
461 lines
16 KiB

--- Provides a "pretty printer", for rendering data structures in an
-- aesthetically pleasing manner.
-- In order to display something using @{cc.pretty}, you build up a series of
-- @{Doc|documents}. These behave a little bit like strings; you can concatenate
-- them together and then print them to the screen.
-- However, documents also allow you to control how they should be printed. There
-- are several functions (such as @{nest} and @{group}) which allow you to control
-- the "layout" of the document. When you come to display the document, the 'best'
-- (most compact) layout is used.
-- @module cc.pretty
-- @usage Print a table to the terminal
-- local pretty = require "cc.pretty"
-- pretty.write(pretty.pretty({ 1, 2, 3 }))
-- @usage Build a custom document and display it
-- local pretty = require "cc.pretty"
-- pretty.write("hello") .. pretty.space_line .. pretty.text("world")))
local expect = require "cc.expect"
local expect, field = expect.expect, expect.field
local type, getmetatable, setmetatable, colours, str_write, tostring = type, getmetatable, setmetatable, colours, write, tostring
local debug_info = type(debug) == "table" and type(debug.getinfo) == "function" and debug.getinfo
local debug_local = type(debug) == "table" and type(debug.getlocal) == "function" and debug.getlocal
--- @{table.insert} alternative, but with the length stored inline.
local function append(out, value)
local n = out.n + 1
out[n], out.n = value, n
--- A document containing formatted text, with multiple possible layouts.
-- Documents effectively represent a sequence of strings in alternative layouts,
-- which we will try to print in the most compact form necessary.
-- @type Doc
local Doc = { }
--- An empty document.
local empty = setmetatable({ tag = "nil" }, Doc)
--- A document with a single space in it.
local space = setmetatable({ tag = "text", text = " " }, Doc)
--- A line break. When collapsed with @{group}, this will be replaced with @{empty}.
local line = setmetatable({ tag = "line", flat = empty }, Doc)
--- A line break. When collapsed with @{group}, this will be replaced with @{space}.
local space_line = setmetatable({ tag = "line", flat = space }, Doc)
local text_cache = { [""] = empty, [" "] = space, ["\n"] = space_line }
local function mk_text(text, colour)
return text_cache[text] or setmetatable({ tag = "text", text = text, colour = colour }, Doc)
--- Create a new document from a string.
-- If your string contains multiple lines, @{group} will flatten the string
-- into a single line, with spaces between each line.
-- @tparam string text The string to construct a new document with.
-- @tparam[opt] number colour The colour this text should be printed with. If not given, we default to the current
-- colour.
-- @treturn Doc The document with the provided text.
local function text(text, colour)
expect(1, text, "string")
expect(2, colour, "number", "nil")
local cached = text_cache[text]
if cached then return cached end
local new_line = text:find("\n", 1)
if not new_line then return mk_text(text, colour) end
-- Split the string by "\n". With a micro-optimisation to skip empty strings.
local doc = setmetatable({ tag = "concat", n = 0 }, Doc)
if new_line ~= 1 then append(doc, mk_text(text:sub(1, new_line - 1), colour)) end
new_line = new_line + 1
while true do
local next_line = text:find("\n", new_line)
append(doc, space_line)
if not next_line then
if new_line <= #text then append(doc, mk_text(text:sub(new_line), colour)) end
return doc
if new_line <= next_line - 1 then
append(doc, mk_text(text:sub(new_line, next_line - 1), colour))
new_line = next_line + 1
--- Concatenate several documents together. This behaves very similar to string concatenation.
-- @tparam Doc|string ... The documents to concatenate.
-- @treturn Doc The concatenated documents.
-- @usage pretty.concat(doc1, " - ", doc2)
-- @usage doc1 .. " - " .. doc2
local function concat(...)
local args = table.pack(...)
for i = 1, args.n do
if type(args[i]) == "string" then args[i] = text(args[i]) end
if getmetatable(args[i]) ~= Doc then expect(i, args[i], "document") end
if args.n == 0 then return empty end
if args.n == 1 then return args[1] end
args.tag = "concat"
return setmetatable(args, Doc)
Doc.__concat = concat --- @local
--- Indent later lines of the given document with the given number of spaces.
-- For instance, nesting the document
-- ```txt
-- foo
-- bar
-- ```
-- by two spaces will produce
-- ```txt
-- foo
-- bar
-- ```
-- @tparam number depth The number of spaces with which the document should be indented.
-- @tparam Doc doc The document to indent.
-- @treturn Doc The nested document.
-- @usage pretty.nest(2, pretty.text("foo\nbar"))
local function nest(depth, doc)
expect(1, depth, "number")
if getmetatable(doc) ~= Doc then expect(2, doc, "document") end
if depth <= 0 then error("depth must be a positive number", 2) end
return setmetatable({ tag = "nest", depth = depth, doc }, Doc)
local function flatten(doc)
if doc.flat then return doc.flat end
local kind = doc.tag
if kind == "nil" or kind == "text" then
return doc
elseif kind == "concat" then
local out = setmetatable({ tag = "concat", n = doc.n }, Doc)
for i = 1, doc.n do out[i] = flatten(doc[i]) end
doc.flat, out.flat = out, out -- cache the flattened node
return out
elseif kind == "nest" then
return flatten(doc[1])
elseif kind == "group" then
return doc[1]
error("Unknown doc " .. kind)
--- Builds a document which is displayed on a single line if there is enough
-- room, or as normal if not.
-- @tparam Doc doc The document to group.
-- @treturn Doc The grouped document.
local function group(doc)
if getmetatable(doc) ~= Doc then expect(1, doc, "document") end
if doc.tag == "group" then return doc end -- Skip if already grouped.
local flattened = flatten(doc)
if flattened == doc then return doc end -- Also skip if flattening does nothing.
return setmetatable({ tag = "group", flattened, doc }, Doc)
local function get_remaining(doc, width)
local kind = doc.tag
if kind == "nil" or kind == "line" then
return width
elseif kind == "text" then
return width - #doc.text
elseif kind == "concat" then
for i = 1, doc.n do
width = get_remaining(doc[i], width)
if width < 0 then break end
return width
elseif kind == "group" or kind == "nest" then
return get_remaining(kind[1])
error("Unknown doc " .. kind)
--- Display a document on the terminal.
-- @tparam Doc doc The document to render
-- @tparam[opt] number ribbon_frac The maximum fraction of the width that we should write in.
local function write(doc, ribbon_frac)
if getmetatable(doc) ~= Doc then expect(1, doc, "document") end
expect(2, ribbon_frac, "number", "nil")
local term = term
local width, height = term.getSize()
local ribbon_width = (ribbon_frac or 0.6) * width
if ribbon_width < 0 then ribbon_width = 0 end
if ribbon_width > width then ribbon_width = width end
local def_colour = term.getTextColour()
local current_colour = def_colour
local function go(doc, indent, col)
local kind = doc.tag
if kind == "nil" then
return col
elseif kind == "text" then
local doc_colour = doc.colour or def_colour
if doc_colour ~= current_colour then
current_colour = doc_colour
return col + #doc.text
elseif kind == "line" then
local _, y = term.getCursorPos()
if y < height then
term.setCursorPos(indent + 1, y + 1)
term.setCursorPos(indent + 1, height)
return indent
elseif kind == "concat" then
for i = 1, doc.n do col = go(doc[i], indent, col) end
return col
elseif kind == "nest" then
return go(doc[1], indent + doc.depth, col)
elseif kind == "group" then
if get_remaining(doc[1], math.min(width, ribbon_width + indent) - col) >= 0 then
return go(doc[1], indent, col)
return go(doc[2], indent, col)
error("Unknown doc " .. kind)
local col = math.max(term.getCursorPos() - 1, 0)
go(doc, 0, col)
if current_colour ~= def_colour then term.setTextColour(def_colour) end
--- Display a document on the terminal with a trailing new line.
-- @tparam Doc doc The document to render.
-- @tparam[opt] number ribbon_frac The maximum fraction of the width that we should write in.
local function print(doc, ribbon_frac)
if getmetatable(doc) ~= Doc then expect(1, doc, "document") end
expect(2, ribbon_frac, "number", "nil")
write(doc, ribbon_frac)
--- Render a document, converting it into a string.
-- @tparam Doc doc The document to render.
-- @tparam[opt] number width The maximum width of this document. Note that long strings will not be wrapped to
-- fit this width - it is only used for finding the best layout.
-- @tparam[opt] number ribbon_frac The maximum fraction of the width that we should write in.
-- @treturn string The rendered document as a string.
local function render(doc, width, ribbon_frac)
if getmetatable(doc) ~= Doc then expect(1, doc, "document") end
expect(2, width, "number", "nil")
expect(3, ribbon_frac, "number", "nil")
local ribbon_width
if width then
ribbon_width = (ribbon_frac or 0.6) * width
if ribbon_width < 0 then ribbon_width = 0 end
if ribbon_width > width then ribbon_width = width end
local out = { n = 0 }
local function go(doc, indent, col)
local kind = doc.tag
if kind == "nil" then
return col
elseif kind == "text" then
append(out, doc.text)
return col + #doc.text
elseif kind == "line" then
append(out, "\n" .. (" "):rep(indent))
return indent
elseif kind == "concat" then
for i = 1, doc.n do col = go(doc[i], indent, col) end
return col
elseif kind == "nest" then
return go(doc[1], indent + doc.depth, col)
elseif kind == "group" then
if not width or get_remaining(doc[1], math.min(width, ribbon_width + indent) - col) >= 0 then
return go(doc[1], indent, col)
return go(doc[2], indent, col)
error("Unknown doc " .. kind)
go(doc, 0, 0)
return table.concat(out, "", 1, out.n)
Doc.__tostring = render --- @local
local keywords = {
["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["do"] = true, ["else"] = true,
["elseif"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["false"] = true, ["for"] = true,
["function"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["local"] = true,
["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true, ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true,
["then"] = true, ["true"] = true, ["until"] = true, ["while"] = true,
local comma = text(",")
local braces = text("{}")
local obrace, cbrace = text("{"), text("}")
local obracket, cbracket = text("["), text("] = ")
local function key_compare(a, b)
local ta, tb = type(a), type(b)
if ta == "string" then return tb ~= "string" or a < b
elseif tb == "string" then return false
if ta == "number" then return tb ~= "number" or a < b end
return false
local function show_function(fn, options)
local info = debug_info and debug_info(fn, "Su")
-- Include function source position if available
local name
if options.function_source and info and info.short_src and info.linedefined and info.linedefined >= 1 then
name = "function<" .. info.short_src .. ":" .. info.linedefined .. ">"
name = tostring(fn)
-- Include arguments if a Lua function and if available. Lua will report "C"
-- functions as variadic.
if options.function_args and info and info.what == "Lua" and info.nparams and debug_local then
local args = {}
for i = 1, info.nparams do args[i] = debug_local(fn, i) or "?" end
if info.isvararg then args[#args + 1] = "..." end
name = name .. "(" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. ")"
return name
local function pretty_impl(obj, options, tracking)
local obj_type = type(obj)
if obj_type == "string" then
local formatted = ("%q"):format(obj):gsub("\\\n", "\\n")
return text(formatted,
elseif obj_type == "number" then
return text(tostring(obj), colours.magenta)
elseif obj_type == "function" then
return text(show_function(obj, options), colours.lightGrey)
elseif obj_type ~= "table" or tracking[obj] then
return text(tostring(obj), colours.lightGrey)
elseif getmetatable(obj) ~= nil and getmetatable(obj).__tostring then
return text(tostring(obj))
elseif next(obj) == nil then
return braces
tracking[obj] = true
local doc = setmetatable({ tag = "concat", n = 1, space_line }, Doc)
local length, keys, keysn = #obj, {}, 1
for k in pairs(obj) do keys[keysn], keysn = k, keysn + 1 end
table.sort(keys, key_compare)
for i = 1, keysn - 1 do
if i > 1 then append(doc, comma) append(doc, space_line) end
local k = keys[i]
local v = obj[k]
local ty = type(k)
if ty == "number" and k % 1 == 0 and k >= 1 and k <= length then
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, options, tracking))
elseif ty == "string" and not keywords[k] and k:match("^[%a_][%a%d_]*$") then
append(doc, text(k .. " = "))
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, options, tracking))
append(doc, obracket)
append(doc, pretty_impl(k, options, tracking))
append(doc, cbracket)
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, options, tracking))
tracking[obj] = nil
return group(concat(obrace, nest(2, concat(table.unpack(doc, 1, doc.n))), space_line, cbrace))
--- Pretty-print an arbitrary object, converting it into a document.
-- This can then be rendered with @{write} or @{print}.
-- @param obj The object to pretty-print.
-- @tparam[opt] { function_args = boolean, function_source = boolean } options
-- Controls how various properties are displayed.
-- - `function_args`: Show the arguments to a function if known (`false` by default).
-- - `function_source`: Show where the function was defined, instead of
-- `function: xxxxxxxx` (`false` by default).
-- @treturn Doc The object formatted as a document.
-- @usage Display a table on the screen
-- local pretty = require "cc.pretty"
-- pretty.print(pretty.pretty({ 1, 2, 3 }))
local function pretty(obj, options)
expect(2, options, "table", "nil")
options = options or {}
local actual_options = {
function_source = field(options, "function_source", "boolean", "nil") or false,
function_args = field(options, "function_args", "boolean", "nil") or false,
return pretty_impl(obj, actual_options, {})
return {
empty = empty,
space = space,
line = line,
space_line = space_line,
text = text,
concat = concat,
nest = nest,
group = group,
write = write,
print = print,
render = render,
pretty = pretty,