package org.schabi.newpipe.settings.export import /** * Locates specific files of NewPipe based on the home directory of the app. */ class BackupFileLocator(private val homeDir: File) { companion object { const val FILE_NAME_DB = "newpipe.db" @Deprecated( "Serializing preferences with Java's ObjectOutputStream is vulnerable to injections", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("FILE_NAME_JSON_PREFS") ) const val FILE_NAME_SERIALIZED_PREFS = "newpipe.settings" const val FILE_NAME_JSON_PREFS = "preferences.json" } val dbDir by lazy { File(homeDir, "/databases") } val db by lazy { File(dbDir, FILE_NAME_DB) } val dbJournal by lazy { File(dbDir, "$FILE_NAME_DB-journal") } val dbShm by lazy { File(dbDir, "$FILE_NAME_DB-shm") } val dbWal by lazy { File(dbDir, "$FILE_NAME_DB-wal") } }