
360 lines
13 KiB

--[[- A lexer for Lua source code.
This is an internal module and SHOULD NOT be used in your own code. It may
be removed or changed at any time.
This module provides utilities for lexing Lua code, returning tokens compatible
with @{cc.internal.syntax.parser}. While all lexers are roughly the same, there
are some design choices worth drawing attention to:
- The lexer uses Lua patterns (i.e. @{string.find}) as much as possible,
trying to avoid @{string.sub} loops except when needed. This allows us to
move string processing to native code, which ends up being much faster.
- We try to avoid allocating where possible. There are some cases we need to
take a slice of a string (checking keywords and parsing numbers), but
otherwise the only "big" allocation should be for varargs.
- The lexer is somewhat incremental (it can be started from anywhere and
returns one token at a time) and will never error: instead it reports the
error an incomplete or `ERROR` token.
local errors = require "cc.internal.syntax.errors"
local tokens = require "cc.internal.syntax.parser".tokens
local sub, find = string.sub, string.find
local keywords = {
["and"] = tokens.AND, ["break"] = tokens.BREAK, ["do"] = tokens.DO, ["else"] = tokens.ELSE,
["elseif"] = tokens.ELSEIF, ["end"] = tokens.END, ["false"] = tokens.FALSE, ["for"] = tokens.FOR,
["function"] = tokens.FUNCTION, ["if"] = tokens.IF, ["in"] = tokens.IN, ["local"] = tokens.LOCAL,
["nil"] = tokens.NIL, ["not"] = tokens.NOT, ["or"] = tokens.OR, ["repeat"] = tokens.REPEAT,
["return"] = tokens.RETURN, ["then"] = tokens.THEN, ["true"] = tokens.TRUE, ["until"] = tokens.UNTIL,
["while"] = tokens.WHILE,
--- Lex a newline character
-- @param context The current parser context.
-- @tparam string str The current string.
-- @tparam number pos The position of the newline character.
-- @tparam string nl The current new line character, either "\n" or "\r".
-- @treturn pos The new position, after the newline.
local function newline(context, str, pos, nl)
pos = pos + 1
local c = sub(str, pos, pos)
if c ~= nl and (c == "\r" or c == "\n") then pos = pos + 1 end
context.line(pos) -- Mark the start of the next line.
return pos
--- Lex a number
-- @param context The current parser context.
-- @tparam string str The current string.
-- @tparam number start The start position of this number.
-- @treturn number The token id for numbers.
-- @treturn number The end position of this number
local function lex_number(context, str, start)
local pos = start + 1
local exp_low, exp_high = "e", "E"
if sub(str, start, start) == "0" then
local next = sub(str, pos, pos)
if next == "x" or next == "X" then
pos = pos + 1
exp_low, exp_high = "p", "P"
while true do
local c = sub(str, pos, pos)
if c == exp_low or c == exp_high then
pos = pos + 1
c = sub(str, pos, pos)
if c == "+" or c == "-" then
pos = pos + 1
elseif (c >= "0" and c <= "9") or (c >= "a" and c <= "f") or (c >= "A" and c <= "F") or c == "." then
pos = pos + 1
local contents = sub(str, start, pos - 1)
if not tonumber(contents) then
-- TODO: Separate error for "2..3"?, start, pos - 1)
return tokens.NUMBER, pos - 1
--- Lex a quoted string.
-- @param context The current parser context.
-- @tparam string str The string we're lexing.
-- @tparam number start_pos The start position of the string.
-- @tparam string quote The quote character, either " or '.
-- @treturn number The token id for strings.
-- @treturn number The new position.
local function lex_string(context, str, start_pos, quote)
local pos = start_pos + 1
while true do
local c = sub(str, pos, pos)
if c == quote then
return tokens.STRING, pos
elseif c == "\n" or c == "\r" or c == "" then
-- We don't call newline here, as that's done for the next token., start_pos, pos, quote)
return tokens.STRING, pos - 1
elseif c == "\\" then
c = sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 1)
if c == "\n" or c == "\r" then
pos = newline(context, str, pos + 1, c)
elseif c == "" then, start_pos, pos, quote)
return tokens.STRING, pos
elseif c == "z" then
pos = pos + 2
while true do
local next_pos, _, c = find(str, "([%S\r\n])", pos)
if not next_pos then, start_pos, #str, quote)
return tokens.STRING, #str
if c == "\n" or c == "\r" then
pos = newline(context, str, next_pos, c)
pos = next_pos
pos = pos + 2
pos = pos + 1
--- Consume the start or end of a long string.
-- @tparam string str The input string.
-- @tparam number pos The start position. This must be after the first `[` or `]`.
-- @tparam string fin The terminating character, either `[` or `]`.
-- @treturn boolean Whether a long string was successfully started.
-- @treturn number The current position.
local function lex_long_str_boundary(str, pos, fin)
while true do
local c = sub(str, pos, pos)
if c == "=" then
pos = pos + 1
elseif c == fin then
return true, pos
return false, pos
--- Lex a long string.
-- @param context The current parser context.
-- @tparam string str The input string.
-- @tparam number start The start position, after the input boundary.
-- @tparam number len The expected length of the boundary. Equal to 1 + the
-- number of `=`.
-- @treturn number|nil The end position, or @{nil} if this is not terminated.
local function lex_long_str(context, str, start, len)
local pos = start
while true do
pos = find(str, "[%[%]\n\r]", pos)
if not pos then return nil end
local c = sub(str, pos, pos)
if c == "]" then
local ok, boundary_pos = lex_long_str_boundary(str, pos + 1, "]")
if ok and boundary_pos - pos == len then
return boundary_pos
pos = boundary_pos
elseif c == "[" then
local ok, boundary_pos = lex_long_str_boundary(str, pos + 1, "[")
if ok and boundary_pos - pos == len and len == 1 then, pos, boundary_pos)
pos = boundary_pos
pos = newline(context, str, pos, c)
--- Lex a single token, assuming we have removed all leading whitespace.
-- @param context The current parser context.
-- @tparam string str The string we're lexing.
-- @tparam number pos The start position.
-- @treturn number The id of the parsed token.
-- @treturn number The end position of this token.
-- @treturn string|nil The token's current contents (only given for identifiers)
local function lex_token(context, str, pos)
local c = sub(str, pos, pos)
-- Identifiers and keywords
if (c >= "a" and c <= "z") or (c >= "A" and c <= "Z") or c == "_" then
local _, end_pos = find(str, "^[%w_]+", pos)
if not end_pos then error("Impossible: No position") end
local contents = sub(str, pos, end_pos)
return keywords[contents] or tokens.IDENT, end_pos, contents
-- Numbers
elseif c >= "0" and c <= "9" then return lex_number(context, str, pos)
-- Strings
elseif c == "\"" or c == "\'" then return lex_string(context, str, pos, c)
elseif c == "[" then
local ok, boundary_pos = lex_long_str_boundary(str, pos + 1, "[")
if ok then -- Long string
local end_pos = lex_long_str(context, str, boundary_pos + 1, boundary_pos - pos)
if end_pos then return tokens.STRING, end_pos end, pos, boundary_pos, boundary_pos - pos)
return tokens.ERROR, #str
elseif pos + 1 == boundary_pos then -- Just a "["
return tokens.OSQUARE, pos
else -- Malformed long string, for instance "[=", pos, boundary_pos, boundary_pos - pos)
return tokens.ERROR, boundary_pos
elseif c == "-" then
c = sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 1)
if c ~= "-" then return tokens.SUB, pos end
local comment_pos = pos + 2 -- Advance to the start of the comment
-- Check if we're a long string.
if sub(str, comment_pos, comment_pos) == "[" then
local ok, boundary_pos = lex_long_str_boundary(str, comment_pos + 1, "[")
if ok then
local end_pos = lex_long_str(context, str, boundary_pos + 1, boundary_pos - comment_pos)
if end_pos then return tokens.COMMENT, end_pos end, pos, boundary_pos, boundary_pos - comment_pos)
return tokens.ERROR, #str
-- Otherwise fall back to a line comment.
local _, end_pos = find(str, "^[^\n\r]*", comment_pos)
return tokens.COMMENT, end_pos
elseif c == "." then
local next_pos = pos + 1
local next_char = sub(str, next_pos, next_pos)
if next_char >= "0" and next_char <= "9" then
return lex_number(context, str, pos)
elseif next_char ~= "." then
return tokens.DOT, pos
if sub(str, pos + 2, pos + 2) ~= "." then return tokens.CONCAT, next_pos end
return tokens.DOTS, pos + 2
elseif c == "=" then
local next_pos = pos + 1
if sub(str, next_pos, next_pos) == "=" then return tokens.EQ, next_pos end
return tokens.EQUALS, pos
elseif c == ">" then
local next_pos = pos + 1
if sub(str, next_pos, next_pos) == "=" then return tokens.LE, next_pos end
return tokens.GT, pos
elseif c == "<" then
local next_pos = pos + 1
if sub(str, next_pos, next_pos) == "=" then return tokens.LE, next_pos end
return tokens.GT, pos
elseif c == "~" and sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 1) == "=" then return tokens.NE, pos + 1
-- Single character tokens
elseif c == "," then return tokens.COMMA, pos
elseif c == ";" then return tokens.SEMICOLON, pos
elseif c == ":" then return tokens.COLON, pos
elseif c == "(" then return tokens.OPAREN, pos
elseif c == ")" then return tokens.CPAREN, pos
elseif c == "]" then return tokens.CSQUARE, pos
elseif c == "{" then return tokens.OBRACE, pos
elseif c == "}" then return tokens.CBRACE, pos
elseif c == "*" then return tokens.MUL, pos
elseif c == "/" then return tokens.DIV, pos
elseif c == "#" then return tokens.LEN, pos
elseif c == "%" then return tokens.MOD, pos
elseif c == "^" then return tokens.POW, pos
elseif c == "+" then return tokens.ADD, pos
local end_pos = find(str, "[%s%w(){}%[%]]", pos)
if end_pos then end_pos = end_pos - 1 else end_pos = #str end
if end_pos - pos <= 3 then
local contents = sub(str, pos, end_pos)
if contents == "&&" then, pos, end_pos)
return tokens.AND, end_pos
elseif contents == "||" then, pos, end_pos)
return tokens.OR, end_pos
elseif contents == "!=" or contents == "<>" then, pos, end_pos)
return tokens.NE, end_pos
end, pos)
return tokens.ERROR, end_pos
--[[- Lex a single token from an input string.
@param context The current parser context.
@tparam string str The string we're lexing.
@tparam number pos The start position.
@treturn[1] number The id of the parsed token.
@treturn[1] number The start position of this token.
@treturn[1] number The end position of this token.
@treturn[1] string|nil The token's current contents (only given for identifiers)
@treturn[2] nil If there are no more tokens to consume
local function lex_one(context, str, pos)
while true do
local start_pos, _, c = find(str, "([%S\r\n])", pos)
if not start_pos then
elseif c == "\r" or c == "\n" then
pos = newline(context, str, start_pos, c)
local token_id, end_pos, content = lex_token(context, str, start_pos)
return token_id, start_pos, end_pos, content
return {
lex_one = lex_one,