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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The CC: Tweaked Developers
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package dan200.computercraft.gametest.api
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.core.ManagedComputers
import dan200.computercraft.mixin.gametest.GameTestHelperAccessor
import dan200.computercraft.mixin.gametest.GameTestInfoAccessor
import dan200.computercraft.mixin.gametest.GameTestSequenceAccessor
import dan200.computercraft.shared.platform.PlatformHelper
import dan200.computercraft.shared.platform.RegistryWrappers
import dan200.computercraft.test.shared.ItemStackMatcher.isStack
import net.minecraft.commands.arguments.blocks.BlockInput
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos
import net.minecraft.core.Direction
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.*
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation
import org.hamcrest.Matchers
import org.hamcrest.StringDescription
* Globally usable structures.
* @see GameTest.template
object Structures {
/** The "default" structure, a 5x5 area with a polished Andesite floor */
const val DEFAULT = "default"
/** Pre-set in-game times */
object Times {
const val NOON: Long = 6000
const val MIDNIGHT: Long = 18000
* Custom timeouts for various test types.
* @see GameTest.timeoutTicks
object Timeouts {
const val SECOND: Int = 20
const val DEFAULT: Int = SECOND * 5
const val COMPUTER_TIMEOUT: Int = SECOND * 15
* Equivalent to [GameTestSequence.thenExecute], but which won't run the next steps if the parent fails.
fun GameTestSequence.thenExecuteFailFast(task: Runnable): GameTestSequence =
thenExecute(task).thenWaitUntil {
val failure = (this as GameTestSequenceAccessor).parent.error
if (failure != null) throw failure
* Wait until a computer has finished running and check it is OK.
fun GameTestSequence.thenComputerOk(name: String? = null, marker: String = ComputerState.DONE): GameTestSequence {
val label = (this as GameTestSequenceAccessor).parent.testName + (if (name == null) "" else ".$name")
thenWaitUntil {
val computer = ComputerState.get(label)
if (computer == null || !computer.isDone(marker)) throw GameTestAssertException("Computer '$label' has not reached $marker yet.")
thenExecuteFailFast { ComputerState.get(label)!!.check(marker) }
return this
* Run a task on a computer but don't wait for it to finish.
fun GameTestSequence.thenStartComputer(name: String? = null, action: suspend LuaTaskContext.() -> Unit): GameTestSequence {
val test = (this as GameTestSequenceAccessor).parent
val label = test.testName + (if (name == null) "" else ".$name")
return thenExecuteFailFast { ManagedComputers.enqueue(test, label, action) }
* Run a task on a computer and wait for it to finish.
fun GameTestSequence.thenOnComputer(name: String? = null, action: suspend LuaTaskContext.() -> Unit): GameTestSequence {
val self = (this as GameTestSequenceAccessor)
val test = self.parent
val label = test.testName + (if (name == null) "" else ".$name")
var monitor: ManagedComputers.Monitor? = null
thenExecuteFailFast { monitor = ManagedComputers.enqueue(test, label, action) }
thenWaitUntil {
if (!monitor!!.isFinished) {
val runningFor = (test as GameTestInfoAccessor).`computercraft$getTick`() - self.lastTick
throw GameTestAssertException("Computer '$label' has not finished yet (running for $runningFor ticks).")
thenExecuteFailFast { monitor!!.check() }
return this
* Create a new game test sequence
fun GameTestHelper.sequence(run: GameTestSequence.() -> Unit) {
val sequence = startSequence()
* A custom instance of [GameTestAssertPosException] which allows for longer error messages.
private class VerboseGameTestAssertPosException(message: String, absolutePos: BlockPos, relativePos: BlockPos, tick: Long) :
GameTestAssertPosException(message, absolutePos, relativePos, tick) {
override fun getMessageToShowAtBlock(): String = message!!.lineSequence().first()
* Fail this test. Unlike [], this trims the in-game error message to the first line.
private fun GameTestHelper.failVerbose(message: String, pos: BlockPos): Nothing {
throw VerboseGameTestAssertPosException(message, absolutePos(pos), pos, tick)
/** Fail with an optional context message. */
private fun String?, detail: String, pos: BlockPos): Nothing {
failVerbose(if (message.isNullOrEmpty()) detail else "$message: $detail", pos)
* A version of [GameTestHelper.assertBlockState] which also includes the current block state.
fun GameTestHelper.assertBlockIs(pos: BlockPos, predicate: (BlockState) -> Boolean) = assertBlockIs(pos, predicate, "")
* A version of [GameTestHelper.assertBlockState] which also includes the current block state.
fun GameTestHelper.assertBlockIs(pos: BlockPos, predicate: (BlockState) -> Boolean, message: String) {
val state = getBlockState(pos)
if (!predicate(state)) fail(message, state.toString(), pos)
* A version of [GameTestHelper.assertBlockProperty] which includes the current block state in the error message.
fun <T : Comparable<T>> GameTestHelper.assertBlockHas(pos: BlockPos, property: Property<T>, value: T, message: String = "") {
val state = getBlockState(pos)
if (!state.hasProperty(property)) {
val id = RegistryWrappers.BLOCKS.getKey(state.block)
fail(message, "block $id does not have property ${}", pos)
} else if (state.getValue(property) != value) {
fail(message, "${} is ${state.getValue(property)}, expected $value", pos)
* Get a [Container] at a given position.
fun GameTestHelper.getContainerAt(pos: BlockPos): Container =
when (val container = getBlockEntity(pos)) {
is Container -> container
null -> failVerbose("Expected a container at $pos, found nothing", pos)
else -> failVerbose("Expected a container at $pos, found ${getName(container.type)}", pos)
* Assert a container contains exactly these items and no more.
* @param pos The position of the container.
* @param items The list of items this container must contain. This should be equal to the expected contents of the
* first `n` slots - the remaining are required to be empty.
fun GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactly(pos: BlockPos, items: List<ItemStack>) =
assertContainerExactlyImpl(pos, getContainerAt(pos), items)
* Assert an container contains exactly these items and no more.
* @param entity The entity containing these items.
* @param items The list of items this container must contain. This should be equal to the expected contents of the
* first `n` slots - the remaining are required to be empty.
fun <T> GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactly(entity: T, items: List<ItemStack>) where T : Entity, T : Container =
assertContainerExactlyImpl(entity.blockPosition(), entity, items)
private fun GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactlyImpl(pos: BlockPos, container: Container, items: List<ItemStack>) {
val slot = (0 until container.containerSize).indexOfFirst { slot ->
val expected = if (slot >= items.size) ItemStack.EMPTY else items[slot]
!ItemStack.matches(container.getItem(slot), expected)
if (slot >= 0) {
Items do not match (first mismatch at slot $slot).
Expected: $items
Container: ${(0 until container.containerSize).map { container.getItem(it) }.dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty }}
* A nasty hack to get a peripheral at a given position, by creating a dummy [BlockEntity].
private fun GameTestHelper.getPeripheralAt(pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction): IPeripheral? {
val be = BarrelBlockEntity(absolutePos(pos).relative(direction), Blocks.BARREL.defaultBlockState())
return PlatformHelper.get().createPeripheralAccess(be) { }.get(direction.opposite)
fun GameTestHelper.assertPeripheral(pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction = Direction.UP, type: String) {
val peripheral = getPeripheralAt(pos, direction)
when {
peripheral == null -> fail("No peripheral at position", pos)
peripheral.type != type -> fail("Peripheral is of type ${peripheral.type}, expected $type", pos)
fun GameTestHelper.assertNoPeripheral(pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction = Direction.UP) {
val peripheral = getPeripheralAt(pos, direction)
if (peripheral != null) fail("Expected no peripheral, got a ${peripheral.type}", pos)
fun GameTestHelper.assertExactlyItems(vararg expected: ItemStack, message: String? = null) {
val actual = getEntities(EntityType.ITEM).map { it.item }
val matcher = Matchers.containsInAnyOrder( { isStack(it) })
if (!matcher.matches(actual)) {
val description = StringDescription()
matcher.describeMismatch(actual, description)
fail(if (message.isNullOrEmpty()) description.toString() else "$message: $description")
private fun getName(type: BlockEntityType<*>): ResourceLocation = RegistryWrappers.BLOCK_ENTITY_TYPES.getKey(type)!!
* Get a [BlockEntity] of a specific type.
fun <T : BlockEntity> GameTestHelper.getBlockEntity(pos: BlockPos, type: BlockEntityType<T>): T {
val tile = getBlockEntity(pos)
return when {
tile == null -> failVerbose("Expected ${getName(type)}, but no tile was there", pos)
tile.type != type -> failVerbose("Expected ${getName(type)} but got ${getName(tile.type)}", pos)
else -> tile as T
* Get all entities of a specific type within the test structure.
fun <T : Entity> GameTestHelper.getEntities(type: EntityType<T>): List<T> {
val info = (this as GameTestHelperAccessor).testInfo
return level.getEntities(type, info.structureBounds!!) { it.isAlive }
* Get an [Entity] inside the game structure, requiring there to be a single one.
fun <T : Entity> GameTestHelper.getEntity(type: EntityType<T>): T {
val entities = getEntities(type)
when (entities.size) {
0 -> throw GameTestAssertException("No $type entities")
1 -> return entities[0]
else -> throw GameTestAssertException("Multiple $type entities (${entities.size} in bounding box)")
* Set a block within the test structure.
fun GameTestHelper.setBlock(pos: BlockPos, state: BlockInput) =, absolutePos(pos), 3)
* Modify a block state within the test.
fun GameTestHelper.modifyBlock(pos: BlockPos, modify: (BlockState) -> BlockState) {
setBlock(pos, modify(getBlockState(pos)))
* Update items in the container at [pos], setting the item in the specified [slot] to [item], and then marking it
* changed.
fun GameTestHelper.setContainerItem(pos: BlockPos, slot: Int, item: ItemStack) {
val container = getContainerAt(pos)
container.setItem(slot, item)
* An alternative version ot [GameTestHelper.placeAt], which sets the player's held item first.
* This is required for compatibility with Forge, which uses the in-hand stack, rather than the stack requested.
fun GameTestHelper.placeItemAt(stack: ItemStack, pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction) {
val player = makeMockPlayer()
player.setItemInHand(InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND, stack)
val absolutePos = absolutePos(pos.relative(direction))
val hit = BlockHitResult(Vec3.atCenterOf(absolutePos), direction, absolutePos, false)
stack.useOn(UseOnContext(player, InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND, hit))