package org.schabi.newpipe.player.gesture import android.util.Log import android.view.MotionEvent import android.view.View import android.view.View.OnTouchListener import android.widget.ProgressBar import import androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources import androidx.core.view.isVisible import org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity import org.schabi.newpipe.R import org.schabi.newpipe.ktx.AnimationType import org.schabi.newpipe.ktx.animate import org.schabi.newpipe.player.Player import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor import org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.PlayerHelper import org.schabi.newpipe.player.ui.MainPlayerUi import org.schabi.newpipe.util.ThemeHelper.getAndroidDimenPx import kotlin.math.abs /** * GestureListener for the player * * While [BasePlayerGestureListener] contains the logic behind the single gestures * this class focuses on the visual aspect like hiding and showing the controls or changing * volume/brightness during scrolling for specific events. */ class MainPlayerGestureListener( private val playerUi: MainPlayerUi ) : BasePlayerGestureListener(playerUi), OnTouchListener { private var isMoving = false override fun onTouch(v: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean { super.onTouch(v, event) if (event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP && isMoving) { isMoving = false onScrollEnd(event) } return when (event.action) { MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> { v.parent?.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(playerUi.isFullscreen) true } MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> { v.parent?.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false) false } else -> true } } override fun onSingleTapConfirmed(e: MotionEvent): Boolean { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [$e]") if (isDoubleTapping) return true super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e) if (player.currentState != Player.STATE_BLOCKED) onSingleTap() return true } private fun onScrollVolume(distanceY: Float) { val bar: ProgressBar = binding.volumeProgressBar val audioReactor: AudioReactor = player.audioReactor // If we just started sliding, change the progress bar to match the system volume if (!binding.volumeRelativeLayout.isVisible) { val volumePercent: Float = audioReactor.volume / audioReactor.maxVolume.toFloat() bar.progress = (volumePercent * bar.max).toInt() } // Update progress bar binding.volumeProgressBar.incrementProgressBy(distanceY.toInt()) // Update volume val currentProgressPercent: Float = bar.progress / bar.max.toFloat() val currentVolume = (audioReactor.maxVolume * currentProgressPercent).toInt() audioReactor.volume = currentVolume if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onScroll().volumeControl, currentVolume = $currentVolume") } // Update player center image binding.volumeImageView.setImageDrawable( AppCompatResources.getDrawable( player.context, when { currentProgressPercent <= 0 -> R.drawable.ic_volume_off currentProgressPercent < 0.25 -> R.drawable.ic_volume_mute currentProgressPercent < 0.75 -> R.drawable.ic_volume_down else -> R.drawable.ic_volume_up } ) ) // Make sure the correct layout is visible if (!binding.volumeRelativeLayout.isVisible) { binding.volumeRelativeLayout.animate(true, 200, AnimationType.SCALE_AND_ALPHA) } binding.brightnessRelativeLayout.isVisible = false } private fun onScrollBrightness(distanceY: Float) { val parent: AppCompatActivity = playerUi.parentActivity.orElse(null) ?: return val window = parent.window val layoutParams = window.attributes val bar: ProgressBar = binding.brightnessProgressBar // Update progress bar val oldBrightness = layoutParams.screenBrightness bar.progress = (bar.max * oldBrightness.coerceIn(0f, 1f)).toInt() bar.incrementProgressBy(distanceY.toInt()) // Update brightness val currentProgressPercent = bar.progress.toFloat() / bar.max layoutParams.screenBrightness = currentProgressPercent window.attributes = layoutParams // Save current brightness level PlayerHelper.setScreenBrightness(parent, currentProgressPercent) if (DEBUG) { Log.d( TAG, "onScroll().brightnessControl, " + "currentBrightness = " + currentProgressPercent ) } // Update player center image binding.brightnessImageView.setImageDrawable( AppCompatResources.getDrawable( player.context, when { currentProgressPercent < 0.25 -> R.drawable.ic_brightness_low currentProgressPercent < 0.75 -> R.drawable.ic_brightness_medium else -> R.drawable.ic_brightness_high } ) ) // Make sure the correct layout is visible if (!binding.brightnessRelativeLayout.isVisible) { binding.brightnessRelativeLayout.animate(true, 200, AnimationType.SCALE_AND_ALPHA) } binding.volumeRelativeLayout.isVisible = false } override fun onScrollEnd(event: MotionEvent) { super.onScrollEnd(event) if (binding.volumeRelativeLayout.isVisible) { binding.volumeRelativeLayout.animate(false, 200, AnimationType.SCALE_AND_ALPHA, 200) } if (binding.brightnessRelativeLayout.isVisible) { binding.brightnessRelativeLayout.animate(false, 200, AnimationType.SCALE_AND_ALPHA, 200) } } override fun onScroll( initialEvent: MotionEvent?, movingEvent: MotionEvent, distanceX: Float, distanceY: Float ): Boolean { if (initialEvent == null || !playerUi.isFullscreen) { return false } // Calculate heights of status and navigation bars val statusBarHeight = getAndroidDimenPx(player.context, "status_bar_height") val navigationBarHeight = getAndroidDimenPx(player.context, "navigation_bar_height") // Do not handle this event if initially it started from status or navigation bars val isTouchingStatusBar = initialEvent.y < statusBarHeight val isTouchingNavigationBar = initialEvent.y > (binding.root.height - navigationBarHeight) if (isTouchingStatusBar || isTouchingNavigationBar) { return false } val insideThreshold = abs(movingEvent.y - initialEvent.y) <= MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD if ( !isMoving && (insideThreshold || abs(distanceX) > abs(distanceY)) || player.currentState == Player.STATE_COMPLETED ) { return false } isMoving = true // -- Brightness and Volume control -- if (getDisplayHalfPortion(initialEvent) == DisplayPortion.RIGHT_HALF) { when (PlayerHelper.getActionForRightGestureSide(player.context)) { player.context.getString(R.string.volume_control_key) -> onScrollVolume(distanceY) player.context.getString(R.string.brightness_control_key) -> onScrollBrightness(distanceY) } } else { when (PlayerHelper.getActionForLeftGestureSide(player.context)) { player.context.getString(R.string.volume_control_key) -> onScrollVolume(distanceY) player.context.getString(R.string.brightness_control_key) -> onScrollBrightness(distanceY) } } return true } override fun getDisplayPortion(e: MotionEvent): DisplayPortion { return when { e.x < binding.root.width / 3.0 -> DisplayPortion.LEFT e.x > binding.root.width * 2.0 / 3.0 -> DisplayPortion.RIGHT else -> DisplayPortion.MIDDLE } } override fun getDisplayHalfPortion(e: MotionEvent): DisplayPortion { return when { e.x < binding.root.width / 2.0 -> DisplayPortion.LEFT_HALF else -> DisplayPortion.RIGHT_HALF } } companion object { private val TAG = private val DEBUG = MainActivity.DEBUG private const val MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD = 40 } }