Updated Incompatibilities between versions (markdown)

Jonathan Coates 2021-01-08 09:01:45 +00:00
parent ac4b7c26a1
commit dc6cbc719c
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ This page serves as documentation for breaking changes and "gotchas" one should
## Minecraft 1.12 to 1.13
- The "key code" for [`key`][key_event] and [`key_up`][key_up_event]s has changed, due to Minecraft updating to LWJGL 3. Make sure you're using the constants provided by the [`keys`][keys] API, rather than hard-coding numerical values.
Related to this change, the numpad enter key now has a different key code to the enter key. You may need to adjust your programs to handle both. (Note, the `keys.numpadEnter` constant was defined in pre-1.13 versions of CC, but the `keys.enter` constant was queued when the key was pressed)
- Minecraft 1.13 removed the concept of item damage and block metadata (see ["The Flattening"][flattening]). As a result `turtle.inspect` no longer provides block metadata, and `turtle.getItemDetail` no longer provides damage.
- Block states (`turtle.inspect().state`) should provide all the same information as block metadata, but in a much more understandable format.
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ This page serves as documentation for breaking changes and "gotchas" one should
## Minecraft 1.8 to 1.12
- Programs run via `shell.run` are now started in their own isolated environment. This means globals set by programs will not be accessible outside of this program.
- (CC: Tweaked 1.88.0+) Computers now _always_ keep their ID when broken, meaning that unlabelled computers/items do not stack.
[key_event]: https://wiki.computercraft.cc/Key_event
[key_up_event]: https://wiki.computercraft.cc/Key_up_event