mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-06-24 06:03:28 +00:00
Daniel Ratcliffe 7d497f2835 ComputerCraft 1.80pr0
Updated the source code to the version shipped as the 1.80pr0 alpha
release. Also removed some unnecessary files from the LuaJ subfolder
which were bulking up the repository.
2017-05-01 14:51:26 +01:00

427 lines
17 KiB

* This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2016. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com
package dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.core;
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.turtle.ITurtleAccess;
import dan200.computercraft.api.turtle.ITurtleCommand;
import dan200.computercraft.api.turtle.TurtleAnimation;
import dan200.computercraft.api.turtle.TurtleCommandResult;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.DirectionUtil;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.IEntityDropConsumer;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.InventoryUtil;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.WorldUtil;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.item.*;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntitySign;
import net.minecraft.util.ActionResult;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumActionResult;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.WorldServer;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
public class TurtlePlaceCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final InteractDirection m_direction;
private final Object[] m_extraArguments;
public TurtlePlaceCommand( InteractDirection direction, Object[] arguments )
m_direction = direction;
m_extraArguments = arguments;
public TurtleCommandResult execute( ITurtleAccess turtle )
// Get thing to place
ItemStack stack = turtle.getInventory().getStackInSlot( turtle.getSelectedSlot() );
if( stack == null )
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( "No items to place" );
// Remember old block
EnumFacing direction = m_direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
World world = turtle.getWorld();
BlockPos coordinates = WorldUtil.moveCoords( turtle.getPosition(), direction );
IBlockState previousState;
if( WorldUtil.isBlockInWorld( world, coordinates ) )
previousState = world.getBlockState( coordinates );
previousState = null;
// Do the deploying
String[] errorMessage = new String[1];
ItemStack remainder = deploy( stack, turtle, direction, m_extraArguments, errorMessage );
if( remainder != stack )
// Put the remaining items back
turtle.getInventory().setInventorySlotContents( turtle.getSelectedSlot(), remainder );
// Remember the old block
if( turtle instanceof TurtleBrain && previousState != null )
TurtleBrain brain = (TurtleBrain)turtle;
brain.saveBlockChange( coordinates, previousState );
// Animate and return success
turtle.playAnimation( TurtleAnimation.Wait );
return TurtleCommandResult.success();
if( errorMessage[0] != null )
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( errorMessage[0] );
else if( stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock )
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( "Cannot place block here" );
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( "Cannot place item here" );
public static ItemStack deploy( ItemStack stack, ITurtleAccess turtle, EnumFacing direction, Object[] extraArguments, String[] o_errorMessage )
// Create a fake player, and orient it appropriately
BlockPos playerPosition = WorldUtil.moveCoords( turtle.getPosition(), direction );
TurtlePlayer turtlePlayer = createPlayer( turtle, playerPosition, direction );
// Deploy on an entity
ItemStack remainder = deployOnEntity( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, direction, extraArguments, o_errorMessage );
if( remainder != stack )
return remainder;
// Deploy on the block immediately in front
BlockPos position = turtle.getPosition();
BlockPos newPosition = WorldUtil.moveCoords( position, direction );
remainder = deployOnBlock( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, newPosition, direction.getOpposite(), extraArguments, true, o_errorMessage );
if( remainder != stack )
return remainder;
// Deploy on the block one block away
remainder = deployOnBlock( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, WorldUtil.moveCoords( newPosition, direction ), direction.getOpposite(), extraArguments, false, o_errorMessage );
if( remainder != stack )
return remainder;
if( direction.getAxis() != EnumFacing.Axis.Y )
// Deploy down on the block in front
remainder = deployOnBlock( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, newPosition.down(), EnumFacing.UP, extraArguments, false, o_errorMessage );
if( remainder != stack )
return remainder;
// Deploy back onto the turtle
remainder = deployOnBlock( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, position, direction, extraArguments, false, o_errorMessage );
if( remainder != stack )
return remainder;
// If nothing worked, return the original stack unchanged
return stack;
public static TurtlePlayer createPlayer( ITurtleAccess turtle, BlockPos position, EnumFacing direction )
TurtlePlayer turtlePlayer = new TurtlePlayer( (WorldServer)turtle.getWorld() );
orientPlayer( turtle, turtlePlayer, position, direction );
return turtlePlayer;
public static void orientPlayer( ITurtleAccess turtle, TurtlePlayer turtlePlayer, BlockPos position, EnumFacing direction )
turtlePlayer.posX = position.getX() + 0.5;
turtlePlayer.posY = position.getY() + 0.5;
turtlePlayer.posZ = position.getZ() + 0.5;
// Stop intersection with the turtle itself
if( turtle.getPosition().equals( position ) )
turtlePlayer.posX += 0.48 * direction.getFrontOffsetX();
turtlePlayer.posY += 0.48 * direction.getFrontOffsetY();
turtlePlayer.posZ += 0.48 * direction.getFrontOffsetZ();
if( direction.getAxis() != EnumFacing.Axis.Y )
turtlePlayer.rotationYaw = DirectionUtil.toYawAngle( direction );
turtlePlayer.rotationPitch = 0.0f;
turtlePlayer.rotationYaw = DirectionUtil.toYawAngle( turtle.getDirection() );
turtlePlayer.rotationPitch = DirectionUtil.toPitchAngle( direction );
turtlePlayer.prevPosX = turtlePlayer.posX;
turtlePlayer.prevPosY = turtlePlayer.posY;
turtlePlayer.prevPosZ = turtlePlayer.posZ;
turtlePlayer.prevRotationPitch = turtlePlayer.rotationPitch;
turtlePlayer.prevRotationYaw = turtlePlayer.rotationYaw;
turtlePlayer.rotationYawHead = turtlePlayer.rotationYaw;
turtlePlayer.prevRotationYawHead = turtlePlayer.rotationYawHead;
private static ItemStack deployOnEntity( ItemStack stack, final ITurtleAccess turtle, TurtlePlayer turtlePlayer, EnumFacing direction, Object[] extraArguments, String[] o_errorMessage )
// See if there is an entity present
final World world = turtle.getWorld();
final BlockPos position = turtle.getPosition();
Vec3d turtlePos = new Vec3d( turtlePlayer.posX, turtlePlayer.posY, turtlePlayer.posZ );
Vec3d rayDir = turtlePlayer.getLook( 1.0f );
Vec3d rayStart = turtlePos;
Pair<Entity, Vec3d> hit = WorldUtil.rayTraceEntities( world, rayStart, rayDir, 1.5 );
if( hit == null )
return stack;
// Load up the turtle's inventory
Item item = stack.getItem();
ItemStack stackCopy = stack.copy();
turtlePlayer.loadInventory( stackCopy );
// Start claiming entity drops
Entity hitEntity = hit.getKey();
Vec3d hitPos = hit.getValue();
ComputerCraft.setEntityDropConsumer( hitEntity, new IEntityDropConsumer()
public void consumeDrop( Entity entity, ItemStack drop )
ItemStack remainder = InventoryUtil.storeItems( drop, turtle.getInventory(), 0, turtle.getInventory().getSizeInventory(), turtle.getSelectedSlot() );
if( remainder != null )
WorldUtil.dropItemStack( remainder, world, position, turtle.getDirection().getOpposite() );
} );
// Place on the entity
boolean placed = false;
if( hitEntity.applyPlayerInteraction( turtlePlayer, hitPos, stackCopy, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND ) == EnumActionResult.SUCCESS )
placed = true;
turtlePlayer.loadInventory( stackCopy );
else if( hitEntity instanceof EntityLivingBase )
placed = item.itemInteractionForEntity( stackCopy, turtlePlayer, (EntityLivingBase)hitEntity, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND );
if( placed )
turtlePlayer.loadInventory( stackCopy );
// Stop claiming drops
ComputerCraft.clearEntityDropConsumer( hitEntity );
// Put everything we collected into the turtles inventory, then return
ItemStack remainder = turtlePlayer.unloadInventory( turtle );
if( !placed && (remainder != null && ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual( stack, remainder )) )
return stack;
else if( remainder != null && remainder.stackSize > 0 )
return remainder;
return null;
private static boolean canDeployOnBlock( ItemStack stack, ITurtleAccess turtle, TurtlePlayer player, BlockPos position, EnumFacing side, boolean allowReplaceable, String[] o_errorMessage )
World world = turtle.getWorld();
if( WorldUtil.isBlockInWorld( world, position ) &&
!world.isAirBlock( position ) &&
!(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && WorldUtil.isLiquidBlock( world, position )) )
Block block = world.getBlockState( position ).getBlock();
IBlockState state = world.getBlockState( position );
boolean replaceable = block.isReplaceable( world, position );
if( allowReplaceable || !replaceable )
if( ComputerCraft.turtlesObeyBlockProtection )
// Check spawn protection
boolean editable = true;
if( replaceable )
editable = ComputerCraft.isBlockEditable( world, position, player );
BlockPos shiftedPos = WorldUtil.moveCoords( position, side );
if( WorldUtil.isBlockInWorld( world, shiftedPos ) )
editable = ComputerCraft.isBlockEditable( world, shiftedPos, player );
if( !editable )
if( o_errorMessage != null )
o_errorMessage[0] = "Cannot place in protected area";
return false;
// Check the block is solid or liquid
if( block.canCollideCheck( state, true ) )
return true;
return false;
private static ItemStack deployOnBlock( ItemStack stack, ITurtleAccess turtle, TurtlePlayer turtlePlayer, BlockPos position, EnumFacing side, Object[] extraArguments, boolean allowReplace, String[] o_errorMessage )
// Check if there's something suitable to place onto
if( !canDeployOnBlock( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, position, side, allowReplace, o_errorMessage ) )
return stack;
// Re-orient the fake player
EnumFacing playerDir = side.getOpposite();
BlockPos playerPosition = WorldUtil.moveCoords( position, side );
orientPlayer( turtle, turtlePlayer, playerPosition, playerDir );
// Calculate where the turtle would hit the block
float hitX = 0.5f + side.getFrontOffsetX() * 0.5f;
float hitY = 0.5f + side.getFrontOffsetY() * 0.5f;
float hitZ = 0.5f + side.getFrontOffsetZ() * 0.5f;
if( Math.abs( hitY - 0.5f ) < 0.01f )
hitY = 0.45f;
// Load up the turtle's inventory
Item item = stack.getItem();
ItemStack stackCopy = stack.copy();
turtlePlayer.loadInventory( stackCopy );
// Do the deploying (put everything in the players inventory)
boolean placed = false;
if( item.onItemUseFirst( stackCopy, turtlePlayer, turtle.getWorld(), position, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND ) == EnumActionResult.SUCCESS )
placed = true;
turtlePlayer.loadInventory( stackCopy );
else if( item.onItemUse( stackCopy, turtlePlayer, turtle.getWorld(), position, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ ) == EnumActionResult.SUCCESS )
placed = true;
turtlePlayer.loadInventory( stackCopy );
else if( item instanceof ItemBucket || item instanceof ItemBoat || item instanceof ItemLilyPad || item instanceof ItemGlassBottle )
ActionResult<ItemStack> result = item.onItemRightClick( stackCopy, turtle.getWorld(), turtlePlayer, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND );
if( result.getType() == EnumActionResult.SUCCESS && !ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual( stack, result.getResult() ) )
placed = true;
turtlePlayer.loadInventory( result.getResult() );
// Set text on signs
if( placed && item instanceof ItemSign )
if( extraArguments != null && extraArguments.length >= 1 && extraArguments[0] instanceof String )
World world = turtle.getWorld();
TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity( position );
if( tile == null )
BlockPos newPosition = WorldUtil.moveCoords( position, side );
tile = world.getTileEntity( newPosition );
if( tile != null && tile instanceof TileEntitySign )
TileEntitySign signTile = (TileEntitySign) tile;
String s = (String)extraArguments[0];
String[] split = s.split("\n");
int firstLine = (split.length <= 2) ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < signTile.signText.length; i++)
if( i >= firstLine && i < firstLine + split.length )
if( split[ i - firstLine ].length() > 15 )
signTile.signText[ i ] = new TextComponentString( split[ i - firstLine ].substring( 0, 15 ) );
signTile.signText[ i ] = new TextComponentString( split[ i - firstLine ] );
signTile.signText[i] = new TextComponentString( "" );
world.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate( signTile.getPos(), signTile.getPos() );
// Put everything we collected into the turtles inventory, then return
ItemStack remainder = turtlePlayer.unloadInventory( turtle );
if( !placed && (remainder != null && ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual( stack, remainder )) )
return stack;
else if( remainder != null && remainder.stackSize > 0 )
return remainder;
return null;