mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2025-02-22 22:10:09 +00:00
Jonathan Coates 8f92417a2f
Add a system for client-side tests (#1219)
- Add a new ClientJavaExec Gradle task, which is used for client-side
   tests. This:

   - Copies the exec spec from another JavaExec task.
   - Sets some additional system properties to configure on gametest framework.
   - Runs Java inside an X framebuffer (when available), meaning we
     don't need to spin up a new window.

   We also configure this task so that only one instance can run at
   once, meaning we don't spawn multiple MC windows at once!

 - Port our 1.16 client test framework to 1.19. This is mostly the same
   as before, but screenshots no longer do a golden test: they /just/
   write to a folder. Screenshots are compared manually afterwards.

   This is still pretty brittle, and there's a lot of sleeps scattered
   around in the code. It's not clear how well this will play on CI.

 - Roll our own game test loader, rather than relying on the mod loader
   to do it for us. This ensures that loading is consistent between
   platforms (we already had to do some hacks for Forge) and makes it
   easier to provide custom logic for loading client-only tests.

 - Run several client tests (namely those involving monitor rendering)
   against Sodium and Iris too. There's some nastiness here to set up
   new Loom run configurations and automatically configure Iris to use
   Complementary Shaders, but it's not too bad. These tests /don't/ run
   on CI, so it doesn't need to be as reliable.
2022-11-18 23:57:25 +00:00

149 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Parse reports generated by Gradle and convert them into GitHub annotations.
See https://github.com/actions/toolkit/blob/master/docs/problem-matchers.md and
import os.path
import pathlib
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from typing import Optional, Tuple
LUA_ERROR_LOCATION = re.compile(r"^\s+(/[\w./-]+):(\d+):", re.MULTILINE)
JAVA_LUA_ERROR_LOCATION = re.compile(r"^java.lang.IllegalStateException: (/[\w./-]+):(\d+):")
JAVA_ERROR_LOCATION = re.compile(r"^\tat ([\w.]+)\.[\w]+\([\w.]+:(\d+)\)$", re.MULTILINE)
ERROR_MESSAGE = re.compile(r"(.*)\nstack traceback:", re.DOTALL)
SPACES = re.compile(r"\s+")
def find_file(path: str) -> Optional[str]:
while len(path) > 0 and path[0] == "/":
path = path[1:]
for project in PROJECT_LOCATIONS:
for source_dir in SOURCE_LOCATIONS:
child_path = os.path.join(project, source_dir, path)
if os.path.exists(child_path):
return child_path
return None
def find_location(message: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
location = LUA_ERROR_LOCATION.search(message)
if location:
file = find_file(location[1])
if file:
return file, location[2]
location = JAVA_LUA_ERROR_LOCATION.search(message)
if location:
file = find_file(location[1])
if file:
return file, location[2]
for location in JAVA_ERROR_LOCATION.findall(message):
file = find_file(location[0].replace(".", "/") + ".java")
if file:
return file, location[1]
return None
def _parse_junit_file(path: pathlib.Path):
for testcase in ET.parse(path).findall(".//testcase"):
for result in testcase:
if result.tag == "skipped":
name = f'{testcase.attrib["classname"]}.{testcase.attrib["name"]}'
message = result.attrib.get("message")
full_message = result.text or message
location = find_location(full_message)
error = ERROR_MESSAGE.match(message)
if error:
error = error[1]
error = message
if location:
print(f'## {location[0]}:{location[1]}: {name} failed: {SPACES.sub(" ", error)}')
print(f"::error::{name} failed")
print("::group::Full error message")
def parse_junit() -> None:
Scrape JUnit test reports for errors. We determine the location from the Lua
or Java stacktrace.
for project in PROJECT_LOCATIONS:
for path in pathlib.Path(os.path.join(project, "build/test-results/test")).glob("TEST-*.xml"):
for path in pathlib.Path(os.path.join(project, "build/test-results")).glob("run*.xml"):
print("::remove-matcher owner=junit::")
def _parse_checkstyle(path: pathlib.Path):
for file in ET.parse(path).getroot():
for error in file:
filename = os.path.relpath(file.attrib["name"])
attrib = error.attrib
f'{attrib["severity"]} {filename}:{attrib["line"]}:{attrib.get("column", 1)}: {SPACES.sub(" ", attrib["message"])}'
def parse_checkstyle() -> None:
Scrape JUnit test reports for errors. We determine the location from the Lua
or Java stacktrace.
for project in PROJECT_LOCATIONS:
for path in pathlib.Path(os.path.join(project, "build/reports/checkstyle/")).glob("*.xml"):
print("::remove-matcher owner=checkstyle::")
if __name__ == "__main__":