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// Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2022. This API may be redistributed unmodified and in full only.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL
package dan200.computercraft.api.turtle;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ILuaCallback;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.MethodResult;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.api.upgrades.UpgradeBase;
import dan200.computercraft.api.upgrades.UpgradeData;
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.core.Direction;
import net.minecraft.core.component.DataComponentPatch;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* The interface passed to turtle by turtles, providing methods that they can call.
* <p>
* This should not be implemented by your classes. Do not interact with turtles except via this interface and
* {@link ITurtleUpgrade}.
public interface ITurtleAccess {
* Returns the world in which the turtle resides.
* @return the world in which the turtle resides.
Level getLevel();
* Returns a vector containing the integer co-ordinates at which the turtle resides.
* @return a vector containing the integer co-ordinates at which the turtle resides.
BlockPos getPosition();
* Determine if this turtle has been removed.
* <p>
* It's possible for a turtle to be removed while a {@link TurtleCommand} is executed, for instance if interacting
* with a block causes the turtle to be blown up. It's recommended you check the turtle is still present before
* trying to interact with it again.
* <p>
* If a turtle has been removed {@link #getLevel()} and {@link #getPosition()} will continue to function as before.
* All other methods will fail.
* @return Whether this turtle has been removed.
boolean isRemoved();
* Attempt to move this turtle to a new position.
* <p>
* This will preserve the turtle's internal state, such as it's inventory, computer and upgrades. It should
* be used before playing a movement animation using {@link #playAnimation(TurtleAnimation)}.
* @param world The new world to move it to
* @param pos The new position to move it to.
* @return Whether the movement was successful. It may fail if the block was not loaded or the block placement
* was cancelled.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException When attempting to teleport on the client side.
boolean teleportTo(Level world, BlockPos pos);
* Returns the world direction the turtle is currently facing.
* @return The world direction the turtle is currently facing.
* @see #setDirection(Direction)
Direction getDirection();
* Set the direction the turtle is facing. Note that this will not play a rotation animation, you will also need to
* call {@link #playAnimation(TurtleAnimation)} to do so.
* @param dir The new direction to set. This should be on either the x or z axis (so north, south, east or west).
* @see #getDirection()
void setDirection(Direction dir);
* Get the currently selected slot in the turtle's inventory.
* @return An integer representing the current slot.
* @see #getInventory()
* @see #setSelectedSlot(int)
int getSelectedSlot();
* Set the currently selected slot in the turtle's inventory.
* @param slot The slot to set. This must be greater or equal to 0 and less than the inventory size. Otherwise no
* action will be taken.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException When attempting to change the slot on the client side.
* @see #getInventory()
* @see #getSelectedSlot()
void setSelectedSlot(int slot);
* Set the colour of the turtle to a RGB number.
* @param colour The colour this turtle should be changed to. This should be a RGB colour between {@code 0x000000}
* and {@code 0xFFFFFF} or -1 to reset to the default colour.
* @see #getColour()
void setColour(int colour);
* Get the colour of this turtle as a RGB number.
* @return The colour this turtle is. This will be a RGB colour between {@code 0x000000} and {@code 0xFFFFFF} or
* -1 if it has no colour.
* @see #setColour(int)
int getColour();
* Get the player who owns this turtle, namely whoever placed it.
* @return This turtle's owner.
GameProfile getOwningPlayer();
* Get the inventory of this turtle.
* <p>
* Note: this inventory should only be accessed and modified on the server thread.
* @return This turtle's inventory
Container getInventory();
* Determine whether this turtle will require fuel when performing actions.
* @return Whether this turtle needs fuel.
* @see #getFuelLevel()
* @see #setFuelLevel(int)
boolean isFuelNeeded();
* Get the current fuel level of this turtle.
* @return The turtle's current fuel level.
* @see #isFuelNeeded()
* @see #setFuelLevel(int)
int getFuelLevel();
* Set the fuel level to a new value. It is generally preferred to use {@link #consumeFuel(int)}} or {@link #addFuel(int)}
* instead.
* @param fuel The new amount of fuel. This must be between 0 and the fuel limit.
* @see #getFuelLevel()
* @see #getFuelLimit()
* @see #addFuel(int)
* @see #consumeFuel(int)
void setFuelLevel(int fuel);
* Get the maximum amount of fuel a turtle can hold.
* @return The turtle's fuel limit.
int getFuelLimit();
* Removes some fuel from the turtles fuel supply. Negative numbers can be passed in to INCREASE the fuel level of the turtle.
* @param fuel The amount of fuel to consume.
* @return Whether the turtle was able to consume the amount of fuel specified. Will return false if you supply a number
* greater than the current fuel level of the turtle. No fuel will be consumed if {@code false} is returned.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException When attempting to consume fuel on the client side.
boolean consumeFuel(int fuel);
* Increase the turtle's fuel level by the given amount.
* @param fuel The amount to refuel with.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException When attempting to refuel on the client side.
void addFuel(int fuel);
* Adds a custom command to the turtles command queue. Unlike peripheral methods, these custom commands will be executed
* on the main thread, so are guaranteed to be able to access Minecraft objects safely, and will be queued up
* with the turtles standard movement and tool commands. An issued command will return an unique integer, which will
* be supplied as a parameter to a "turtle_response" event issued to the turtle after the command has completed. Look at the
* lua source code for "rom/apis/turtle" for how to build a lua wrapper around this functionality.
* @param command An object which will execute the custom command when its point in the queue is reached
* @return The objects the command returned when executed. you should probably return these to the player
* unchanged if called from a peripheral method.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException When attempting to execute a command on the client side.
* @see TurtleCommand
* @see MethodResult#pullEvent(String, ILuaCallback)
MethodResult executeCommand(TurtleCommand command);
* Start playing a specific animation. This will prevent other turtle commands from executing until
* it is finished.
* @param animation The animation to play.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException When attempting to execute play an animation on the client side.
* @see TurtleAnimation
void playAnimation(TurtleAnimation animation);
* Returns the upgrade on the specified side of the turtle, if there is one.
* @param side The side to get the upgrade from.
* @return The upgrade on the specified side of the turtle, if there is one.
* @see #getUpgradeWithData(TurtleSide)
* @see #setUpgrade(TurtleSide, UpgradeData)
ITurtleUpgrade getUpgrade(TurtleSide side);
* Returns the upgrade on the specified side of the turtle, along with its {@linkplain #getUpgradeData(TurtleSide)
* update data}.
* @param side The side to get the upgrade from.
* @return The upgrade on the specified side of the turtle, along with its upgrade data, if there is one.
* @see #getUpgradeWithData(TurtleSide)
* @see #setUpgrade(TurtleSide, UpgradeData)
UpgradeData<ITurtleUpgrade> getUpgradeWithData(TurtleSide side);
* Set the upgrade for a given side and its upgrade data.
* @param side The side to set the upgrade on.
* @param upgrade The upgrade to set, may be {@code null} to clear.
* @see #getUpgradeWithData(TurtleSide)
void setUpgrade(TurtleSide side, @Nullable UpgradeData<ITurtleUpgrade> upgrade);
* Returns the peripheral created by the upgrade on the specified side of the turtle, if there is one.
* @param side The side to get the peripheral from.
* @return The peripheral created by the upgrade on the specified side of the turtle, {@code null} if none exists.
IPeripheral getPeripheral(TurtleSide side);
* Get an upgrade-specific NBT compound, which can be used to store arbitrary data.
* <p>
* This will be persisted across turtle restarts and chunk loads, as well as being synced to the client. You can
* call {@link #setUpgrade(TurtleSide, UpgradeData)} to modify it.
* @param side The side to get the upgrade data for.
* @return The upgrade-specific data.
* @see #setUpgradeData(TurtleSide, DataComponentPatch)
* @see UpgradeBase#getUpgradeItem(DataComponentPatch)
* @see UpgradeBase#getUpgradeData(ItemStack)
DataComponentPatch getUpgradeData(TurtleSide side);
* Update the upgrade-specific data.
* @param side The side to set the upgrade data for.
* @param data The new upgrade data.
* @see #getUpgradeData(TurtleSide)
void setUpgradeData(TurtleSide side, DataComponentPatch data);