
152 lines
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* This file is part of ComputerCraft -
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2016. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to
package dan200.computercraft.client.gui;
import dan200.computercraft.core.terminal.TextBuffer;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.Colour;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.VertexBuffer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
public class FixedWidthFontRenderer
public static ResourceLocation font = new ResourceLocation( "computercraft", "textures/gui/termFont.png" );
public static ResourceLocation background = new ResourceLocation( "computercraft", "textures/gui/termBackground.png" );
public static int FONT_HEIGHT = 9;
public static int FONT_WIDTH = 6;
private TextureManager m_textureManager;
public FixedWidthFontRenderer( TextureManager textureManager )
m_textureManager = textureManager;
private void drawChar( VertexBuffer renderer, double x, double y, int index, int color )
int column = index % 16;
int row = index / 16;
Colour colour = Colour.values()[ 15 - color ];
renderer.pos( x, y + FONT_HEIGHT, 0.0 ).tex( (double) (column * FONT_WIDTH) / 256.0, (double) ((row + 1) * FONT_HEIGHT) / 256.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
renderer.pos( x + FONT_WIDTH, y + FONT_HEIGHT, 0.0 ).tex( (double) ((column + 1) * FONT_WIDTH) / 256.0, (double) ((row + 1) * FONT_HEIGHT) / 256.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
renderer.pos( x + FONT_WIDTH, y, 0.0 ).tex( (double) ((column + 1) * FONT_WIDTH) / 256.0, (double) (row * FONT_HEIGHT) / 256.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
renderer.pos( x, y, 0.0 ).tex( (double) (column * FONT_WIDTH) / 256.0, (double) (row * FONT_HEIGHT ) / 256.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
private void drawQuad( VertexBuffer renderer, double x, double y, int color, double width )
Colour colour = Colour.values()[ 15 - color ];
renderer.pos( x, y + FONT_HEIGHT, 0.0 ).tex( 0.0, 1.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
renderer.pos( x + width, y + FONT_HEIGHT, 0.0 ).tex( 1.0, 1.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
renderer.pos( x + width, y, 0.0 ).tex( 1.0, 0.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
renderer.pos( x, y, 0.0 ).tex( 0.0, 0.0 ).color( colour.getR(), colour.getG(), colour.getB(), 1.0f ).endVertex();
private boolean isGreyScale( int colour )
return (colour == 0 || colour == 15 || colour == 7 || colour == 8);
public void drawStringBackgroundPart( int x, int y, TextBuffer backgroundColour, double leftMarginSize, double rightMarginSize, boolean greyScale )
// Draw the quads
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer renderer = tessellator.getBuffer();
renderer.begin( GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX_COLOR );
if( leftMarginSize > 0.0 )
int colour1 = "0123456789abcdef".indexOf( backgroundColour.charAt( 0 ) );
if( colour1 < 0 || (greyScale && !isGreyScale(colour1)) )
colour1 = 15;
drawQuad( renderer, x - leftMarginSize, y, colour1, leftMarginSize );
if( rightMarginSize > 0.0 )
int colour2 = "0123456789abcdef".indexOf( backgroundColour.charAt( backgroundColour.length() - 1 ) );
if( colour2 < 0 || (greyScale && !isGreyScale(colour2)) )
colour2 = 15;
drawQuad( renderer, x + backgroundColour.length() * FONT_WIDTH, y, colour2, rightMarginSize );
for( int i = 0; i < backgroundColour.length(); i++ )
int colour = "0123456789abcdef".indexOf( backgroundColour.charAt( i ) );
if( colour < 0 || ( greyScale && !isGreyScale( colour ) ) )
colour = 15;
drawQuad( renderer, x + i * FONT_WIDTH, y, colour, FONT_WIDTH );
public void drawStringTextPart( int x, int y, TextBuffer s, TextBuffer textColour, boolean greyScale )
// Draw the quads
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
VertexBuffer renderer = tessellator.getBuffer();
renderer.begin( GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX_COLOR );
for( int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ )
// Switch colour
int colour = "0123456789abcdef".indexOf( textColour.charAt( i ) );
if( colour < 0 || ( greyScale && !isGreyScale( colour ) ) )
colour = 0;
// Draw char
int index = (int)s.charAt( i );
if( index < 0 || index > 255 )
index = (int)'?';
drawChar( renderer, x + i * FONT_WIDTH, y, index, colour );
public void drawString( TextBuffer s, int x, int y, TextBuffer textColour, TextBuffer backgroundColour, double leftMarginSize, double rightMarginSize, boolean greyScale )
// Draw background
if( backgroundColour != null )
// Bind the background texture
m_textureManager.bindTexture( background );
// Draw the quads
drawStringBackgroundPart( x, y, backgroundColour, leftMarginSize, rightMarginSize, greyScale );
// Draw text
if( s != null && textColour != null )
// Bind the font texture
m_textureManager.bindTexture( font );
// Draw the quads
drawStringTextPart( x, y, s, textColour, greyScale );
public int getStringWidth(String s)
if(s == null)
return 0;
return s.length() * FONT_WIDTH;