mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-09-29 15:30:48 +00:00
SquidDev 9f8774960f Generate documentation stubs from Javadocs
illuaminate does not handle Java files, for obvious reasons. In order to
get around that, we have a series of stub files within /doc/stub which
mirrored the Java ones. While this works, it has a few problems:

 - The link to source code does not work - it just links to the stub
 - There's no guarantee that documentation remains consistent with the
   Java code. This change found several methods which were incorrectly
   documented beforehand.

We now replace this with a custom Java doclet[1], which extracts doc
comments from @LuaFunction annotated methods and generates stub-files
from them. These also contain a @source annotation, which allows us to
correctly link them back to the original Java code.

There's some issues with this which have yet to be fixed. However, I
don't think any of them are major blockers right now:

 - The custom doclet relies on Java 9 - I think it's /technically/
   possible to do this on Java 8, but the API is significantly uglier.
   This means that we need to run javadoc on a separate JVM.

   This is possible, and it works locally and on CI, but is definitely
   not a nice approach.

 - illuaminate now requires the doc stubs to be generated in order for
   the linter to pass, which does make running the linter locally much
   harder (especially given the above bullet point).

   We could notionally include the generated stubs (or at least a cut
   down version of them) in the repo, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

[1]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/jdk/javadoc/doclet/package-summary.html
2020-07-03 13:31:26 +01:00

201 lines
7.5 KiB

--- The http library allows communicating with web servers, sending and
-- receiving data from them.
-- #### `http_check` event
-- @module http
--- Asynchronously make a HTTP request to the given url.
-- This returns immediately, a [`http_success`](#http-success-event) or
-- [`http_failure`](#http-failure-event) will be queued once the request has
-- completed.
-- @tparam string url The url to request
-- @tparam[opt] string body An optional string containing the body of the
-- request. If specified, a `POST` request will be made instead.
-- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
-- of this request.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true,
-- the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be
-- decoded.
-- @tparam[2] {
-- url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string },
-- binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean,
-- } request Options for the request.
-- This table form is an expanded version of the previous syntax. All arguments
-- from above are passed in as fields instead (for instance,
-- `http.request("https://example.com")` becomes `http.request { url =
-- "https://example.com" }`).
-- This table also accepts several additional options:
-- - `method`: Which HTTP method to use, for instance `"PATCH"` or `"DELETE"`.
-- - `redirect`: Whether to follow HTTP redirects. Defaults to true.
-- @see http.get For a synchronous way to make GET requests.
-- @see http.post For a synchronous way to make POST requests.
function request(...) end
--- Make a HTTP GET request to the given url.
-- @tparam string url The url to request
-- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
-- of this request.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true,
-- the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be
-- decoded.
-- @tparam[2] {
-- url = string, headers? = { [string] = string },
-- binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean,
-- } request Options for the request. See @{http.request} for details on how
-- these options behave.
-- @treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from.
-- @treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404
-- error or connection timeout.
-- @treturn string A message detailing why the request failed.
-- @treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available.
-- @usage Make a request to [example.computercraft.cc](https://example.computercraft.cc),
-- and print the returned page.
-- ```lua
-- local request = http.get("https://example.computercraft.cc")
-- print(request.readAll())
-- -- => HTTP is working!
-- request.close()
-- ```
function get(...) end
--- Make a HTTP POST request to the given url.
-- @tparam string url The url to request
-- @tparam string body The body of the POST request.
-- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
-- of this request.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true,
-- the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be
-- decoded.
-- @tparam[2] {
-- url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string },
-- binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean,
-- } request Options for the request. See @{http.request} for details on how
-- these options behave.
-- @treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from.
-- @treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404
-- error or connection timeout.
-- @treturn string A message detailing why the request failed.
-- @treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available.
function post(...) end
--- A http response. This acts very much like a @{fs.ReadHandle|file}, though
-- provides some http specific methods.
-- #### `http_success` event
-- #### `http_failure` event
-- @type Response
-- @see http.request On how to make a http request.
local Response = {}
--- Returns the response code and response message returned by the server
-- @treturn number The response code (i.e. 200)
-- @treturn string The response message (i.e. "OK")
function Response.getResponseCode() end
--- Get a table containing the response's headers, in a format similar to that
-- required by @{http.request}. If multiple headers are sent with the same
-- name, they will be combined with a comma.
-- @treturn { [string]=string } The response's headers.
-- Make a request to [example.computercraft.cc](https://example.computercraft.cc),
-- and print the returned headers.
-- ```lua
-- local request = http.get("https://example.computercraft.cc")
-- print(textutils.serialize(request.getResponseHeaders()))
-- -- => {
-- -- [ "Content-Type" ] = "text/plain; charset=utf8",
-- -- [ "content-length" ] = 17,
-- -- ...
-- -- }
-- request.close()
-- ```
function Response.getResponseHeaders() end
function Response.read(count) end
function Response.readAll() end
function Response.readLine(with_trailing) end
function Response.seek(whence, offset) end
function Response.close() end
--- Asynchronously determine whether a URL can be requested.
-- If this returns `true`, one should also listen for [`http_check`
-- events](#http-check-event) which will container further information about
-- whether the URL is allowed or not.
-- @tparam string url The URL to check.
-- @treturn true When this url is not invalid. This does not imply that it is
-- allowed - see the comment above.
-- @treturn[2] false When this url is invalid.
-- @treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is
-- malformed, or blocked).
-- @see http.checkURL For a synchronous version.
function checkURLAsync(url) end
--- Determine whether a URL can be requested.
-- If this returns `true`, one should also listen for [`http_check`
-- events](#http-check-event) which will container further information about
-- whether the URL is allowed or not.
-- @tparam string url The URL to check.
-- @treturn true When this url is valid and can be requested via @{http.request}.
-- @treturn[2] false When this url is invalid.
-- @treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is
-- malformed, or blocked).
-- @see http.checkURLAsync For an asynchronous version.
-- @usage
-- ```lua
-- print(http.checkURL("https://example.computercraft.cc/"))
-- -- => true
-- print(http.checkURL("http://localhost/"))
-- -- => false Domain not permitted
-- print(http.checkURL("not a url"))
-- -- => false URL malformed
-- ```
function checkURL(url) end
--- Open a websocket.
-- @tparam string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the
-- `ws://` or `wss://` protocol.
-- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
-- of the initial websocket connection.
-- @treturn Websocket The websocket connection.
-- @treturn[2] false If the websocket connection failed.
-- @treturn string An error message describing why the connection failed.
function websocket(url, headers) end
--- Asynchronously open a websocket.
-- This returns immediately, a [`websocket_success`](#websocket-success-event)
-- or [`websocket_failure`](#websocket-failure-event) will be queued once the
-- request has completed.
-- @tparam string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the
-- `ws://` or `wss://` protocol.
-- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
-- of the initial websocket connection.
function websocketAsync(url, headers) end