mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-06-17 02:40:06 +00:00
Jonathan Coates 9d1ee6f61d Remove m_ (#658)

Not looking forward to the merge conflicts on this one.
2021-01-15 16:35:49 +00:00

420 lines
12 KiB

* This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2021. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com
package dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.FileOperationException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IWritableMount;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.Set;
public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
private static final int MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE = 500;
private static final Set<OpenOption> READ_OPTIONS = Collections.singleton( StandardOpenOption.READ );
private static final Set<OpenOption> WRITE_OPTIONS = Sets.newHashSet( StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING );
private static final Set<OpenOption> APPEND_OPTIONS = Sets.newHashSet( StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND );
private class WritableCountingChannel implements WritableByteChannel
private final WritableByteChannel inner;
long ignoredBytesLeft;
WritableCountingChannel( WritableByteChannel inner, long bytesToIgnore )
this.inner = inner;
ignoredBytesLeft = bytesToIgnore;
public int write( @Nonnull ByteBuffer b ) throws IOException
count( b.remaining() );
return inner.write( b );
void count( long n ) throws IOException
ignoredBytesLeft -= n;
if( ignoredBytesLeft < 0 )
long newBytes = -ignoredBytesLeft;
ignoredBytesLeft = 0;
long bytesLeft = capacity - usedSpace;
if( newBytes > bytesLeft ) throw new IOException( "Out of space" );
usedSpace += newBytes;
public boolean isOpen()
return inner.isOpen();
public void close() throws IOException
private class SeekableCountingChannel extends WritableCountingChannel implements SeekableByteChannel
private final SeekableByteChannel inner;
SeekableCountingChannel( SeekableByteChannel inner, long bytesToIgnore )
super( inner, bytesToIgnore );
this.inner = inner;
public SeekableByteChannel position( long newPosition ) throws IOException
if( !isOpen() ) throw new ClosedChannelException();
if( newPosition < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot seek before the beginning of the stream" );
long delta = newPosition - inner.position();
if( delta < 0 )
ignoredBytesLeft -= delta;
count( delta );
return inner.position( newPosition );
public SeekableByteChannel truncate( long size ) throws IOException
throw new IOException( "Not yet implemented" );
public int read( ByteBuffer dst ) throws ClosedChannelException
if( !inner.isOpen() ) throw new ClosedChannelException();
throw new NonReadableChannelException();
public long position() throws IOException
return inner.position();
public long size() throws IOException
return inner.size();
private final File rootPath;
private final long capacity;
private long usedSpace;
public FileMount( File rootPath, long capacity )
this.rootPath = rootPath;
this.capacity = capacity + MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
usedSpace = created() ? measureUsedSpace( this.rootPath ) : MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
// IMount implementation
public boolean exists( @Nonnull String path )
if( !created() ) return path.isEmpty();
File file = getRealPath( path );
return file.exists();
public boolean isDirectory( @Nonnull String path )
if( !created() ) return path.isEmpty();
File file = getRealPath( path );
return file.exists() && file.isDirectory();
public void list( @Nonnull String path, @Nonnull List<String> contents ) throws IOException
if( !created() )
if( !path.isEmpty() ) throw new FileOperationException( path, "Not a directory" );
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( !file.exists() || !file.isDirectory() ) throw new FileOperationException( path, "Not a directory" );
String[] paths = file.list();
for( String subPath : paths )
if( new File( file, subPath ).exists() ) contents.add( subPath );
public long getSize( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
if( !created() )
if( path.isEmpty() ) return 0;
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( file.exists() ) return file.isDirectory() ? 0 : file.length();
throw new FileOperationException( path, "No such file" );
public ReadableByteChannel openForRead( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
if( created() )
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( file.exists() && !file.isDirectory() ) return FileChannel.open( file.toPath(), READ_OPTIONS );
throw new FileOperationException( path, "No such file" );
public BasicFileAttributes getAttributes( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
if( created() )
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( file.exists() ) return Files.readAttributes( file.toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class );
throw new FileOperationException( path, "No such file" );
// IWritableMount implementation
public void makeDirectory( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( file.exists() )
if( !file.isDirectory() ) throw new FileOperationException( path, "File exists" );
int dirsToCreate = 1;
File parent = file.getParentFile();
while( !parent.exists() )
parent = parent.getParentFile();
if( getRemainingSpace() < dirsToCreate * MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE )
throw new FileOperationException( path, "Out of space" );
if( file.mkdirs() )
usedSpace += dirsToCreate * MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
throw new FileOperationException( path, "Access denied" );
public void delete( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
if( path.isEmpty() ) throw new FileOperationException( path, "Access denied" );
if( created() )
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( file.exists() ) deleteRecursively( file );
private void deleteRecursively( File file ) throws IOException
// Empty directories first
if( file.isDirectory() )
String[] children = file.list();
for( String aChildren : children )
deleteRecursively( new File( file, aChildren ) );
// Then delete
long fileSize = file.isDirectory() ? 0 : file.length();
boolean success = file.delete();
if( success )
usedSpace -= Math.max( MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE, fileSize );
throw new IOException( "Access denied" );
public WritableByteChannel openForWrite( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( file.exists() && file.isDirectory() ) throw new FileOperationException( path, "Cannot write to directory" );
if( file.exists() )
usedSpace -= Math.max( file.length(), MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
else if( getRemainingSpace() < MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE )
throw new FileOperationException( path, "Out of space" );
return new SeekableCountingChannel( Files.newByteChannel( file.toPath(), WRITE_OPTIONS ), MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
public WritableByteChannel openForAppend( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
if( !created() )
throw new FileOperationException( path, "No such file" );
File file = getRealPath( path );
if( !file.exists() ) throw new FileOperationException( path, "No such file" );
if( file.isDirectory() ) throw new FileOperationException( path, "Cannot write to directory" );
// Allowing seeking when appending is not recommended, so we use a separate channel.
return new WritableCountingChannel(
Files.newByteChannel( file.toPath(), APPEND_OPTIONS ),
Math.max( MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE - file.length(), 0 )
public long getRemainingSpace()
return Math.max( capacity - usedSpace, 0 );
public OptionalLong getCapacity()
return OptionalLong.of( capacity - MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
private File getRealPath( String path )
return new File( rootPath, path );
private boolean created()
return rootPath.exists();
private void create() throws IOException
if( !rootPath.exists() )
boolean success = rootPath.mkdirs();
if( !success )
throw new IOException( "Access denied" );
private static class Visitor extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path>
long size;
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory( Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs )
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFile( Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs )
size += Math.max( attrs.size(), MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed( Path file, IOException exc )
ComputerCraft.log.error( "Error computing file size for {}", file, exc );
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
private static long measureUsedSpace( File file )
if( !file.exists() ) return 0;
Visitor visitor = new Visitor();
Files.walkFileTree( file.toPath(), visitor );
return visitor.size;
catch( IOException e )
ComputerCraft.log.error( "Error computing file size for {}", file, e );
return 0;