
384 lines
14 KiB

--- The Rednet API allows systems to communicate between each other without
-- using redstone. It serves as a wrapper for the modem API, offering ease of
-- functionality (particularly in regards to repeating signals) with some
-- expense of fine control.
-- In order to send and receive data, a modem (either wired, wireless, or ender)
-- is required. The data reaches any possible destinations immediately after
-- sending it, but is range limited.
-- Rednet also allows you to use a "protocol" - simple string names indicating
-- what messages are about. Receiving systems may filter messages according to
-- their protocols, thereby automatically ignoring incoming messages which don't
-- specify an identical string. It's also possible to @{rednet.lookup|lookup}
-- which systems in the area use certain protocols, hence making it easier to
-- determine where given messages should be sent in the first place.
-- @module rednet
local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua").expect
--- The channel used by the Rednet API to @{broadcast} messages.
--- The channel used by the Rednet API to repeat messages.
local tReceivedMessages = {}
local tReceivedMessageTimeouts = {}
local tHostnames = {}
--- Opens a modem with the given @{peripheral} name, allowing it to send and
--- receive messages over rednet.
-- This will open the modem on two channels: one which has the same
-- @{os.getComputerID|ID} as the computer, and another on
-- @{CHANNEL_BROADCAST|the broadcast channel}.
-- @tparam string modem The name of the modem to open.
-- @throws If there is no such modem with the given name
function open( modem )
expect(1, modem, "string")
if peripheral.getType( modem ) ~= "modem" then
error( "No such modem: " .. modem, 2 )
end modem, "open", os.getComputerID() ) modem, "open", CHANNEL_BROADCAST )
--- Close a modem with the given @{peripheral} name, meaning it can no longer
-- send and receive rednet messages.
-- @tparam[opt] string modem The side the modem exists on. If not given, all
-- open modems will be closed.
-- @throws If there is no such modem with the given name
function close( modem )
expect(1, modem, "string", "nil")
if modem then
-- Close a specific modem
if peripheral.getType( modem ) ~= "modem" then
error( "No such modem: " .. modem, 2 )
end modem, "close", os.getComputerID() ) modem, "close", CHANNEL_BROADCAST )
-- Close all modems
for _, modem in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
if isOpen( modem ) then
close( modem )
--- Determine if rednet is currently open.
-- @tparam[opt] string modem Which modem to check. If not given, all connected
-- modems will be checked.
-- @treturn boolean If the given modem is open.
function isOpen( modem )
expect(1, modem, "string", "nil")
if modem then
-- Check if a specific modem is open
if peripheral.getType( modem ) == "modem" then
return modem, "isOpen", os.getComputerID() ) and modem, "isOpen", CHANNEL_BROADCAST )
-- Check if any modem is open
for _, modem in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
if isOpen( modem ) then
return true
return false
--- Allows a computer or turtle with an attached modem to send a message
-- intended for a system with a specific ID. At least one such modem must first
-- be @{|opened} before sending is possible.
-- Assuming the target was in range and also had a correctly opened modem, it
-- may then use @{rednet.receive} to collect the message.
-- @tparam number nRecipient The ID of the receiving computer.
-- @param message The message to send. This should not contain coroutines or
-- functions, as they will be converted to @{nil}.
-- @tparam[opt] string sProtocol The "protocol" to send this message under. When
-- using @{rednet.receive} one can filter to only receive messages sent under a
-- particular protocol.
-- @treturn boolean If this message was successfully sent (i.e. if rednet is
-- currently @{|open}). Note, this does not guarantee the message was
-- actually _received_.
-- @see rednet.receive
function send( nRecipient, message, sProtocol )
expect(1, nRecipient, "number")
expect(3, sProtocol, "string", "nil")
-- Generate a (probably) unique message ID
-- We could do other things to guarantee uniqueness, but we really don't need to
-- Store it to ensure we don't get our own messages back
local nMessageID = math.random( 1, 2147483647 )
tReceivedMessages[ nMessageID ] = true
tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ os.startTimer( 30 ) ] = nMessageID
-- Create the message
local nReplyChannel = os.getComputerID()
local tMessage = {
nMessageID = nMessageID,
nRecipient = nRecipient,
message = message,
sProtocol = sProtocol,
local sent = false
if nRecipient == os.getComputerID() then
-- Loopback to ourselves
os.queueEvent( "rednet_message", nReplyChannel, message, sProtocol )
sent = true
-- Send on all open modems, to the target and to repeaters
for _, sModem in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
if isOpen( sModem ) then sModem, "transmit", nRecipient, nReplyChannel, tMessage ) sModem, "transmit", CHANNEL_REPEAT, nReplyChannel, tMessage )
sent = true
return sent
--- Broadcasts a string message over the predefined @{CHANNEL_BROADCAST}
-- channel. The message will be received by every device listening to rednet.
-- @param message The message to send. This should not contain coroutines or
-- functions, as they will be converted to @{nil}.
-- @tparam[opt] string sProtocol The "protocol" to send this message under. When
-- using @{rednet.receive} one can filter to only receive messages sent under a
-- particular protocol.
-- @see rednet.receive
function broadcast( message, sProtocol )
expect(2, sProtocol, "string", "nil")
send( CHANNEL_BROADCAST, message, sProtocol )
--- Wait for a rednet message to be received, or until `nTimeout` seconds have
-- elapsed.
-- @tparam[opt] string sProtocolFilter The protocol the received message must be
-- sent with. If specified, any messages not sent under this protocol will be
-- discarded.
-- @tparam[opt] number nTimeout The number of seconds to wait if no message is
-- received.
-- @treturn[1] number The computer which sent this message
-- @return[1] The received message
-- @treturn[1] string|nil The protocol this message was sent under.
-- @treturn[2] nil If the timeout elapsed and no message was received.
-- @see rednet.broadcast
-- @see rednet.send
function receive( sProtocolFilter, nTimeout )
-- The parameters used to be ( nTimeout ), detect this case for backwards compatibility
if type(sProtocolFilter) == "number" and nTimeout == nil then
sProtocolFilter, nTimeout = nil, sProtocolFilter
expect(1, sProtocolFilter, "string", "nil")
expect(2, nTimeout, "number", "nil")
-- Start the timer
local timer = nil
local sFilter = nil
if nTimeout then
timer = os.startTimer( nTimeout )
sFilter = nil
sFilter = "rednet_message"
-- Wait for events
while true do
local sEvent, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent( sFilter )
if sEvent == "rednet_message" then
-- Return the first matching rednet_message
local nSenderID, message, sProtocol = p1, p2, p3
if sProtocolFilter == nil or sProtocol == sProtocolFilter then
return nSenderID, message, sProtocol
elseif sEvent == "timer" then
-- Return nil if we timeout
if p1 == timer then
return nil
--- Register the system as "hosting" the desired protocol under the specified
-- name. If a rednet @{rednet.lookup|lookup} is performed for that protocol (and
-- maybe name) on the same network, the registered system will automatically
-- respond via a background process, hence providing the system performing the
-- lookup with its ID number.
-- Multiple computers may not register themselves on the same network as having
-- the same names against the same protocols, and the title `localhost` is
-- specifically reserved. They may, however, share names as long as their hosted
-- protocols are different, or if they only join a given network after
-- "registering" themselves before doing so (eg while offline or part of a
-- different network).
-- @tparam string sProtocol The protocol this computer provides.
-- @tparam string sHostname The name this protocol exposes for the given protocol.
-- @throws If trying to register a hostname which is reserved, or currently in use.
-- @see rednet.unhost
-- @see rednet.lookup
function host( sProtocol, sHostname )
expect(1, sProtocol, "string")
expect(2, sHostname, "string")
if sHostname == "localhost" then
error( "Reserved hostname", 2 )
if tHostnames[ sProtocol ] ~= sHostname then
if lookup( sProtocol, sHostname ) ~= nil then
error( "Hostname in use", 2 )
tHostnames[ sProtocol ] = sHostname
--- Stop @{|hosting} a specific protocol, meaning it will no longer
--- respond to @{rednet.lookup} requests.
-- @tparam string sProtocol The protocol to unregister your self from.
function unhost( sProtocol )
expect(1, sProtocol, "string")
tHostnames[ sProtocol ] = nil
--- Search the local rednet network for systems @{|hosting} the
-- desired protocol and returns any computer IDs that respond as "registered"
-- against it.
-- If a hostname is specified, only one ID will be returned (assuming an exact
-- match is found).
-- @tparam string sProtocol The protocol to search for.
-- @tparam[opt] string sHostname The hostname to search for.
-- @treturn[1] { number }|nil A list of computer IDs hosting the given
-- protocol, or @{nil} if none exist.
-- @treturn[2] number|nil The computer ID with the provided hostname and protocol,
-- or @{nil} if none exists.
function lookup( sProtocol, sHostname )
expect(1, sProtocol, "string")
expect(2, sHostname, "string", "nil")
-- Build list of host IDs
local tResults = nil
if sHostname == nil then
tResults = {}
-- Check localhost first
if tHostnames[ sProtocol ] then
if sHostname == nil then
table.insert( tResults, os.getComputerID() )
elseif sHostname == "localhost" or sHostname == tHostnames[ sProtocol ] then
return os.getComputerID()
if not isOpen() then
if tResults then
return table.unpack( tResults )
return nil
-- Broadcast a lookup packet
broadcast( {
sType = "lookup",
sProtocol = sProtocol,
sHostname = sHostname,
}, "dns" )
-- Start a timer
local timer = os.startTimer( 2 )
-- Wait for events
while true do
local event, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent()
if event == "rednet_message" then
-- Got a rednet message, check if it's the response to our request
local nSenderID, tMessage, sMessageProtocol = p1, p2, p3
if sMessageProtocol == "dns" and type(tMessage) == "table" and tMessage.sType == "lookup response" then
if tMessage.sProtocol == sProtocol then
if sHostname == nil then
table.insert( tResults, nSenderID )
elseif tMessage.sHostname == sHostname then
return nSenderID
-- Got a timer event, check it's the end of our timeout
if p1 == timer then
if tResults then
return table.unpack( tResults )
return nil
local bRunning = false
--- @local
function run()
if bRunning then
error( "rednet is already running", 2 )
bRunning = true
while bRunning do
local sEvent, p1, p2, p3, p4 = os.pullEventRaw()
if sEvent == "modem_message" then
-- Got a modem message, process it and add it to the rednet event queue
local sModem, nChannel, nReplyChannel, tMessage = p1, p2, p3, p4
if isOpen( sModem ) and ( nChannel == os.getComputerID() or nChannel == CHANNEL_BROADCAST ) then
if type( tMessage ) == "table" and tMessage.nMessageID then
if not tReceivedMessages[ tMessage.nMessageID ] then
tReceivedMessages[ tMessage.nMessageID ] = true
tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ os.startTimer( 30 ) ] = tMessage.nMessageID
os.queueEvent( "rednet_message", nReplyChannel, tMessage.message, tMessage.sProtocol )
elseif sEvent == "rednet_message" then
-- Got a rednet message (queued from above), respond to dns lookup
local nSenderID, tMessage, sProtocol = p1, p2, p3
if sProtocol == "dns" and type(tMessage) == "table" and tMessage.sType == "lookup" then
local sHostname = tHostnames[ tMessage.sProtocol ]
if sHostname ~= nil and (tMessage.sHostname == nil or tMessage.sHostname == sHostname) then
rednet.send( nSenderID, {
sType = "lookup response",
sHostname = sHostname,
sProtocol = tMessage.sProtocol,
}, "dns" )
elseif sEvent == "timer" then
-- Got a timer event, use it to clear the event queue
local nTimer = p1
local nMessage = tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ nTimer ]
if nMessage then
tReceivedMessageTimeouts[ nTimer ] = nil
tReceivedMessages[ nMessage ] = nil