mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-06-25 22:53:22 +00:00
Jonathan Coates ef8da8054f
An initial stab at documentation generation (#360)
This adds documentation comments to many of CC's Lua APIs, and
a couple of the Java ones, through the use of stubs. We then
export these to HTML using illuaminate [1] and upload them to our
documentation site [2].

Uploads currently occur on pushes to master and any release/tag. The
site is entirely static - there is no way to switch between versions,
etc... but hopefully we can improve this in the future.

[1]: github.com/SquidDev/illuaminate/
[2]: https://tweaked.cc/
2020-04-10 10:27:53 +01:00

104 lines
3.0 KiB

--- Provides an API to read help files.
-- @module help
local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua").expect
local sPath = "/rom/help"
--- Returns a colon-separated list of directories where help files are searched
-- for. All directories are absolute.
-- @treturn string The current help search path, separated by colons.
-- @see help.setPath
function path()
return sPath
--- Sets the colon-seperated list of directories where help files are searched
-- for to `newPath`
-- @tparam string newPath The new path to use.
-- @usage help.setPath( "/disk/help/" )
-- @usage help.setPath( help.path() .. ":/myfolder/help/" )
-- @see help.path
function setPath( _sPath )
expect(1, _sPath, "string")
sPath = _sPath
--- Returns the location of the help file for the given topic.
-- @tparam string topic The topic to find
-- @treturn string|nil The path to the given topic's help file, or `nil` if it
-- cannot be found.
-- @usage print(help.lookup("disk"))
function lookup( _sTopic )
expect(1, _sTopic, "string")
-- Look on the path variable
for sPath in string.gmatch(sPath, "[^:]+") do
sPath = fs.combine( sPath, _sTopic )
if fs.exists( sPath ) and not fs.isDir( sPath ) then
return sPath
elseif fs.exists( sPath .. ".txt" ) and not fs.isDir( sPath .. ".txt" ) then
return sPath .. ".txt"
-- Not found
return nil
--- Returns a list of topics that can be looked up and/or displayed.
-- @treturn table A list of topics in alphabetical order.
function topics()
-- Add index
local tItems = {
[ "index" ] = true,
-- Add topics from the path
for sPath in string.gmatch(sPath, "[^:]+") do
if fs.isDir( sPath ) then
local tList = fs.list( sPath )
for _, sFile in pairs( tList ) do
if string.sub( sFile, 1, 1 ) ~= "." then
if not fs.isDir( fs.combine( sPath, sFile ) ) then
if #sFile > 4 and sFile:sub(-4) == ".txt" then
sFile = sFile:sub(1, -5)
tItems[ sFile ] = true
-- Sort and return
local tItemList = {}
for sItem in pairs( tItems ) do
table.insert( tItemList, sItem )
table.sort( tItemList )
return tItemList
--- Returns a list of topic endings that match the prefix. Can be used with
-- `read` to allow input of a help topic.
-- @tparam string prefix The prefix to match
-- @treturn table A list of matching topics.
function completeTopic( sText )
expect(1, sText, "string")
local tTopics = topics()
local tResults = {}
for n = 1, #tTopics do
local sTopic = tTopics[n]
if #sTopic > #sText and string.sub( sTopic, 1, #sText ) == sText then
table.insert( tResults, string.sub( sTopic, #sText + 1 ) )
return tResults