package org.schabi.newpipe.settings import android.content.SharedPreferences import android.util.Log import org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity.DEBUG import import import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ZipHelper import import import import class ContentSettingsManager(private val fileLocator: NewPipeFileLocator) { companion object { const val TAG = "ContentSetManager" } /** * Exports given [SharedPreferences] to the file in given outputPath. * It also creates the file. */ @Throws(Exception::class) fun exportDatabase(preferences: SharedPreferences, file: StoredFileHelper) { file.create() ZipOutputStream(SharpOutputStream( .use { outZip -> ZipHelper.addFileToZip(outZip, fileLocator.db.path, "newpipe.db") try { ObjectOutputStream(fileLocator.settings.outputStream()).use { output -> output.writeObject(preferences.all) output.flush() } } catch (e: IOException) { if (DEBUG) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to exportDatabase", e) } } ZipHelper.addFileToZip(outZip, fileLocator.settings.path, "newpipe.settings") } } fun deleteSettingsFile() { fileLocator.settings.delete() } /** * Tries to create database directory if it does not exist. * * @return Whether the directory exists afterwards. */ fun ensureDbDirectoryExists(): Boolean { return fileLocator.dbDir.exists() || fileLocator.dbDir.mkdir() } fun extractDb(file: StoredFileHelper): Boolean { val success = ZipHelper.extractFileFromZip(file, fileLocator.db.path, "newpipe.db") if (success) { fileLocator.dbJournal.delete() fileLocator.dbWal.delete() fileLocator.dbShm.delete() } return success } fun extractSettings(file: StoredFileHelper): Boolean { return ZipHelper.extractFileFromZip(file, fileLocator.settings.path, "newpipe.settings") } /** * Remove all shared preferences from the app and load the preferences supplied to the manager. */ fun loadSharedPreferences(preferences: SharedPreferences) { try { val preferenceEditor = preferences.edit() ObjectInputStream(fileLocator.settings.inputStream()).use { input -> preferenceEditor.clear() @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val entries = input.readObject() as Map for ((key, value) in entries) { when (value) { is Boolean -> { preferenceEditor.putBoolean(key, value) } is Float -> { preferenceEditor.putFloat(key, value) } is Int -> { preferenceEditor.putInt(key, value) } is Long -> { preferenceEditor.putLong(key, value) } is String -> { preferenceEditor.putString(key, value) } is Set<*> -> { // There are currently only Sets with type String possible @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") preferenceEditor.putStringSet(key, value as Set?) } } } preferenceEditor.commit() } } catch (e: IOException) { if (DEBUG) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to loadSharedPreferences", e) } } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) { if (DEBUG) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to loadSharedPreferences", e) } } } }