
454 lines
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* This file is part of ComputerCraft -
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2020. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.BundledRedstone;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.Peripherals;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.common.TileGeneric;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.DirectionUtil;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.RedstoneUtil;
import joptsimple.internal.Strings;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.block.RedstoneDiodeBlock;
import net.minecraft.block.RedstoneWireBlock;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.inventory.container.INamedContainerProvider;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.Items;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.ITickableTileEntity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityType;
import net.minecraft.util.ActionResultType;
import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.Hand;
import net.minecraft.util.INameable;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult;
import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
import net.minecraft.util.text.StringTextComponent;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TranslationTextComponent;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.LazyOptional;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.NonNullConsumer;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Objects;
public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerTile, ITickableTileEntity, INameable, INamedContainerProvider
private static final String NBT_ID = "ComputerId";
private static final String NBT_LABEL = "Label";
private static final String NBT_ON = "On";
private int m_instanceID = -1;
private int m_computerID = -1;
protected String label = null;
private boolean m_on = false;
boolean m_startOn = false;
private boolean m_fresh = false;
private final NonNullConsumer<LazyOptional<IPeripheral>>[] invalidate;
private final ComputerFamily family;
public TileComputerBase( TileEntityType<? extends TileGeneric> type, ComputerFamily family )
super( type ); = family;
// We cache these so we can guarantee we only ever register one listener for adjacent capabilities.
@SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" } )
NonNullConsumer<LazyOptional<IPeripheral>>[] invalidate = this.invalidate = new NonNullConsumer[6];
for( Direction direction : Direction.values() )
invalidate[direction.ordinal()] = o -> updateInput( direction );
protected void unload()
if( m_instanceID >= 0 )
if( !getWorld().isRemote ) ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.remove( m_instanceID );
m_instanceID = -1;
public void destroy()
for( Direction dir : DirectionUtil.FACINGS )
RedstoneUtil.propagateRedstoneOutput( getWorld(), getPos(), dir );
public void onChunkUnloaded()
public void remove()
protected boolean canNameWithTag( PlayerEntity player )
return false;
public ActionResultType onActivate( PlayerEntity player, Hand hand, BlockRayTraceResult hit )
ItemStack currentItem = player.getHeldItem( hand );
if( !currentItem.isEmpty() && currentItem.getItem() == Items.NAME_TAG && canNameWithTag( player ) && currentItem.hasDisplayName() )
// Label to rename computer
if( !getWorld().isRemote )
setLabel( currentItem.getDisplayName().getString() );
currentItem.shrink( 1 );
return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
else if( !player.isCrouching() )
// Regular right click to activate computer
if( !getWorld().isRemote && isUsable( player, false ) )
new ComputerContainerData( createServerComputer() ).open( player, this );
return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
return ActionResultType.PASS;
public void onNeighbourChange( @Nonnull BlockPos neighbour )
updateInput( neighbour );
public void onNeighbourTileEntityChange( @Nonnull BlockPos neighbour )
updateInput( neighbour );
public void tick()
if( !getWorld().isRemote )
ServerComputer computer = createServerComputer();
if( computer == null ) return;
// If the computer isn't on and should be, then turn it on
if( m_startOn || (m_fresh && m_on) )
m_startOn = false;
m_fresh = false;
m_computerID = computer.getID();
label = computer.getLabel();
m_on = computer.isOn();
if( computer.hasOutputChanged() ) updateOutput();
// Update the block state if needed. We don't fire a block update intentionally,
// as this only really is needed on the client side.
updateBlockState( computer.getState() );
if( computer.hasOutputChanged() ) updateOutput();
protected abstract void updateBlockState( ComputerState newState );
public CompoundNBT write( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
// Save ID, label and power state
if( m_computerID >= 0 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_ID, m_computerID );
if( label != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_LABEL, label );
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_ON, m_on );
return super.write( nbt );
public void read( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
{ nbt );
// Load ID, label and power state
m_computerID = nbt.contains( NBT_ID ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_ID ) : -1;
label = nbt.contains( NBT_LABEL ) ? nbt.getString( NBT_LABEL ) : null;
m_on = m_startOn = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_ON );
protected boolean isPeripheralBlockedOnSide( ComputerSide localSide )
return false;
protected abstract Direction getDirection();
protected ComputerSide remapToLocalSide( Direction globalSide )
return remapLocalSide( DirectionUtil.toLocal( getDirection(), globalSide ) );
protected ComputerSide remapLocalSide( ComputerSide localSide )
return localSide;
private void updateSideInput( ServerComputer computer, Direction dir, BlockPos offset )
Direction offsetSide = dir.getOpposite();
ComputerSide localDir = remapToLocalSide( dir );
computer.setRedstoneInput( localDir, getRedstoneInput( world, offset, dir ) );
computer.setBundledRedstoneInput( localDir, BundledRedstone.getOutput( getWorld(), offset, offsetSide ) );
if( !isPeripheralBlockedOnSide( localDir ) )
IPeripheral peripheral = Peripherals.getPeripheral( getWorld(), offset, offsetSide, invalidate[dir.ordinal()] );
computer.setPeripheral( localDir, peripheral );
* Gets the redstone input for an adjacent block.
* @param world The world we exist in
* @param pos The position of the neighbour
* @param side The side we are reading from
* @return The effective redstone power
* @see RedstoneDiodeBlock#calculateInputStrength(World, BlockPos, BlockState)
protected static int getRedstoneInput( World world, BlockPos pos, Direction side )
int power = world.getRedstonePower( pos, side );
if( power >= 15 ) return power;
BlockState neighbour = world.getBlockState( pos );
return neighbour.getBlock() == Blocks.REDSTONE_WIRE
? Math.max( power, neighbour.get( RedstoneWireBlock.POWER ) )
: power;
public void updateInput()
if( getWorld() == null || getWorld().isRemote ) return;
// Update all sides
ServerComputer computer = getServerComputer();
if( computer == null ) return;
BlockPos pos = computer.getPosition();
for( Direction dir : DirectionUtil.FACINGS )
updateSideInput( computer, dir, pos.offset( dir ) );
private void updateInput( BlockPos neighbour )
if( getWorld() == null || getWorld().isRemote ) return;
ServerComputer computer = getServerComputer();
if( computer == null ) return;
for( Direction dir : DirectionUtil.FACINGS )
BlockPos offset = pos.offset( dir );
if( offset.equals( neighbour ) )
updateSideInput( computer, dir, offset );
// If the position is not any adjacent one, update all inputs.
private void updateInput( Direction dir )
if( getWorld() == null || getWorld().isRemote ) return;
ServerComputer computer = getServerComputer();
if( computer == null ) return;
updateSideInput( computer, dir, pos.offset( dir ) );
public void updateOutput()
// Update redstone
for( Direction dir : DirectionUtil.FACINGS )
RedstoneUtil.propagateRedstoneOutput( getWorld(), getPos(), dir );
protected abstract ServerComputer createComputer( int instanceID, int id );
public final int getComputerID()
return m_computerID;
public final String getLabel()
return label;
public final void setComputerID( int id )
if( getWorld().isRemote || m_computerID == id ) return;
m_computerID = id;
ServerComputer computer = getServerComputer();
if( computer != null ) computer.setID( m_computerID );
public final void setLabel( String label )
if( getWorld().isRemote || Objects.equals( this.label, label ) ) return;
this.label = label;
ServerComputer computer = getServerComputer();
if( computer != null ) computer.setLabel( label );
public ComputerFamily getFamily()
return family;
public ServerComputer createServerComputer()
if( getWorld().isRemote ) return null;
boolean changed = false;
if( m_instanceID < 0 )
m_instanceID = ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.getUnusedInstanceID();
changed = true;
if( !ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.contains( m_instanceID ) )
ServerComputer computer = createComputer( m_instanceID, m_computerID );
ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.add( m_instanceID, computer );
m_fresh = true;
changed = true;
if( changed )
return ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.get( m_instanceID );
public ServerComputer getServerComputer()
return getWorld().isRemote ? null : ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.get( m_instanceID );
// Networking stuff
protected void writeDescription( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
super.writeDescription( nbt );
if( label != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_LABEL, label );
if( m_computerID >= 0 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_ID, m_computerID );
protected void readDescription( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
super.readDescription( nbt );
label = nbt.contains( NBT_LABEL ) ? nbt.getString( NBT_LABEL ) : null;
m_computerID = nbt.contains( NBT_ID ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_ID ) : -1;
protected void transferStateFrom( TileComputerBase copy )
if( copy.m_computerID != m_computerID || copy.m_instanceID != m_instanceID )
m_instanceID = copy.m_instanceID;
m_computerID = copy.m_computerID;
label = copy.label;
m_on = copy.m_on;
m_startOn = copy.m_startOn;
copy.m_instanceID = -1;
public ITextComponent getName()
return hasCustomName()
? new StringTextComponent( label )
: new TranslationTextComponent( getBlockState().getBlock().getTranslationKey() );
public boolean hasCustomName()
return !Strings.isNullOrEmpty( label );
public ITextComponent getCustomName()
return hasCustomName() ? new StringTextComponent( label ) : null;
public ITextComponent getDisplayName()
return INameable.super.getDisplayName();