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* This file is part of the public ComputerCraft API -
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2020. This API may be redistributed unmodified and in full only.
* For help using the API, and posting your mods, visit the forums at
package dan200.computercraft.api.lua;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IComputerAccess;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* The result of invoking a Lua method.
* Method results either return a value immediately ({@link #of(Object...)} or yield control to the parent coroutine.
* When the current coroutine is resumed, we invoke the provided {@link ILuaCallback#resume(Object[])} callback.
public final class MethodResult
private static final MethodResult empty = new MethodResult( null, null );
private final Object[] result;
private final ILuaCallback callback;
private final int adjust;
private MethodResult( Object[] arguments, ILuaCallback callback )
this.result = arguments;
this.callback = callback;
this.adjust = 0;
private MethodResult( Object[] arguments, ILuaCallback callback, int adjust )
this.result = arguments;
this.callback = callback;
this.adjust = adjust;
* Return no values immediately.
* @return A method result which returns immediately with no values.
public static MethodResult of()
return empty;
* Return a single value immediately.
* Integers, doubles, floats, strings, booleans, {@link Map}, {@link Collection}s, arrays and {@code null} will be
* converted to their corresponding Lua type. {@code byte[]} and {@link ByteBuffer} will be treated as binary
* strings.
* In order to provide a custom object with methods, one may return a {@link IDynamicLuaObject}, or an arbitrary
* class with {@link LuaFunction} annotations. Anything else will be converted to {@code nil}.
* @param value The value to return to the calling Lua function.
* @return A method result which returns immediately with the given value.
public static MethodResult of( @Nullable Object value )
return new MethodResult( new Object[] { value }, null );
* Return any number of values immediately.
* @param values The values to return. See {@link #of(Object)} for acceptable values.
* @return A method result which returns immediately with the given values.
public static MethodResult of( @Nullable Object... values )
return values == null || values.length == 0 ? empty : new MethodResult( values, null );
* Wait for an event to occur on the computer, suspending the thread until it arises. This method is exactly
* equivalent to {@code os.pullEvent()} in lua.
* @param filter A specific event to wait for, or null to wait for any event.
* @param callback The callback to resume with the name of the event that occurred, and any event parameters.
* @return The method result which represents this yield.
* @see IComputerAccess#queueEvent(String, Object[])
public static MethodResult pullEvent( @Nullable String filter, @Nonnull ILuaCallback callback )
Objects.requireNonNull( callback, "callback cannot be null" );
return new MethodResult( new Object[] { filter }, results -> {
if( results.length >= 1 && results[0].equals( "terminate" ) ) throw new LuaException( "Terminated", 0 );
return callback.resume( results );
} );
* The same as {@link #pullEvent(String, ILuaCallback)}, except "terminated" events are ignored. Only use this if
* you want to prevent program termination, which is not recommended. This method is exactly equivalent to
* {@code os.pullEventRaw()} in Lua.
* @param filter A specific event to wait for, or null to wait for any event.
* @param callback The callback to resume with the name of the event that occurred, and any event parameters.
* @return The method result which represents this yield.
* @see #pullEvent(String, ILuaCallback)
public static MethodResult pullEventRaw( @Nullable String filter, @Nonnull ILuaCallback callback )
Objects.requireNonNull( callback, "callback cannot be null" );
return new MethodResult( new Object[] { filter }, callback );
* Yield the current coroutine with some arguments until it is resumed. This method is exactly equivalent to
* {@code coroutine.yield()} in lua. Use {@code pullEvent()} if you wish to wait for events.
* @param arguments An object array containing the arguments to pass to coroutine.yield()
* @param callback The callback to resume with an array containing the return values from coroutine.yield()
* @return The method result which represents this yield.
* @see #pullEvent(String, ILuaCallback)
public static MethodResult yield( @Nullable Object[] arguments, @Nonnull ILuaCallback callback )
Objects.requireNonNull( callback, "callback cannot be null" );
return new MethodResult( arguments, callback );
public Object[] getResult()
return result;
public ILuaCallback getCallback()
return callback;
public int getErrorAdjust()
return adjust;
* Increase the Lua error by a specific amount. One should never need to use this function - it largely exists for
* some CC internal code.
* @param adjust The amount to increase the level by.
* @return The new {@link MethodResult} with an adjusted error. This has no effect on immediate results.
public MethodResult adjustError( int adjust )
if( adjust < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot adjust by a negative amount" );
if( adjust == 0 || callback == null ) return this;
return new MethodResult( result, callback, this.adjust + adjust );