
468 lines
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// Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2022. Do not distribute without permission.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL
package dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.wired;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.Mount;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.WritableMount;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.*;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IComputerAccess;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.NotAttachedException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.WorkMonitor;
import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.PeripheralAPI;
import dan200.computercraft.core.methods.PeripheralMethod;
import dan200.computercraft.core.util.LuaUtil;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.ModemPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.ModemState;
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
public abstract class WiredModemPeripheral extends ModemPeripheral implements WiredSender {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WiredModemPeripheral.class);
private final WiredModemElement modem;
private final WiredModemLocalPeripheral localPeripheral;
private final BlockEntity target;
private final Map<IComputerAccess, ConcurrentMap<String, RemotePeripheralWrapper>> peripheralWrappers = new HashMap<>(1);
public WiredModemPeripheral(
ModemState state,
WiredModemElement modem,
WiredModemLocalPeripheral localPeripheral,
BlockEntity target
) {
this.modem = modem;
this.localPeripheral = localPeripheral; = target;
//region IPacketSender implementation
public boolean isInterdimensional() {
return true;
public double getRange() {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
protected PacketNetwork getNetwork() {
return modem.getNode();
public Level getLevel() {
return modem.getLevel();
public Set<String> getAdditionalTypes() {
return Set.of("peripheral_hub");
//region Peripheral methods
* List all remote peripherals on the wired network.
* <p>
* If this computer is attached to the network, it _will not_ be included in
* this list.
* <p>
* > [!NOTE]
* > This function only appears on wired modems. Check {@link #isWireless} returns false before calling it.
* @param computer The calling computer.
* @return Remote peripheral names on the network.
public final Collection<String> getNamesRemote(IComputerAccess computer) {
var wrappers = getWrappers(computer);
return wrappers == null ? Set.of() : wrappers.keySet();
* Determine if a peripheral is available on this wired network.
* <p>
* > [!NOTE]
* > This function only appears on wired modems. Check {@link #isWireless} returns false before calling it.
* @param computer The calling computer.
* @param name The peripheral's name.
* @return boolean If a peripheral is present with the given name.
* @see PeripheralAPI#isPresent
public final boolean isPresentRemote(IComputerAccess computer, String name) {
return getWrapper(computer, name) != null;
* Get the type of a peripheral is available on this wired network.
* <p>
* > [!NOTE]
* > This function only appears on wired modems. Check {@link #isWireless} returns false before calling it.
* @param computer The calling computer.
* @param name The peripheral's name.
* @return The peripheral's name.
* @cc.treturn string|nil The peripheral's type, or {@code nil} if it is not present.
* @cc.changed 1.99 Peripherals can have multiple types - this function returns multiple values.
* @see PeripheralAPI#getType
public final @Nullable Object[] getTypeRemote(IComputerAccess computer, String name) {
var wrapper = getWrapper(computer, name);
return wrapper == null ? null : LuaUtil.consArray(wrapper.getType(), wrapper.getAdditionalTypes());
* Check a peripheral is of a particular type.
* <p>
* > [!NOTE]
* > This function only appears on wired modems. Check {@link #isWireless} returns false before calling it.
* @param computer The calling computer.
* @param name The peripheral's name.
* @param type The type to check.
* @return The peripheral's name.
* @cc.treturn boolean|nil If a peripheral has a particular type, or {@literal nil} if it is not present.
* @cc.since 1.99
* @see PeripheralAPI#getType
public final @Nullable Object[] hasTypeRemote(IComputerAccess computer, String name, String type) {
var wrapper = getWrapper(computer, name);
return wrapper == null ? null : new Object[]{ wrapper.getType().equals(type) || wrapper.getAdditionalTypes().contains(type) };
* Get all available methods for the remote peripheral with the given name.
* <p>
* > [!NOTE]
* > This function only appears on wired modems. Check {@link #isWireless} returns false before calling it.
* @param computer The calling computer.
* @param name The peripheral's name.
* @return A list of methods provided by this peripheral, or {@code nil} if it is not present.
* @cc.treturn { string... }|nil A list of methods provided by this peripheral, or {@code nil} if it is not present.
* @see PeripheralAPI#getMethods
public final @Nullable Object[] getMethodsRemote(IComputerAccess computer, String name) {
var wrapper = getWrapper(computer, name);
if (wrapper == null) return null;
return new Object[]{ wrapper.getMethodNames() };
* Call a method on a peripheral on this wired network.
* <p>
* > [!NOTE]
* > This function only appears on wired modems. Check {@link #isWireless} returns false before calling it.
* @param computer The calling computer.
* @param context The Lua context we're executing in.
* @param arguments Arguments to this computer.
* @return The peripheral's result.
* @throws LuaException (hidden) If the method throws an error.
* @cc.tparam string remoteName The name of the peripheral to invoke the method on.
* @cc.tparam string method The name of the method
* @cc.param ... Additional arguments to pass to the method
* @cc.treturn string The return values of the peripheral method.
* @see PeripheralAPI#call
public final MethodResult callRemote(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context, IArguments arguments) throws LuaException {
var remoteName = arguments.getString(0);
var methodName = arguments.getString(1);
var wrapper = getWrapper(computer, remoteName);
if (wrapper == null) throw new LuaException("No peripheral: " + remoteName);
return wrapper.callMethod(context, methodName, arguments.drop(2));
* Returns the network name of the current computer, if the modem is on. This
* may be used by other computers on the network to wrap this computer as a
* peripheral.
* <p>
* > [!NOTE]
* > This function only appears on wired modems. Check {@link #isWireless} returns false before calling it.
* @return The current computer's name.
* @cc.treturn string|nil The current computer's name on the wired network.
* @cc.since 1.80pr1.7
public final @Nullable Object[] getNameLocal() {
var local = localPeripheral.getConnectedName();
return local == null ? null : new Object[]{ local };
public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {
ConcurrentMap<String, RemotePeripheralWrapper> wrappers;
synchronized (peripheralWrappers) {
wrappers = peripheralWrappers.computeIfAbsent(computer, k -> new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
synchronized (modem.getRemotePeripherals()) {
for (var entry : modem.getRemotePeripherals().entrySet()) {
attachPeripheralImpl(computer, wrappers, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {
Map<String, RemotePeripheralWrapper> wrappers;
synchronized (peripheralWrappers) {
wrappers = peripheralWrappers.remove(computer);
if (wrappers != null) {
for (var wrapper : wrappers.values()) wrapper.detach();
public final boolean equals(@Nullable IPeripheral other) {
return other instanceof WiredModemPeripheral otherModem && otherModem.modem == modem;
public final Object getTarget() {
return target;
public WiredNode getNode() {
return modem.getNode();
public void attachPeripheral(String name, IPeripheral peripheral) {
synchronized (peripheralWrappers) {
for (var entry : peripheralWrappers.entrySet()) {
attachPeripheralImpl(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), name, peripheral);
public void detachPeripheral(String name) {
synchronized (peripheralWrappers) {
for (var wrappers : peripheralWrappers.values()) {
var wrapper = wrappers.remove(name);
if (wrapper != null) wrapper.detach();
private void attachPeripheralImpl(IComputerAccess computer, ConcurrentMap<String, RemotePeripheralWrapper> peripherals, String periphName, IPeripheral peripheral) {
if (!peripherals.containsKey(periphName) && !periphName.equals(localPeripheral.getConnectedName())) {
var methods = ServerContext.get(((ServerLevel) getLevel()).getServer()).peripheralMethods().getSelfMethods(peripheral);
var wrapper = new RemotePeripheralWrapper(modem, peripheral, computer, periphName, methods);
peripherals.put(periphName, wrapper);
private @Nullable ConcurrentMap<String, RemotePeripheralWrapper> getWrappers(IComputerAccess computer) {
synchronized (peripheralWrappers) {
return peripheralWrappers.get(computer);
private @Nullable RemotePeripheralWrapper getWrapper(IComputerAccess computer, String remoteName) {
var wrappers = getWrappers(computer);
return wrappers == null ? null : wrappers.get(remoteName);
private static class RemotePeripheralWrapper implements IComputerAccess, GuardedLuaContext.Guard {
private final WiredModemElement element;
private final IPeripheral peripheral;
private final IComputerAccess computer;
private final String name;
private final String type;
private final Set<String> additionalTypes;
private final Map<String, PeripheralMethod> methodMap;
private volatile boolean attached;
private final Set<String> mounts = new HashSet<>();
private @Nullable GuardedLuaContext contextWrapper;
RemotePeripheralWrapper(WiredModemElement element, IPeripheral peripheral, IComputerAccess computer, String name, Map<String, PeripheralMethod> methods) {
this.element = element;
this.peripheral = peripheral; = computer; = name;
type = Objects.requireNonNull(peripheral.getType(), "Peripheral type cannot be null");
additionalTypes = peripheral.getAdditionalTypes();
methodMap = methods;
public void attach() {
attached = true;
computer.queueEvent("peripheral", getAttachmentName());
public void detach() {
computer.queueEvent("peripheral_detach", getAttachmentName());
attached = false;
synchronized (this) {
if (!mounts.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("Peripheral {} called mount but did not call unmount for {}", peripheral, mounts);
for (var mount : mounts) computer.unmount(mount);
public String getType() {
return type;
public Set<String> getAdditionalTypes() {
return additionalTypes;
public Collection<String> getMethodNames() {
return methodMap.keySet();
public MethodResult callMethod(ILuaContext context, String methodName, IArguments arguments) throws LuaException {
var method = methodMap.get(methodName);
if (method == null) throw new LuaException("No such method " + methodName);
// Wrap the ILuaContext. We try to reuse the previous context where possible to avoid allocations.
var contextWrapper = this.contextWrapper;
if (contextWrapper == null || !contextWrapper.wraps(context)) {
contextWrapper = this.contextWrapper = new GuardedLuaContext(context, this);
return method.apply(peripheral, contextWrapper, this, arguments);
public boolean checkValid() {
return attached;
// IComputerAccess implementation
public synchronized @Nullable String mount(String desiredLocation, Mount mount) {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
var mounted = computer.mount(desiredLocation, mount, name);
return mounted;
public synchronized @Nullable String mount(String desiredLocation, Mount mount, String driveName) {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
var mounted = computer.mount(desiredLocation, mount, driveName);
return mounted;
public synchronized @Nullable String mountWritable(String desiredLocation, WritableMount mount) {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
var mounted = computer.mountWritable(desiredLocation, mount, name);
return mounted;
public synchronized @Nullable String mountWritable(String desiredLocation, WritableMount mount, String driveName) {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
var mounted = computer.mountWritable(desiredLocation, mount, driveName);
return mounted;
public synchronized void unmount(@Nullable String location) {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
public int getID() {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
return computer.getID();
public void queueEvent(String event, @Nullable Object... arguments) {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
computer.queueEvent(event, arguments);
public WorkMonitor getMainThreadMonitor() {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
return computer.getMainThreadMonitor();
public String getAttachmentName() {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
return name;
public Map<String, IPeripheral> getAvailablePeripherals() {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
synchronized (element.getRemotePeripherals()) {
return Map.copyOf(element.getRemotePeripherals());
public IPeripheral getAvailablePeripheral(String name) {
if (!attached) throw new NotAttachedException();
synchronized (element.getRemotePeripherals()) {
return element.getRemotePeripherals().get(name);