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* This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2020. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com
package dan200.computercraft.shared.command;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.Computer;
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.ComputerSide;
import dan200.computercraft.core.tracking.ComputerTracker;
import dan200.computercraft.core.tracking.Tracking;
import dan200.computercraft.core.tracking.TrackingContext;
import dan200.computercraft.core.tracking.TrackingField;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.Config;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.command.framework.*;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.command.text.TableBuilder;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.computer.core.ComputerFamily;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.computer.core.ServerComputer;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.network.Containers;
import net.minecraft.command.CommandBase;
import net.minecraft.command.CommandException;
import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.text.ChatHelpers.*;
public final class CommandComputerCraft extends CommandDelegate
public static final UUID SYSTEM_UUID = new UUID( 0, 0 );
private static final int DUMP_LIST_ID = 5373952;
private static final int DUMP_SINGLE_ID = 1844510720;
private static final int TRACK_ID = 373882880;
public CommandComputerCraft()
super( create() );
private static ISubCommand create()
CommandRoot root = new CommandRoot( "computercraft" );
root.register( new SubCommandBase( "dump", UserLevel.OWNER_OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
if( arguments.isEmpty() )
TableBuilder table = new TableBuilder( DUMP_LIST_ID, "Computer", "On", "Position" );
List<ServerComputer> computers = new ArrayList<>( ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.getComputers() );
// Unless we're on a server, limit the number of rows we can send.
if( !(context.getSender() instanceof MinecraftServer) )
World world = context.getSender().getEntityWorld();
BlockPos pos = context.getSender().getPosition();
computers.sort( ( a, b ) -> {
if( a.getWorld() == b.getWorld() && a.getWorld() == world )
return Double.compare( a.getPosition().distanceSq( pos ), b.getPosition().distanceSq( pos ) );
else if( a.getWorld() == world )
return -1;
else if( b.getWorld() == world )
return 1;
return Integer.compare( a.getInstanceID(), b.getInstanceID() );
} );
for( ServerComputer computer : computers )
linkComputer( context, computer, computer.getID() ),
bool( computer.isOn() ),
linkPosition( context, computer )
table.display( context.getSender() );
else if( arguments.size() == 1 )
ServerComputer computer = ComputerSelector.getComputer( arguments.get( 0 ) );
TableBuilder table = new TableBuilder( DUMP_SINGLE_ID );
table.row( header( "Instance" ), text( Integer.toString( computer.getInstanceID() ) ) );
table.row( header( "Id" ), text( Integer.toString( computer.getID() ) ) );
table.row( header( "Label" ), text( computer.getLabel() ) );
table.row( header( "On" ), bool( computer.isOn() ) );
table.row( header( "Position" ), linkPosition( context, computer ) );
table.row( header( "Family" ), text( computer.getFamily().toString() ) );
for( ComputerSide side : ComputerSide.values() )
IPeripheral peripheral = computer.getPeripheral( side );
if( peripheral != null )
table.row( header( "Peripheral " + side.getName() ), text( peripheral.getType() ) );
table.display( context.getSender() );
throw new CommandException( context.getFullUsage() );
public List<String> getCompletion( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
return arguments.size() == 1
? ComputerSelector.completeComputer( arguments.get( 0 ) )
: Collections.emptyList();
} );
root.register( new SubCommandBase( "shutdown", UserLevel.OWNER_OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
withComputers( arguments, computers -> {
int shutdown = 0;
for( ServerComputer computer : computers )
if( computer.isOn() ) shutdown++;
context.getSender().sendMessage( translate( "commands.computercraft.shutdown.done", shutdown, computers.size() ) );
} );
public List<String> getCompletion( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
return arguments.isEmpty()
? Collections.emptyList()
: ComputerSelector.completeComputer( arguments.get( arguments.size() - 1 ) );
} );
root.register( new SubCommandBase( "turn-on", UserLevel.OWNER_OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
withComputers( arguments, computers -> {
int on = 0;
for( ServerComputer computer : computers )
if( !computer.isOn() ) on++;
context.getSender().sendMessage( translate( "commands.computercraft.turn_on.done", on, computers.size() ) );
} );
public List<String> getCompletion( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
return arguments.isEmpty()
? Collections.emptyList()
: ComputerSelector.completeComputer( arguments.get( arguments.size() - 1 ) );
} );
root.register( new SubCommandBase( "tp", UserLevel.OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
if( arguments.size() != 1 ) throw new CommandException( context.getFullUsage() );
ServerComputer computer = ComputerSelector.getComputer( arguments.get( 0 ) );
World world = computer.getWorld();
BlockPos pos = computer.getPosition();
if( world == null || pos == null ) throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.tp.not_there" );
ICommandSender sender = context.getSender();
if( !(sender instanceof Entity) ) throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.tp.not_entity" );
if( sender instanceof EntityPlayerMP )
EntityPlayerMP entity = (EntityPlayerMP) sender;
if( entity.getEntityWorld() != world )
context.getServer().getPlayerList().changePlayerDimension( entity, world.provider.getDimension() );
entity.setPositionAndUpdate( pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.5 );
Entity entity = (Entity) sender;
if( entity.getEntityWorld() != world )
entity.changeDimension( world.provider.getDimension() );
pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.5,
entity.rotationYaw, entity.rotationPitch
public List<String> getCompletion( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
return arguments.size() == 1
? ComputerSelector.completeComputer( arguments.get( 0 ) )
: Collections.emptyList();
} );
root.register( new SubCommandBase( "view", UserLevel.OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
if( arguments.size() != 1 ) throw new CommandException( context.getFullUsage() );
ICommandSender sender = context.getSender();
if( !(sender instanceof EntityPlayerMP) )
throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.view.not_player" );
ServerComputer computer = ComputerSelector.getComputer( arguments.get( 0 ) );
Containers.openComputerGUI( (EntityPlayerMP) sender, computer );
public List<String> getCompletion( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
return arguments.size() == 1
? ComputerSelector.completeComputer( arguments.get( 0 ) )
: Collections.emptyList();
} );
root.register( new CommandRoot( "track" ).register( new SubCommandBase( "start", UserLevel.OWNER_OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
getTimingContext( context ).start();
String stopCommand = "/" + context.parent().getFullPath() + " stop";
context.getSender().sendMessage( list(
translate( "commands.computercraft.track.start.stop",
link( text( stopCommand ), stopCommand, translate( "commands.computercraft.track.stop.action" ) ) )
) );
} ).register( new SubCommandBase( "stop", UserLevel.OWNER_OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
TrackingContext timings = getTimingContext( context );
if( !timings.stop() ) throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.track.stop.not_enabled" );
displayTimings( context, timings.getImmutableTimings(), TrackingField.AVERAGE_TIME );
} ).register( new SubCommandBase( "dump", UserLevel.OWNER_OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
TrackingField field = TrackingField.AVERAGE_TIME;
if( arguments.size() >= 1 )
field = TrackingField.fields().get( arguments.get( 0 ) );
if( field == null )
throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.track.dump.no_field", arguments.get( 0 ) );
displayTimings( context, getTimingContext( context ).getImmutableTimings(), field );
public List<String> getCompletion( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
if( arguments.size() == 1 )
String match = arguments.get( 0 );
List<String> out = new ArrayList<>();
for( String key : TrackingField.fields().keySet() )
if( CommandBase.doesStringStartWith( match, key ) ) out.add( key );
out.sort( Comparator.naturalOrder() );
return out;
return super.getCompletion( context, arguments );
} ) );
root.register( new SubCommandBase( "reload", UserLevel.OWNER_OP )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
context.getSender().sendMessage( translate( "commands.computercraft.reload.done" ) );
} );
root.register( new SubCommandBase( "queue", UserLevel.ANYONE )
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
if( arguments.size() < 1 ) throw new CommandException( context.getFullUsage() );
String selector = arguments.get( 0 );
Object[] rest = arguments.subList( 1, arguments.size() ).toArray();
boolean found = false;
for( ServerComputer computer : ComputerSelector.getComputers( selector ) )
if( computer.getFamily() != ComputerFamily.Command || !computer.isOn() ) continue;
found = true;
computer.queueEvent( "computer_command", rest );
if( !found )
throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.argument.no_matching", selector );
} );
return root;
private static ITextComponent linkComputer( CommandContext context, ServerComputer serverComputer, int computerId )
ITextComponent out = new TextComponentString( "" );
// Append the computer instance
if( serverComputer == null )
out.appendSibling( text( "?" ) );
out.appendSibling( link(
text( Integer.toString( serverComputer.getInstanceID() ) ),
"/computercraft dump " + serverComputer.getInstanceID(),
translate( "commands.computercraft.dump.action" )
) );
// And ID
out.appendText( " (id " + computerId + ")" );
// And, if we're a player, some useful links
if( serverComputer != null && UserLevel.OP.canExecute( context ) && context.fromPlayer() )
.appendText( " " )
.appendSibling( link(
text( "\u261b" ),
"/computercraft tp " + serverComputer.getInstanceID(),
translate( "commands.computercraft.tp.action" )
) )
.appendText( " " )
.appendSibling( link(
text( "\u20e2" ),
"/computercraft view " + serverComputer.getInstanceID(),
translate( "commands.computercraft.view.action" )
) );
return out;
private static ITextComponent linkPosition( CommandContext context, ServerComputer computer )
if( UserLevel.OP.canExecute( context ) )
return link(
position( computer.getPosition() ),
"/computercraft tp " + computer.getInstanceID(),
translate( "commands.computercraft.tp.action" )
return position( computer.getPosition() );
private static TrackingContext getTimingContext( CommandContext context )
Entity entity = context.getSender().getCommandSenderEntity();
if( entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP )
return Tracking.getContext( entity.getUniqueID() );
return Tracking.getContext( SYSTEM_UUID );
private static void displayTimings( CommandContext context, List<ComputerTracker> timings, TrackingField field ) throws CommandException
if( timings.isEmpty() ) throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.track.dump.no_timings" );
Map<Computer, ServerComputer> lookup = new HashMap<>();
int maxId = 0, maxInstance = 0;
for( ServerComputer server : ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.getComputers() )
lookup.put( server.getComputer(), server );
if( server.getInstanceID() > maxInstance ) maxInstance = server.getInstanceID();
if( server.getID() > maxId ) maxId = server.getID();
timings.sort( Comparator.<ComputerTracker, Long>comparing( x -> x.get( field ) ).reversed() );
boolean defaultLayout = field == TrackingField.TASKS || field == TrackingField.TOTAL_TIME
|| field == TrackingField.AVERAGE_TIME || field == TrackingField.MAX_TIME;
TableBuilder table = defaultLayout ? new TableBuilder(
translate( "commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer" ),
translate( TrackingField.TASKS.translationKey() ),
translate( TrackingField.TOTAL_TIME.translationKey() ),
translate( TrackingField.AVERAGE_TIME.translationKey() ),
translate( TrackingField.MAX_TIME.translationKey() )
) : new TableBuilder(
translate( "commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer" ),
translate( field.translationKey() )
for( ComputerTracker entry : timings )
Computer computer = entry.getComputer();
ServerComputer serverComputer = computer == null ? null : lookup.get( computer );
ITextComponent computerComponent = linkComputer( context, serverComputer, entry.getComputerId() );
if( defaultLayout )
text( entry.getFormatted( TrackingField.TASKS ) ),
text( entry.getFormatted( TrackingField.TOTAL_TIME ) ),
text( entry.getFormatted( TrackingField.AVERAGE_TIME ) ),
text( entry.getFormatted( TrackingField.MAX_TIME ) )
table.row( computerComponent, text( entry.getFormatted( field ) ) );
table.display( context.getSender() );
private static void withComputers( List<String> selectors, Consumer<Collection<ServerComputer>> action ) throws CommandException
Set<ServerComputer> computers = Sets.newHashSet();
List<String> failed = new ArrayList<>();
if( selectors.isEmpty() )
computers.addAll( ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.getComputers() );
for( String selector : selectors )
List<ServerComputer> selected = ComputerSelector.getComputers( selector );
computers.addAll( selected );
if( selected.isEmpty() ) failed.add( selector );
action.accept( computers );
if( !failed.isEmpty() )
throw new CommandException( "commands.computercraft.argument.no_matching", String.join( ", ", failed ) );