mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-09-29 23:40:46 +00:00
Jonathan Coates 78bb3da58c
Improve our version tooling
- Add a check to ensure declared dependencies in the :core project, and
   those inherited from Minecraft are the same.
 - Compute the next Cobalt version, rather than specifying it manually.
 - Add the gradle versions plugin (and version catalog update), and
   update some versions.
2023-12-19 18:12:21 +00:00

203 lines
9.6 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The CC: Tweaked Developers
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package cc.tweaked.gradle
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ModuleDependency
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler
import org.gradle.api.attributes.Bundling
import org.gradle.api.attributes.Category
import org.gradle.api.attributes.LibraryElements
import org.gradle.api.attributes.Usage
import org.gradle.api.attributes.java.TargetJvmVersion
import org.gradle.api.capabilities.Capability
import org.gradle.api.plugins.BasePlugin
import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPluginExtension
import org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSet
import org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar
import org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc.Javadoc
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.get
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.named
* This sets up a separate client-only source set, and extends that and the main/common source set with additional
* metadata, to make it easier to consume jars downstream.
class MinecraftConfigurations private constructor(private val project: Project) {
private val java = project.extensions.getByType(JavaPluginExtension::class.java)
private val sourceSets = java.sourceSets
private val configurations = project.configurations
private val objects = project.objects
private val main = sourceSets[SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME]
private val test = sourceSets[SourceSet.TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME]
* Performs the initial setup of our configurations.
private fun setup() {
// Define a client source set.
val client = sourceSets.maybeCreate("client")
// Ensure the client classpaths behave the same as the main ones.
configurations.named(client.compileClasspathConfigurationName) {
configurations.named(client.runtimeClasspathConfigurationName) {
// Set up an API configuration for clients (to ensure it's consistent with the main source set).
val clientApi = configurations.maybeCreate(client.apiConfigurationName).apply {
isVisible = false
isCanBeConsumed = false
isCanBeResolved = false
configurations.named(client.implementationConfigurationName) { extendsFrom(clientApi) }
Now add outgoing variants for the main and common source sets that we can consume downstream. This is possibly
the worst way to do things, but unfortunately the alternatives don't actually work very well:
- Just using source set outputs: This means dependencies don't propagate, which means when :fabric depends
on :fabric-api, we don't inherit the fake :common-api in IDEA.
- Having separate common/main jars: Nice in principle, but unfortunately Forge needs a separate deobf jar
task (as the original jar is obfuscated), and IDEA is not able to map its output back to a source set.
This works for now, but is incredibly brittle. It's part of the reason we can't use testFixtures inside our
MC projects, as that adds a project(self) -> test dependency, which would pull in the jar instead.
Note we register a fake client jar here. It's not actually needed, but is there to make sure IDEA has
a way to tell that client classes are needed at runtime.
I'm so sorry, deeply aware how cursed this is.
setupOutgoing(main, "CommonOnly")
project.tasks.register(client.jarTaskName, Jar::class.java) {
description = "An empty jar standing in for the client classes."
group = BasePlugin.BUILD_GROUP
// Reset the client classpath (Loom configures it slightly differently to this) and add a main -> client
// dependency. Here we /can/ use source set outputs as we add transitive deps by patching the classpath. Nasty,
// but avoids accidentally pulling in Forge's obfuscated jar.
client.compileClasspath = client.compileClasspath + main.compileClasspath
client.runtimeClasspath = client.runtimeClasspath + main.runtimeClasspath
project.dependencies.add(client.apiConfigurationName, main.output)
// Also add client classes to the test classpath. We do the same nasty tricks as needed for main -> client.
test.compileClasspath += client.compileClasspath
test.runtimeClasspath += client.runtimeClasspath
project.dependencies.add(test.implementationConfigurationName, client.output)
// Configure some tasks to include our additional files.
project.tasks.named("javadoc", Javadoc::class.java) {
classpath = main.compileClasspath + main.output + client.compileClasspath + client.output
// This are already done by Fabric, but we need it for Forge and vanilla. It shouldn't conflict at all.
project.tasks.named("jar", Jar::class.java) { from(client.output) }
project.tasks.named("sourcesJar", Jar::class.java) { from(client.allSource) }
project.extensions.configure(CCTweakedExtension::class.java) {
// Register a task to check there are no conflicts with the core project.
val checkDependencyConsistency =
project.tasks.register("checkDependencyConsistency", DependencyCheck::class.java) {
// We need to check both the main and client classpath *configurations*, as the actual configuration
project.tasks.named("check") { dependsOn(checkDependencyConsistency) }
private fun setupOutgoing(sourceSet: SourceSet, suffix: String = "") {
setupOutgoing("${sourceSet.apiElementsConfigurationName}$suffix", sourceSet, objects.named(Usage.JAVA_API)) {
description = "API elements for ${sourceSet.name}"
setupOutgoing("${sourceSet.runtimeElementsConfigurationName}$suffix", sourceSet, objects.named(Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME)) {
description = "Runtime elements for ${sourceSet.name}"
extendsFrom(configurations[sourceSet.implementationConfigurationName], configurations[sourceSet.runtimeOnlyConfigurationName])
* Set up an outgoing configuration for a specific source set. We set an additional "main" or "client" capability
* (depending on the source set name) which allows downstream projects to consume them separately (see
* [DependencyHandler.commonClasses] and [DependencyHandler.clientClasses]).
private fun setupOutgoing(name: String, sourceSet: SourceSet, usage: Usage, configure: Configuration.() -> Unit) {
configurations.register(name) {
isVisible = false
isCanBeConsumed = true
isCanBeResolved = false
attributes {
attribute(Category.CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(Category.LIBRARY))
attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, usage)
attribute(Bundling.BUNDLING_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(Bundling.EXTERNAL))
java.toolchain.languageVersion.map { it.asInt() },
attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(LibraryElements.JAR))
outgoing {
capability(BasicOutgoingCapability(project, sourceSet.name))
// We have two outgoing variants here: the original jar and the classes.
variants.create("classes") {
attributes.attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(LibraryElements.CLASSES))
sourceSet.output.classesDirs.forEach { artifact(it) { builtBy(sourceSet.output) } }
companion object {
fun setup(project: Project) {
private class BasicIncomingCapability(private val module: ModuleDependency, private val name: String) : Capability {
override fun getGroup(): String = module.group!!
override fun getName(): String = "${module.name}-$name"
override fun getVersion(): String? = null
private class BasicOutgoingCapability(private val project: Project, private val name: String) : Capability {
override fun getGroup(): String = project.group.toString()
override fun getName(): String = "${project.name}-$name"
override fun getVersion(): String = project.version.toString()
fun DependencyHandler.clientClasses(notation: Any): ModuleDependency {
val dep = create(notation) as ModuleDependency
dep.capabilities { requireCapability(BasicIncomingCapability(dep, "client")) }
return dep
fun DependencyHandler.commonClasses(notation: Any): ModuleDependency {
val dep = create(notation) as ModuleDependency
dep.capabilities { requireCapability(BasicIncomingCapability(dep, "main")) }
return dep