mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-06-24 22:23:21 +00:00
SquidDev 9f8774960f Generate documentation stubs from Javadocs
illuaminate does not handle Java files, for obvious reasons. In order to
get around that, we have a series of stub files within /doc/stub which
mirrored the Java ones. While this works, it has a few problems:

 - The link to source code does not work - it just links to the stub
 - There's no guarantee that documentation remains consistent with the
   Java code. This change found several methods which were incorrectly
   documented beforehand.

We now replace this with a custom Java doclet[1], which extracts doc
comments from @LuaFunction annotated methods and generates stub-files
from them. These also contain a @source annotation, which allows us to
correctly link them back to the original Java code.

There's some issues with this which have yet to be fixed. However, I
don't think any of them are major blockers right now:

 - The custom doclet relies on Java 9 - I think it's /technically/
   possible to do this on Java 8, but the API is significantly uglier.
   This means that we need to run javadoc on a separate JVM.

   This is possible, and it works locally and on CI, but is definitely
   not a nice approach.

 - illuaminate now requires the doc stubs to be generated in order for
   the linter to pass, which does make running the linter locally much
   harder (especially given the above bullet point).

   We could notionally include the generated stubs (or at least a cut
   down version of them) in the repo, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

[1]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/jdk/javadoc/doclet/package-summary.html
2020-07-03 13:31:26 +01:00

369 lines
11 KiB

* This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2020. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com
package dan200.computercraft.core.apis;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IMount;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IWritableMount;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.*;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IDynamicPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IWorkMonitor;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.NotAttachedException;
import dan200.computercraft.core.asm.LuaMethod;
import dan200.computercraft.core.asm.NamedMethod;
import dan200.computercraft.core.asm.PeripheralMethod;
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.ComputerSide;
import dan200.computercraft.core.tracking.TrackingField;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
* CC's "native" peripheral API. This is wrapped within CraftOS to provide a version which works with modems.
* @cc.module peripheral
* @hidden
public class PeripheralAPI implements ILuaAPI, IAPIEnvironment.IPeripheralChangeListener
private class PeripheralWrapper extends ComputerAccess
private final String side;
private final IPeripheral peripheral;
private final String type;
private final Map<String, PeripheralMethod> methodMap;
private boolean attached;
PeripheralWrapper( IPeripheral peripheral, String side )
super( environment );
this.side = side;
this.peripheral = peripheral;
attached = false;
type = Objects.requireNonNull( peripheral.getType(), "Peripheral type cannot be null" );
methodMap = PeripheralAPI.getMethods( peripheral );
public IPeripheral getPeripheral()
return peripheral;
public String getType()
return type;
public Collection<String> getMethods()
return methodMap.keySet();
public synchronized boolean isAttached()
return attached;
public synchronized void attach()
attached = true;
peripheral.attach( this );
public void detach()
// Call detach
peripheral.detach( this );
synchronized( this )
// Unmount everything the detach function forgot to do
attached = false;
public MethodResult call( ILuaContext context, String methodName, IArguments arguments ) throws LuaException
PeripheralMethod method;
synchronized( this )
method = methodMap.get( methodName );
if( method == null ) throw new LuaException( "No such method " + methodName );
environment.addTrackingChange( TrackingField.PERIPHERAL_OPS );
return method.apply( peripheral, context, this, arguments );
// IComputerAccess implementation
public synchronized String mount( @Nonnull String desiredLoc, @Nonnull IMount mount, @Nonnull String driveName )
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
return super.mount( desiredLoc, mount, driveName );
public synchronized String mountWritable( @Nonnull String desiredLoc, @Nonnull IWritableMount mount, @Nonnull String driveName )
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
return super.mountWritable( desiredLoc, mount, driveName );
public synchronized void unmount( String location )
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
super.unmount( location );
public int getID()
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
return super.getID();
public void queueEvent( @Nonnull String event, Object... arguments )
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
super.queueEvent( event, arguments );
public String getAttachmentName()
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
return side;
public Map<String, IPeripheral> getAvailablePeripherals()
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
Map<String, IPeripheral> peripherals = new HashMap<>();
for( PeripheralWrapper wrapper : PeripheralAPI.this.peripherals )
if( wrapper != null && wrapper.isAttached() )
peripherals.put( wrapper.getAttachmentName(), wrapper.getPeripheral() );
return Collections.unmodifiableMap( peripherals );
public IPeripheral getAvailablePeripheral( @Nonnull String name )
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
for( PeripheralWrapper wrapper : peripherals )
if( wrapper != null && wrapper.isAttached() && wrapper.getAttachmentName().equals( name ) )
return wrapper.getPeripheral();
return null;
public IWorkMonitor getMainThreadMonitor()
if( !attached ) throw new NotAttachedException();
return super.getMainThreadMonitor();
private final IAPIEnvironment environment;
private final PeripheralWrapper[] peripherals = new PeripheralWrapper[6];
private boolean running;
public PeripheralAPI( IAPIEnvironment environment )
this.environment = environment;
this.environment.setPeripheralChangeListener( this );
running = false;
// IPeripheralChangeListener
public void onPeripheralChanged( ComputerSide side, IPeripheral newPeripheral )
synchronized( peripherals )
int index = side.ordinal();
if( peripherals[index] != null )
// Queue a detachment
final PeripheralWrapper wrapper = peripherals[index];
if( wrapper.isAttached() ) wrapper.detach();
// Queue a detachment event
environment.queueEvent( "peripheral_detach", side.getName() );
// Assign the new peripheral
peripherals[index] = newPeripheral == null ? null
: new PeripheralWrapper( newPeripheral, side.getName() );
if( peripherals[index] != null )
// Queue an attachment
final PeripheralWrapper wrapper = peripherals[index];
if( running && !wrapper.isAttached() ) wrapper.attach();
// Queue an attachment event
environment.queueEvent( "peripheral", side.getName() );
public String[] getNames()
return new String[] { "peripheral" };
public void startup()
synchronized( peripherals )
running = true;
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
PeripheralWrapper wrapper = peripherals[i];
if( wrapper != null && !wrapper.isAttached() ) wrapper.attach();
public void shutdown()
synchronized( peripherals )
running = false;
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
PeripheralWrapper wrapper = peripherals[i];
if( wrapper != null && wrapper.isAttached() )
public final boolean isPresent( String sideName )
ComputerSide side = ComputerSide.valueOfInsensitive( sideName );
if( side != null )
synchronized( peripherals )
PeripheralWrapper p = peripherals[side.ordinal()];
if( p != null ) return true;
return false;
public final Object[] getType( String sideName )
ComputerSide side = ComputerSide.valueOfInsensitive( sideName );
if( side == null ) return null;
synchronized( peripherals )
PeripheralWrapper p = peripherals[side.ordinal()];
if( p != null ) return new Object[] { p.getType() };
return null;
public final Object[] getMethods( String sideName )
ComputerSide side = ComputerSide.valueOfInsensitive( sideName );
if( side == null ) return null;
synchronized( peripherals )
PeripheralWrapper p = peripherals[side.ordinal()];
if( p != null ) return new Object[] { p.getMethods() };
return null;
public final MethodResult call( ILuaContext context, IArguments args ) throws LuaException
ComputerSide side = ComputerSide.valueOfInsensitive( args.getString( 0 ) );
String methodName = args.getString( 1 );
IArguments methodArgs = args.drop( 2 );
if( side == null ) throw new LuaException( "No peripheral attached" );
PeripheralWrapper p;
synchronized( peripherals )
p = peripherals[side.ordinal()];
if( p == null ) throw new LuaException( "No peripheral attached" );
return p.call( context, methodName, methodArgs ).adjustError( 1 );
catch( LuaException e )
// We increase the error level by one in order to shift the error level to where peripheral.call was
// invoked. It would be possible to do it in Lua code, but would add significantly more overhead.
if( e.getLevel() > 0 ) throw new FastLuaException( e.getMessage(), e.getLevel() + 1 );
throw e;
public static Map<String, PeripheralMethod> getMethods( IPeripheral peripheral )
String[] dynamicMethods = peripheral instanceof IDynamicPeripheral
? Objects.requireNonNull( ((IDynamicPeripheral) peripheral).getMethodNames(), "Peripheral methods cannot be null" )
List<NamedMethod<PeripheralMethod>> methods = PeripheralMethod.GENERATOR.getMethods( peripheral.getClass() );
Map<String, PeripheralMethod> methodMap = new HashMap<>( methods.size() + dynamicMethods.length );
for( int i = 0; i < dynamicMethods.length; i++ )
methodMap.put( dynamicMethods[i], PeripheralMethod.DYNAMIC.get( i ) );
for( NamedMethod<PeripheralMethod> method : methods )
methodMap.put( method.getName(), method.getMethod() );
return methodMap;