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* Copyright 2017 Mauricio Colli <mauriciocolli@outlook.com>
* Extractors.java is part of NewPipe
* License: GPL-3.0+
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.schabi.newpipe.util;
import android.util.Log;
import org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Info;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.ListExtractor.NextItemsResult;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.NewPipe;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.channel.ChannelInfo;
2017-09-23 15:39:04 +00:00
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.kiosk.KioskInfo;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.playlist.PlaylistInfo;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.search.SearchEngine;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.search.SearchResult;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.stream.StreamInfo;
import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import io.reactivex.Maybe;
import io.reactivex.MaybeSource;
import io.reactivex.Single;
import io.reactivex.annotations.NonNull;
import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer;
import io.reactivex.functions.Function;
public final class ExtractorHelper {
private static final String TAG = ExtractorHelper.class.getSimpleName();
private static final InfoCache cache = InfoCache.getInstance();
private ExtractorHelper() {
//no instance
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
private static void checkServiceId(int serviceId) {
if(serviceId == Constants.NO_SERVICE_ID) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("serviceId is NO_SERVICE_ID");
2018-01-09 11:25:40 +00:00
public static Single<SearchResult> searchFor(final int serviceId, final String query, final int pageNumber, final String contentCountry, final SearchEngine.Filter filter) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return Single.fromCallable(new Callable<SearchResult>() {
public SearchResult call() throws Exception {
return SearchResult.getSearchResult(NewPipe.getService(serviceId).getSearchEngine(),
2018-01-09 11:25:40 +00:00
query, pageNumber, contentCountry, filter);
public static Single<NextItemsResult> getMoreSearchItems(final int serviceId, final String query, final int nextPageNumber, final String searchLanguage, final SearchEngine.Filter filter) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return searchFor(serviceId, query, nextPageNumber, searchLanguage, filter)
.map(new Function<SearchResult, NextItemsResult>() {
public NextItemsResult apply(@NonNull SearchResult searchResult) throws Exception {
return new NextItemsResult(searchResult.resultList, nextPageNumber + "", searchResult.errors);
2018-01-09 11:25:40 +00:00
public static Single<List<String>> suggestionsFor(final int serviceId, final String query, final String contentCountry) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return Single.fromCallable(new Callable<List<String>>() {
public List<String> call() throws Exception {
2018-01-09 11:25:40 +00:00
return NewPipe.getService(serviceId).getSuggestionExtractor().suggestionList(query, contentCountry);
public static Single<StreamInfo> getStreamInfo(final int serviceId, final String url, boolean forceLoad) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return checkCache(forceLoad, serviceId, url, Single.fromCallable(new Callable<StreamInfo>() {
public StreamInfo call() throws Exception {
return StreamInfo.getInfo(NewPipe.getService(serviceId), url);
public static Single<ChannelInfo> getChannelInfo(final int serviceId, final String url, boolean forceLoad) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return checkCache(forceLoad, serviceId, url, Single.fromCallable(new Callable<ChannelInfo>() {
public ChannelInfo call() throws Exception {
return ChannelInfo.getInfo(NewPipe.getService(serviceId), url);
2017-09-11 14:21:01 +00:00
public static Single<NextItemsResult> getMoreChannelItems(final int serviceId, final String url, final String nextStreamsUrl) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return Single.fromCallable(new Callable<NextItemsResult>() {
public NextItemsResult call() throws Exception {
2017-09-11 14:21:01 +00:00
return ChannelInfo.getMoreItems(NewPipe.getService(serviceId), url, nextStreamsUrl);
public static Single<PlaylistInfo> getPlaylistInfo(final int serviceId, final String url, boolean forceLoad) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return checkCache(forceLoad, serviceId, url, Single.fromCallable(new Callable<PlaylistInfo>() {
public PlaylistInfo call() throws Exception {
return PlaylistInfo.getInfo(NewPipe.getService(serviceId), url);
2017-09-11 14:21:01 +00:00
public static Single<NextItemsResult> getMorePlaylistItems(final int serviceId, final String url, final String nextStreamsUrl) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return Single.fromCallable(new Callable<NextItemsResult>() {
public NextItemsResult call() throws Exception {
2017-09-11 14:21:01 +00:00
return PlaylistInfo.getMoreItems(NewPipe.getService(serviceId), url, nextStreamsUrl);
2017-09-23 15:39:04 +00:00
public static Single<KioskInfo> getKioskInfo(final int serviceId, final String url, final String contentCountry, boolean forceLoad) {
return checkCache(forceLoad, serviceId, url, Single.fromCallable(new Callable<KioskInfo>() {
public KioskInfo call() throws Exception {
2018-01-09 11:25:40 +00:00
Log.e("---------", contentCountry);
return KioskInfo.getInfo(NewPipe.getService(serviceId), url, contentCountry);
2017-09-23 15:39:04 +00:00
2017-12-29 14:02:23 +00:00
public static Single<NextItemsResult> getMoreKioskItems(final int serviceId, final String url, final String nextStreamsUrl, final String contentCountry) {
2017-09-23 15:39:04 +00:00
return Single.fromCallable(new Callable<NextItemsResult>() {
public NextItemsResult call() throws Exception {
2018-01-09 11:25:40 +00:00
return KioskInfo.getMoreItems(NewPipe.getService(serviceId), url, nextStreamsUrl, contentCountry);
// Utils
* Check if we can load it from the cache (forceLoad parameter), if we can't, load from the network (Single loadFromNetwork)
* and put the results in the cache.
private static <I extends Info> Single<I> checkCache(boolean forceLoad, int serviceId, String url, Single<I> loadFromNetwork) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
loadFromNetwork = loadFromNetwork.doOnSuccess(new Consumer<I>() {
public void accept(@NonNull I i) throws Exception {
Single<I> load;
if (forceLoad) {
cache.removeInfo(serviceId, url);
load = loadFromNetwork;
} else {
load = Maybe.concat(ExtractorHelper.<I>loadFromCache(serviceId, url), loadFromNetwork.toMaybe())
.firstElement() //Take the first valid
return load;
* Default implementation uses the {@link InfoCache} to get cached results
public static <I extends Info> Maybe<I> loadFromCache(final int serviceId, final String url) {
2017-10-08 19:04:37 +00:00
return Maybe.defer(new Callable<MaybeSource<? extends I>>() {
public MaybeSource<? extends I> call() throws Exception {
//noinspection unchecked
I info = (I) cache.getFromKey(serviceId, url);
if (MainActivity.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "loadFromCache() called, info > " + info);
// Only return info if it's not null (it is cached)
if (info != null) {
return Maybe.just(info);
return Maybe.empty();
* Check if throwable have the cause that can be assignable from the causes to check.
* @see Class#isAssignableFrom(Class)
public static boolean hasAssignableCauseThrowable(Throwable throwable, Class<?>... causesToCheck) {
// Check if getCause is not the same as cause (the getCause is already the root),
// as it will cause a infinite loop if it is
Throwable cause, getCause = throwable;
// Check if throwable is a subclass of any of the filtered classes
final Class throwableClass = throwable.getClass();
for (Class<?> causesEl : causesToCheck) {
if (causesEl.isAssignableFrom(throwableClass)) {
return true;
// Iteratively checks if the root cause of the throwable is a subclass of the filtered class
while ((cause = throwable.getCause()) != null && getCause != cause) {
getCause = cause;
final Class causeClass = cause.getClass();
for (Class<?> causesEl : causesToCheck) {
if (causesEl.isAssignableFrom(causeClass)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if throwable have the exact cause from one of the causes to check.
public static boolean hasExactCauseThrowable(Throwable throwable, Class<?>... causesToCheck) {
// Check if getCause is not the same as cause (the getCause is already the root),
// as it will cause a infinite loop if it is
Throwable cause, getCause = throwable;
for (Class<?> causesEl : causesToCheck) {
if (throwable.getClass().equals(causesEl)) {
return true;
while ((cause = throwable.getCause()) != null && getCause != cause) {
getCause = cause;
for (Class<?> causesEl : causesToCheck) {
if (cause.getClass().equals(causesEl)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if throwable have Interrupted* exception as one of its causes.
public static boolean isInterruptedCaused(Throwable throwable) {
return ExtractorHelper.hasExactCauseThrowable(throwable, InterruptedIOException.class, InterruptedException.class);
2017-12-29 14:02:23 +00:00
public static String toUpperCase(String value) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(value);
for (int index = 0; index < sb.length(); index++) {
char c = sb.charAt(index);
if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) {
sb.setCharAt(index, Character.toUpperCase(c));
} else {
sb.setCharAt(index, Character.toLowerCase(c));
return sb.toString();