
887 lines
23 KiB

* This file is part of ComputerCraft -
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2017. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IMount;
import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IWritableMount;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.*;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.FileSystem;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.FileSystemException;
import dan200.computercraft.core.lua.ILuaMachine;
import dan200.computercraft.core.lua.CobaltLuaMachine;
import dan200.computercraft.core.terminal.Terminal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Computer
public static final String[] s_sideNames = new String[] {
"bottom", "top", "back", "front", "right", "left",
private enum State
private static class APIEnvironment implements IAPIEnvironment
private Computer m_computer;
private IAPIEnvironment.IPeripheralChangeListener m_peripheralListener;
public APIEnvironment( Computer computer )
m_computer = computer;
m_peripheralListener = null;
public Computer getComputer()
return m_computer;
public int getComputerID()
return m_computer.assignID();
public IComputerEnvironment getComputerEnvironment()
return m_computer.m_environment;
public Terminal getTerminal()
return m_computer.m_terminal;
public FileSystem getFileSystem()
return m_computer.m_fileSystem;
public void shutdown()
public void reboot()
public void queueEvent( String event, Object[] args )
m_computer.queueEvent( event, args );
public void setOutput( int side, int output )
m_computer.setRedstoneOutput( side, output );
public int getOutput( int side )
return m_computer.getInternalRedstoneOutput( side );
public int getInput( int side )
return m_computer.getRedstoneInput( side );
public void setBundledOutput( int side, int output )
m_computer.setBundledRedstoneOutput( side, output );
public int getBundledOutput( int side )
return m_computer.getInternalBundledRedstoneOutput( side );
public int getBundledInput( int side )
return m_computer.getBundledRedstoneInput( side );
public IPeripheral getPeripheral( int side )
synchronized( m_computer.m_peripherals )
return m_computer.m_peripherals[ side ];
public void setPeripheralChangeListener( IPeripheralChangeListener listener )
synchronized( m_computer.m_peripherals )
m_peripheralListener = listener;
public String getLabel()
return m_computer.getLabel();
public void setLabel( String label )
m_computer.setLabel( label );
public void onPeripheralChanged( int side, IPeripheral peripheral )
synchronized( m_computer.m_peripherals )
if( m_peripheralListener != null )
m_peripheralListener.onPeripheralChanged( side, peripheral );
private static IMount s_romMount = null;
private int m_id;
private String m_label;
private final IComputerEnvironment m_environment;
private int m_ticksSinceStart;
private boolean m_startRequested;
private State m_state;
private boolean m_blinking;
private ILuaMachine m_machine;
private final List<ILuaAPI> m_apis;
private final APIEnvironment m_apiEnvironment;
private final Terminal m_terminal;
private FileSystem m_fileSystem;
private IWritableMount m_rootMount;
private final int[] m_internalOutput;
private final int[] m_internalBundledOutput;
private boolean m_internalOutputChanged;
private final int[] m_externalOutput;
private final int[] m_externalBundledOutput;
private boolean m_externalOutputChanged;
private final int[] m_input;
private final int[] m_bundledInput;
private boolean m_inputChanged;
private final IPeripheral[] m_peripherals;
public Computer( IComputerEnvironment environment, Terminal terminal, int id )
m_id = id;
m_label = null;
m_environment = environment;
m_ticksSinceStart = -1;
m_startRequested = false;
m_state = State.Off;
m_blinking = false;
m_terminal = terminal;
m_fileSystem = null;
m_machine = null;
m_apis = new ArrayList<>();
m_apiEnvironment = new APIEnvironment( this );
m_internalOutput = new int[6];
m_internalBundledOutput = new int[6];
m_internalOutputChanged = true;
m_externalOutput = new int[6];
m_externalBundledOutput = new int[6];
m_externalOutputChanged = true;
m_input = new int[6];
m_bundledInput = new int[6];
m_inputChanged = false;
m_peripherals = new IPeripheral[6];
for( int i=0; i<6; ++i )
m_peripherals[i] = null;
m_rootMount = null;
public IAPIEnvironment getAPIEnvironment()
return m_apiEnvironment;
public void turnOn()
if( m_state == State.Off )
m_startRequested = true;
public void shutdown()
stopComputer( false );
public void reboot()
stopComputer( true );
public boolean isOn()
synchronized( this )
return m_state == State.Running;
public void abort( boolean hard )
synchronized( this )
if( m_state != State.Off && m_machine != null )
if( hard )
m_machine.hardAbort( "Too long without yielding" );
m_machine.softAbort( "Too long without yielding" );
public void unload()
synchronized( this )
stopComputer( false );
public int getID()
return m_id;
public int assignID()
if( m_id < 0 )
m_id = m_environment.assignNewID();
return m_id;
public void setID( int id )
m_id = id;
public String getLabel()
return m_label;
public void setLabel( String label )
if( !Objects.equal( label, m_label ) )
m_label = label;
m_externalOutputChanged = true;
public void advance( double _dt )
synchronized( this )
// Start after a number of ticks
if( m_ticksSinceStart >= 0 )
if( m_startRequested && (m_ticksSinceStart < 0 || m_ticksSinceStart > 50) )
m_startRequested = false;
if( m_state == State.Running )
// Fire the redstone event if our redstone input has changed
synchronized( m_input )
if( m_inputChanged )
queueEvent( "redstone", null );
m_inputChanged = false;
// Advance our APIs
synchronized( m_apis )
for(ILuaAPI api : m_apis)
api.advance( _dt );
// Set outputchanged if the internal redstone has changed
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
if( m_internalOutputChanged )
boolean changed = false;
for( int i=0; i<6; ++i )
if( m_externalOutput[i] != m_internalOutput[i] )
m_externalOutput[ i ] = m_internalOutput[ i ];
changed = true;
if( m_externalBundledOutput[i] != m_internalBundledOutput[i] )
m_externalBundledOutput[ i ] = m_internalBundledOutput[ i ];
changed = true;
m_internalOutputChanged = false;
if( changed )
m_externalOutputChanged = true;
// Set outputchanged if the terminal has changed from blinking to not
synchronized( m_terminal )
boolean blinking =
m_terminal.getCursorBlink() &&
m_terminal.getCursorX() >= 0 && m_terminal.getCursorX() < m_terminal.getWidth() &&
m_terminal.getCursorY() >= 0 && m_terminal.getCursorY() < m_terminal.getHeight();
if( blinking != m_blinking )
m_blinking = blinking;
m_externalOutputChanged = true;
public boolean pollChanged()
return m_externalOutputChanged;
public void clearChanged()
m_externalOutputChanged = false;
public boolean isBlinking()
synchronized( m_terminal )
return isOn() && m_blinking;
public IWritableMount getRootMount()
if( m_rootMount == null )
m_rootMount = m_environment.createSaveDirMount( "computer/" + assignID(), m_environment.getComputerSpaceLimit() );
return m_rootMount;
// FileSystem
private boolean initFileSystem()
// Create the file system
int id = assignID();
m_fileSystem = new FileSystem( "hdd", getRootMount() );
if( s_romMount == null )
s_romMount = m_environment.createResourceMount( "computercraft", "lua/rom" );
if( s_romMount != null )
m_fileSystem.mount( "rom", "rom", s_romMount );
return true;
return false;
catch( FileSystemException e )
ComputerCraft.log.error( "Cannot mount rom", e );
return false;
// Redstone
public int getRedstoneOutput( int side )
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
return isOn() ? m_externalOutput[side] : 0;
private int getInternalRedstoneOutput( int side )
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
return isOn() ? m_internalOutput[side] : 0;
private void setRedstoneOutput( int side, int level )
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
if( m_internalOutput[side] != level )
m_internalOutput[side] = level;
m_internalOutputChanged = true;
public void setRedstoneInput( int side, int level )
synchronized( m_input )
if( m_input[side] != level )
m_input[side] = level;
m_inputChanged = true;
private int getRedstoneInput( int side )
synchronized( m_input )
return m_input[side];
public int getBundledRedstoneOutput( int side )
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
return isOn() ? m_externalBundledOutput[side] : 0;
private int getInternalBundledRedstoneOutput( int side )
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
return isOn() ? m_internalBundledOutput[side] : 0;
private void setBundledRedstoneOutput( int side, int combination )
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
if( m_internalBundledOutput[side] != combination )
m_internalBundledOutput[side] = combination;
m_internalOutputChanged = true;
public void setBundledRedstoneInput( int side, int combination )
synchronized( m_input )
if( m_bundledInput[side] != combination )
m_bundledInput[side] = combination;
m_inputChanged = true;
private int getBundledRedstoneInput( int side )
synchronized( m_input )
return m_bundledInput[side];
// Peripherals
public void addAPI( ILuaAPI api )
m_apis.add( api );
public void setPeripheral( int side, IPeripheral peripheral )
synchronized( m_peripherals )
IPeripheral existing = m_peripherals[side];
if( (existing == null && peripheral != null) ||
(existing != null && peripheral == null) ||
(existing != null && !existing.equals( peripheral )) )
m_peripherals[side] = peripheral;
m_apiEnvironment.onPeripheralChanged( side, peripheral );
public IPeripheral getPeripheral( int side )
synchronized( m_peripherals )
return m_peripherals[side];
// Lua
private void createAPIs()
m_apis.add( new TermAPI( m_apiEnvironment ) );
m_apis.add( new RedstoneAPI( m_apiEnvironment ) );
m_apis.add( new FSAPI( m_apiEnvironment ) );
m_apis.add( new PeripheralAPI( m_apiEnvironment ) );
m_apis.add( new OSAPI( m_apiEnvironment ) );
//m_apis.add( new BufferAPI( m_apiEnvironment ) );
if( ComputerCraft.http_enable )
m_apis.add( new HTTPAPI( m_apiEnvironment ) );
private void initLua()
// Create the lua machine
ILuaMachine machine = new CobaltLuaMachine( this );
// Add the APIs
for(ILuaAPI api : m_apis)
machine.addAPI( api );
// Load the bios resource
InputStream biosStream;
biosStream = m_environment.createResourceFile( "computercraft", "lua/bios.lua" );
catch( Exception e )
biosStream = null;
// Start the machine running the bios resource
if( biosStream != null )
machine.loadBios( biosStream );
try {
} catch( IOException e ) {
// meh
if( machine.isFinished() )
m_terminal.write("Error starting bios.lua" );
m_terminal.setCursorPos( 0, 1 );
m_terminal.write( "ComputerCraft may be installed incorrectly" );
m_machine = null;
m_machine = machine;
m_terminal.write("Error loading bios.lua" );
m_terminal.setCursorPos( 0, 1 );
m_terminal.write( "ComputerCraft may be installed incorrectly" );
m_machine = null;
private void startComputer()
synchronized( this )
if( m_state != State.Off )
m_state = State.Starting;
m_ticksSinceStart = 0;
// Turn the computercraft on
final Computer computer = this;
ComputerThread.queueTask( new ITask() {
public Computer getOwner()
return computer;
public void execute()
synchronized( this )
if( m_state != State.Starting )
// Init terminal
synchronized( m_terminal )
// Init filesystem
if( !initFileSystem() )
// Init failed, so shutdown
m_terminal.write( "Error mounting lua/rom" );
m_terminal.setCursorPos( 0, 1 );
m_terminal.write( "ComputerCraft may be installed incorrectly" );
m_state = State.Running;
stopComputer( false );
// Init lua
if( m_machine == null )
m_terminal.write( "Error loading bios.lua" );
m_terminal.setCursorPos( 0, 1 );
m_terminal.write( "ComputerCraft may be installed incorrectly" );
// Init failed, so shutdown
m_state = State.Running;
stopComputer( false );
// Start a new state
m_state = State.Running;
synchronized( m_machine )
m_machine.handleEvent( null, null );
}, computer );
private void stopComputer( final boolean reboot )
synchronized( this )
if( m_state != State.Running )
m_state = State.Stopping;
// Turn the computercraft off
final Computer computer = this;
ComputerThread.queueTask( new ITask() {
public Computer getOwner()
return computer;
public void execute()
synchronized( this )
if( m_state != State.Stopping )
// Shutdown our APIs
synchronized( m_apis )
for(ILuaAPI api : m_apis)
// Shutdown terminal and filesystem
if( m_fileSystem != null )
m_fileSystem = null;
if( m_machine != null )
synchronized( m_terminal )
synchronized( m_machine )
m_machine = null;
// Reset redstone output
synchronized( m_internalOutput )
for( int i=0; i<6; ++i )
m_internalOutput[i] = 0;
m_internalBundledOutput[i] = 0;
m_internalOutputChanged = true;
m_state = State.Off;
if( reboot )
m_startRequested = true;
}, computer );
public void queueEvent( final String event, final Object[] arguments )
synchronized( this )
if( m_state != State.Running )
final Computer computer = this;
ITask task = new ITask() {
public Computer getOwner()
return computer;
public void execute()
synchronized( this )
if( m_state != State.Running )
synchronized( m_machine )
m_machine.handleEvent( event, arguments );
if( m_machine.isFinished() )
m_terminal.write( "Error resuming bios.lua" );
m_terminal.setCursorPos( 0, 1 );
m_terminal.write( "ComputerCraft may be installed incorrectly" );
stopComputer( false );
ComputerThread.queueTask( task, computer );