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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The CC: Tweaked Developers
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package cc.tweaked.gradle
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.file.FileSystemOperations
import org.gradle.api.invocation.Gradle
import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
import org.gradle.api.services.BuildService
import org.gradle.api.services.BuildServiceParameters
import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.getByName
import org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LifecycleBasePlugin
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.function.Supplier
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlin.random.Random
* A [JavaExec] task for client-tests. This sets some common setup, and uses [MinecraftRunnerService] to ensure only one
* test runs at once.
abstract class ClientJavaExec : JavaExec() {
private val clientRunner: Provider<MinecraftRunnerService> = MinecraftRunnerService.get(project.gradle)
init {
group = LifecycleBasePlugin.VERIFICATION_GROUP
val renderdoc get() = project.hasProperty("renderdoc")
* When [false], tests will not be run automatically, allowing the user to debug rendering.
val clientDebug get() = renderdoc || project.hasProperty("clientDebug")
* When [false], tests will not run under a framebuffer.
val useFramebuffer get() = !clientDebug && !project.hasProperty("clientNoFramebuffer")
* The path test results are written to.
val testResults = project.layout.buildDirectory.file("test-results/$name.xml")
private fun setTestProperties() {
if (!clientDebug) systemProperty("cctest.client", "")
if (renderdoc) environment("LD_PRELOAD", "/usr/lib/librenderdoc.so")
systemProperty("cctest.gametest-report", testResults.get().asFile.absoluteFile)
init {
* Copy configuration from a task with the given name.
fun copyFrom(path: String) = copyFrom(project.tasks.getByName(path, JavaExec::class))
* Copy configuration from an existing [JavaExec] task.
fun copyFrom(task: JavaExec) {
for (dep in task.dependsOn) dependsOn(dep)
setTestProperties() // copyToFull may clobber some properties, ensure everything is set.
* Only run tests with the given tags.
fun tags(vararg tags: String) {
systemProperty("cctest.tags", tags.joinToString(","))
* Write a file with the given contents before starting Minecraft. This may be useful for writing config files.
fun withFileContents(path: Any, contents: Supplier<String>) {
val file = project.file(path).toPath()
doFirst {
Files.writeString(file, contents.get())
* Copy a file to the provided path before starting Minecraft. This copy only occurs if the file does not already
* exist.
fun withFileFrom(path: Any, source: Supplier<File>) {
val file = project.file(path).toPath()
doFirst {
if (!Files.exists(file)) Files.copy(source.get().toPath(), file)
override fun exec() {
fsOperations.delete { delete(workingDir.resolve("screenshots")) }
if (useFramebuffer) {
clientRunner.get().wrapClient(this) { super.exec() }
} else {
protected abstract val fsOperations: FileSystemOperations
* A service for [JavaExec] tasks which start Minecraft.
* Tasks may run `usesService(MinecraftRunnerService.get(gradle))` to ensure that only one Minecraft-related task runs
* at once.
abstract class MinecraftRunnerService : BuildService<BuildServiceParameters.None> {
private val hasXvfb = lazy {
System.getProperty("os.name", "").equals("linux", ignoreCase = true) && ProcessHelpers.onPath("xvfb-run")
internal fun wrapClient(exec: JavaExec, run: () -> Unit) = when {
hasXvfb.value -> runXvfb(exec, run)
else -> run()
* Run a program under Xvfb, preventing it spawning a window.
private fun runXvfb(exec: JavaExec, run: () -> Unit) {
fun ProcessBuilder.startVerbose(): Process {
exec.logger.info("Running ${this.command()}")
return start()
CloseScope().use { scope ->
val dir = Files.createTempDirectory("cctweaked").toAbsolutePath()
scope.add { fsOperations.delete { delete(dir) } }
val authFile = Files.createTempFile(dir, "Xauthority", "").toAbsolutePath()
val cookie = StringBuilder().also {
for (i in 0..31) it.append("0123456789abcdef"[Random.nextInt(16)])
val xvfb =
ProcessBuilder("Xvfb", "-displayfd", "1", "-screen", "0", "640x480x24", "-nolisten", "tcp").also {
it.environment()["XAUTHORITY"] = authFile.toString()
scope.add { xvfb.destroyForcibly().waitFor() }
val server = xvfb.inputReader().use { it.readLine().trim() }
exec.logger.info("Running at :$server (XAUTHORITY=$authFile.toA")
ProcessBuilder("xauth", "add", ":$server", ".", cookie).also {
it.environment()["XAUTHORITY"] = authFile.toString()
}.startVerbose().waitForOrThrow("Failed to setup XAuthority file")
scope.add {
ProcessBuilder("xauth", "remove", ":$server").also {
it.environment()["XAUTHORITY"] = authFile.toString()
// Wait a few seconds for Xvfb to start. Ugly, but identical to xvfb-run.
if (xvfb.waitFor(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
throw GradleException("Xvfb unexpectedly exited (with status code ${xvfb.exitValue()})")
exec.environment("XAUTHORITY", authFile.toString())
exec.environment("DISPLAY", ":$server")
protected abstract val fsOperations: FileSystemOperations
companion object {
fun get(gradle: Gradle): Provider<MinecraftRunnerService> =
gradle.sharedServices.registerIfAbsent("cc.tweaked.gradle.ClientJavaExec", MinecraftRunnerService::class.java) {