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synced 2025-03-12 14:38:15 +00:00

Currently translated at 9.8% (8 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 57.9% (429 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 96.2% (78 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 64.1% (52 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 50.6% (41 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Icelandic) Currently translated at 99.4% (736 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic (Libya)) Currently translated at 4.9% (4 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (81 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 32.0% (26 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (81 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 46.9% (38 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Estonian) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Azerbaijani) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 12.3% (10 of 81 strings) Translated using Weblate (Punjabi) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hindi) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional Han script)) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified Han script)) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (740 of 740 strings) Co-authored-by: Agnieszka C <aga_04@o2.pl> Co-authored-by: Aliberk Sandıkçı <git@aliberksandikci.com.tr> Co-authored-by: Dampuzakura <dampuzakura@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Eder Etxebarria Rojo <eder@betxepare.eus> Co-authored-by: Femini <nizamismidov4@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Fjuro <fjuro@alius.cz> Co-authored-by: Ghost of Sparta <makesocialfoss32@keemail.me> Co-authored-by: H Tamás <hovanszki@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Igor Rückert <igorruckert@yahoo.com.br> Co-authored-by: Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: LeoL <leonardo.lapa.04@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Linerly <linerly@proton.me> Co-authored-by: Milan <mobrcian@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: NEXI <nexiphotographer@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Priit Jõerüüt <hwlate@joeruut.com> Co-authored-by: Retrial <giwrgosmant@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Shafiq Jamzuri <shafiq.joe@yandex.com> Co-authored-by: ShareASmile <ShareASmile@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Sveinn í Felli <sv1@fellsnet.is> Co-authored-by: VfBFan <VfBFan@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: gallegonovato <fran-carro@hotmail.es> Co-authored-by: trunars <trunars@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Максим Горпиніч <mgorpinic2005@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: 大王叫我来巡山 <hamburger2048@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ar_LY/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/hu/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/id/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ja/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/ms/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/pt_PT/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/newpipe/metadata/tr/ Translation: NewPipe/Metadata
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< H4 > melhorias< / h4>
< ul>
< li>tornar os links nos comentários clicáveis, aumentar o tamanho do texto< / li>
< li>procurar ao clicar em links de carimbo de data/hora nos comentários< / li>
< li>mostrar a guia preferida com base no estado selecionado recentemente< / li>
< li>adicionar lista de reprodução à fila ao clicar longamente em & # 39;fundo& # 39; na janela da lista de reprodução< / li>
< li>procurar texto partilhado quando não é um URL< / li>
< li>adicionar o botão"Partilhar no momento atual & quot; ao leitor de vídeo principal< / li>
< li>adicionar botão fechar ao leitor principal quando terminar a fila de vídeo< / li>
< li>Adicionar & quot;Reproduzir diretamente em segundo plano & quot; ao menu longpress para itens da lista de vídeos< / li>
< li>melhorar as traduções em Inglês para comandos Play / Enqueue< / li>
< li>pequenas melhorias de desempenho< / li>
< li>remover ficheiros não utilizados < / li>
< li>Atualizar o ExoPlayer para 2.9.6< / li>
< li>adicionar suporte para links ofensivos< / li>
< / ul>
<h4>fixo < /h4>
< ul>
< li>rolagem fixa com comentários e fluxos relacionados desativados < / li>
< li>Corrigido CheckForNewAppVersionTask sendo executado quando deveria & # 39; t< / li>
< li>importação de assinatura fixa do youtube: ignore aqueles com url inválido e mantenha aqueles com título vazio< / li>
< li>corrigir URL inválido do YouTube: o nome da marca de assinatura nem sempre é "Assinatura", impedindo o carregamento de fluxos< / li>
< / ul>