mirror of https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe synced 2025-03-23 11:57:01 +00:00
litetex 8ada566bf1
Replaced `Icepick with Bridge and Android-State`
* IcePick fails on Java 21 (default in Android Studio 2024.2)
* Bridge is the most modern alternative that is currently available. It is backed by ``Android-State`` and can be configured with various frameworks
* In the long term this should be replaced with something better
2024-11-10 16:42:42 +01:00

30 lines
1.0 KiB

# https://developer.android.com/build/shrink-code
## Helps debug release versions
## Rules for NewPipeExtractor
-keep class org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.timeago.patterns.** { *; }
-keep class org.mozilla.javascript.** { *; }
-keep class org.mozilla.classfile.ClassFileWriter
-dontwarn org.mozilla.javascript.JavaToJSONConverters
-dontwarn org.mozilla.javascript.tools.**
## Rules for ExoPlayer
-keep class com.google.android.exoplayer2.** { *; }
## Rules for OkHttp. Copy pasted from https://github.com/square/okhttp
-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-dontwarn okio.**
## See https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/pull/1441
-keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {
static final long serialVersionUID;
!static !transient <fields>;
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream);
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream);
## For some reason NotificationModeConfigFragment wasn't kept (only referenced in a preference xml)
-keep class org.schabi.newpipe.settings.notifications.** { *; }