tokill = false, thread = coroutine.create(f), filter = nil, pid = pid, } thread = setmetatable(thread, { __index = { kill = function(self) killThread(self.pid) end, status = function(self) return coroutine.status(self.thread) end, }, __tostring = function(self) return "Thread "..self.pid..": "..self:status() end, }) threads[pid] = thread return thread, pid end -- Node functions -- -- Event Listener local function on(event, callback) assertType(event, "string", 1) assertType(callback, "function", 2) -- Create listener local listener = {} listener.event = event listener.callback = callback listener.run = true listener.stopped = false listener.thread = spawnThread(function() while listener.run do local ev = {os.pullEvent(listener.event)} spawnThread(function() listener.callback(unpack(ev, 2)) end) end end) return listener end -- Remove event listener local function removeListener(listener) assert(listener, "table") if not listener.thread then error("bad argument #1 (expected Event Listener)", 2) end if listener.stopped then return false end listener.run = false listener.stopped = true killThread(listener.thread.pid) return true end -- Create new interval local function setInterval(callback, s, ...) assertType(callback, "function", 1) s = s or 0 assertType(s, "number", 2) local interval = {} interval.interval = s interval.callback = callback interval.args = {...} interval.run = true interval.stopped = false interval.thread = spawnThread(function() while interval.run do local timer = os.startTimer( interval.interval ) repeat local _, t = os.pullEvent("timer") until t == timer spawnThread(function() interval.callback(unpack(interval.args)) end) end end) return interval end -- Clear interval local function clearInterval(interval) assert(interval, "table") if not interval.thread then error("bad argument #1 (expected Interval)", 2) end if interval.stopped then return false end interval.run = false interval.stopped = true killThread(interval.thread.pid) return true end -- Create new timeout local function setTimeout(callback, s, ...) assertType(callback, "function", 1) s = s or 0 assertType(s, "number", 2) local timeout = {} timeout.timeout = s timeout.callback = callback timeout.args = {...} timeout.stopped = false timeout.thread = spawnThread(function() local timer = os.startTimer( timeout.timeout ) repeat local _, t = os.pullEvent("timer") until t == timer timeout.callback(unpack(timeout.args)) end) return timeout end -- Clear timeout local function clearTimeout(timeout) assert(timeout, "table") if not timeout.thread then error("bad argument #1 (expected Timeout)", 2) end if timeout.stopped then return false end timeout.stopped = true killThread(timeout.thread.pid) return true end -- New promise local function promise(executor, options) assertType(executor, "function", 1) options = options or {} options.errorOnUncaught = options.errorOnUncaught or false assertType(options, "table", 2) local promise = {} promise.options = options promise.status = "pending" promise.value = nil promise.bind = function( callback ) assertType(callback, "function") promise.__bind = callback end promise.catch = function( callback ) assertType(callback, "function") promise.__catch = callback end promise.finally = function( callback ) assertType(callback, "function") promise.__finally = callback end promise.__resolve = function( value ) promise.status = "resolved" promise.value = value killThread(promise.thread.pid) if promise.__bind then spawnThread(function() promise.__bind(value) end) end if promise.__finally then spawnThread(promise.__finally) end return value end promise.__reject = function( reason ) promise.status = "rejected" promise.value = reason killThread(promise.thread.pid) if promise.__catch then spawnThread(function() promise.__catch(reason) end) else if promise.options.errorOnUncaught then error("Uncaught (in promise) "..tostring(reason), 3) else printError("Uncaught (in promise) "..tostring(reason)) end end if promise.__finally then spawnThread(promise.__finally) end return reason end promise.thread = spawnThread(function() executor(promise.__resolve, promise.__reject) end) return promise end -- Start the event loop engine local function init() assert(not isRunning, "Event loop engine already running") isRunning = true os.queueEvent("node_init") while (function() -- Execute loop if threads count is higher than 0 local count = 0 for k,v in pairs(threads) do count = count+1 end return count > 0 end)() do local event = {coroutine.yield()} for pid, thread in pairs(threads) do if thread.tokill then threads[pid] = nil -- Remove thread if killed (and don't resume it) else if thread.filter == nil or thread.filter == event[1] or event[1] == "terminate" then -- filter events local ok, par = coroutine.resume( thread.thread, unpack(event)) if ok then -- If ok par should be the event os.pullEvent expects threads[pid].filter = par else -- else the thread crashed isRunning = false error(par, 0) -- terminate event loop engine because of error break -- just in case end end if coroutine.status(thread.thread) == "dead" then -- If thread died (ended with no errors) remove it from the threads table threads[pid] = nil end end end end isRunning = false end -- Returns status local function status() return isRunning end -- Export and set in _ENV -- local node = { on = on, removeListener = removeListener, setInterval = setInterval, clearInterval = clearInterval, setTimeout = setTimeout, clearTimeout = clearTimeout, spawn = spawnThread, promise = promise, init = init, status = status, } if _ENV then _ENV.node = node end return node