mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-06-24 22:23:21 +00:00
SquidDev 6b3773a862 Run tests with coverage
- Use jacoco for Java-side coverage. Our Java coverage is /terrible
   (~10%), as we only really test the core libraries. Still a good thing
   to track for regressions though.

 - mcfly now tracks Lua side coverage. This works in several stages:
   - Replace loadfile to include the whole path
   - Add a debug hook which just tracks filename->(lines->count). This
     is then submitted to the Java test runner.
   - On test completion, we emit a luacov.report.out file.

   As the debug hook is inserted by mcfly, this does not include any
   computer startup (such as loading apis, or the root of bios.lua),
   despite they're executed.

   This would be possible to do (for instance, inject a custom header
   into bios.lua). However, we're not actually testing any of the
   behaviour of startup (aside from "does it not crash"), so I'm not
   sure whether to include it or not. Something I'll most likely
2020-05-11 15:47:30 +01:00

702 lines
21 KiB

--- A very basic test framework for ComputerCraft
-- Like Busted (http://olivinelabs.com/busted/), but more memorable.
-- @usage
-- describe("something to test", function()
-- it("some property", function()
-- expect(some_function()):equals("What it should equal")
-- end)
-- end)
--- Assert an argument to the given function has the specified type.
-- @tparam string func The function's name
-- @tparam int idx The argument index to this function
-- @tparam string ty The type this argument should have. May be 'value' for
-- any non-nil value.
-- @param val val The value to check
-- @throws If this value doesn't match the expected type.
local function check(func, idx, ty, val)
if ty == 'value' then
if val == nil then
error(('%s: bad argument #%d (got nil)'):format(func, idx), 3)
elseif type(val) ~= ty then
return error(('%s: bad argument #%d (expected %s, got %s)'):format(func, idx, ty, type(val)), 3)
--- A stub - wraps a value within a a table,
local stub_mt = {}
stub_mt.__index = stub_mt
--- Revert this stub, restoring the previous value.
-- Note, a stub can only be reverted once.
function stub_mt:revert()
if not self.active then return end
self.active = false
rawset(self.stubbed_in, self.key, self.original)
local active_stubs = {}
local function default_stub() end
--- Stub a table entry with a new value.
-- @tparam table tbl The table whose field should be stubbed.
-- @tparam string key The variable to stub
-- @param[opt] value The value to stub it with. If this is a function, one can
-- use the various stub expectation methods to determine what it was called
-- with. Defaults to an empty function - pass @{nil} in explicitly to set the
-- value to nil.
-- @treturn Stub The resulting stub
local function stub(tbl, key, ...)
check('stub', 1, 'table', tbl)
check('stub', 2, 'string', key)
local stub = setmetatable({
active = true,
stubbed_in = tbl,
key = key,
original = rawget(tbl, key),
}, stub_mt)
local value = ...
if select('#', ...) == 0 then value = default_stub end
if type(value) == "function" then
local arguments, delegate = {}, value
stub.arguments = arguments
value = function(...)
arguments[#arguments + 1] = table.pack(...)
return delegate(...)
table.insert(active_stubs, stub)
rawset(tbl, key, value)
return stub
--- Capture the current global state of the computer
local function push_state()
local stubs = active_stubs
active_stubs = {}
return {
term = term.current(),
input = io.input(),
output = io.output(),
dir = shell.dir(),
path = shell.path(),
aliases = shell.aliases(),
stubs = stubs,
--- Restore the global state of the computer to a previous version
local function pop_state(state)
for i = #active_stubs, 1, -1 do active_stubs[i]:revert() end
active_stubs = state.stubs
local aliases = shell.aliases()
for k in pairs(aliases) do
if not state.aliases[k] then shell.clearAlias(k) end
for k, v in pairs(state.aliases) do
if aliases[k] ~= v then shell.setAlias(k, v) end
local error_mt = { __tostring = function(self) return self.message end }
--- Attempt to execute the provided function, gathering a stack trace when it
-- errors.
-- @tparam function() fn The function to run
-- @return[1] true
-- @return[2] false
-- @return[2] The error object
local function try(fn)
if not debug or not debug.traceback then
local ok, err = pcall(fn)
if ok or getmetatable(err) == error_mt then
return ok, err
return ok, setmetatable({ message = tostring(err) }, error_mt)
local ok, err = xpcall(fn, function(err)
return { message = err, trace = debug.traceback(nil, 2) }
-- If we succeeded, propagate it
if ok then return ok, err end
-- Error handling failed for some reason - just return a simpler error
if type(err) ~= "table" then
return ok, setmetatable({ message = tostring(err) }, error_mt)
-- Find the common substring the errors' trace and the current one. Then
-- eliminate it.
local trace = debug.traceback()
for i = 1, #trace do
if trace:sub(-i) ~= err.trace:sub(-i) then
err.trace = err.trace:sub(1, -i)
-- If we've received a rethrown error, copy
if getmetatable(err.message) == error_mt then
for k, v in pairs(err.message) do err[k] = v end
return ok, err
return ok, setmetatable(err, error_mt)
--- Fail a test with the given message
-- @tparam string message The message to fail with
-- @throws An error with the given message
local function fail(message)
check('fail', 1, 'string', message)
error(setmetatable({ message = message, fail = true }, error_mt))
--- Format an object in order to make it more readable
-- @param value The value to format
-- @treturn string The formatted value
local function format(value)
-- TODO: Look into something like mbs's pretty printer.
local ok, res = pcall(textutils.serialise, value)
if ok then return res else return tostring(value) end
local expect_mt = {}
expect_mt.__index = expect_mt
--- Assert that this expectation has the provided value
-- @param value The value to require this expectation to be equal to
-- @throws If the values are not equal
function expect_mt:equals(value)
if value ~= self.value then
fail(("Expected %s\n but got %s"):format(format(value), format(self.value)))
return self
expect_mt.equal = expect_mt.equals
expect_mt.eq = expect_mt.equals
--- Assert that this expectation does not equal the provided value
-- @param value The value to require this expectation to not be equal to
-- @throws If the values are equal
function expect_mt:not_equals(value)
if value == self.value then
fail(("Expected any value but %s"):format(format(value)))
return self
expect_mt.not_equal = expect_mt.not_equals
expect_mt.ne = expect_mt.not_equals
--- Assert that this expectation has something of the provided type
-- @tparam string exp_type The type to require this expectation to have
-- @throws If it does not have that thpe
function expect_mt:type(exp_type)
local actual_type = type(self.value)
if exp_type ~= actual_type then
fail(("Expected value of type %s\nbut got %s"):format(exp_type, actual_type))
return self
local function matches(eq, exact, left, right)
if left == right then return true end
local ty = type(left)
if ty ~= type(right) or ty ~= "table" then return false end
-- If we've already explored/are exploring the left and right then return
if eq[left] and eq[left][right] then return true end
if not eq[left] then eq[left] = { [right] = true } else eq[left][right] = true end
if not eq[right] then eq[right] = { [left] = true } else eq[right][left] = true end
-- Verify all pairs in left are equal to those in right
for k, v in pairs(left) do
if not matches(eq, exact, v, right[k]) then return false end
if exact then
-- And verify all pairs in right are present in left
for k in pairs(right) do
if left[k] == nil then return false end
return true
local function pairwise_equal(left, right)
if left.n ~= right.n then return false end
for i = 1, left.n do
if left[i] ~= right[i] then return false end
return true
--- Assert that this expectation is structurally equivalent to
-- the provided object.
-- @param value The value to check for structural equivalence
-- @throws If they are not equivalent
function expect_mt:same(value)
if not matches({}, true, self.value, value) then
fail(("Expected %s\nbut got %s"):format(format(value), format(self.value)))
return self
--- Assert that this expectation contains all fields mentioned
-- in the provided object.
-- @param value The value to check against
-- @throws If this does not match the provided value
function expect_mt:matches(value)
if not matches({}, false, value, self.value) then
fail(("Expected %s\nto match %s"):format(format(self.value), format(value)))
return self
--- Assert that this stub was called a specific number of times.
-- @tparam[opt] number The exact number of times the function must be called.
-- If not given just require the function to be called at least once.
-- @throws If this function was not called the expected number of times.
function expect_mt:called(times)
if getmetatable(self.value) ~= stub_mt or self.value.arguments == nil then
fail(("Expected stubbed function, got %s"):format(type(self.value)))
local called = #self.value.arguments
if times == nil then
if called == 0 then
fail("Expected stub to be called\nbut it was not.")
check('stub', 1, 'number', times)
if called ~= times then
fail(("Expected stub to be called %d times\nbut was called %d times."):format(times, called))
return self
local function called_with_check(eq, self, ...)
if getmetatable(self.value) ~= stub_mt or self.value.arguments == nil then
fail(("Expected stubbed function, got %s"):format(type(self.value)))
local exp_args = table.pack(...)
local actual_args = self.value.arguments
for i = 1, #actual_args do
if eq(actual_args[i], exp_args) then return self end
local head = ("Expected stub to be called with %s\nbut was"):format(format(exp_args))
if #actual_args == 0 then
fail(head .. " not called at all")
elseif #actual_args == 1 then
fail(("%s called with %s."):format(head, format(actual_args[1])))
local lines = { head .. " called with:" }
for i = 1, #actual_args do lines[i + 1] = " - " .. format(actual_args[i]) end
fail(table.concat(lines, "\n"))
--- Assert that this stub was called with a set of arguments
-- Arguments are compared using exact equality.
function expect_mt:called_with(...)
return called_with_check(pairwise_equal, self, ...)
--- Assert that this stub was called with a set of arguments
-- Arguments are compared using matching.
function expect_mt:called_with_matching(...)
return called_with_check(matches, self, ...)
--- Assert that this expectation matches a Lua pattern
-- @tparam string pattern The pattern to match against
-- @throws If it does not match this pattern.
function expect_mt:str_match(pattern)
local actual_type = type(self.value)
if actual_type ~= "string" then
fail(("Expected value of type string\nbut got %s"):format(actual_type))
if not self.value:find(pattern) then
fail(("Expected %q\n to match pattern %q"):format(self.value, pattern))
return self
local expect = {}
setmetatable(expect, expect)
--- Construct an expectation on the error message calling this function
-- produces
-- @tparam fun The function to call
-- @param ... The function arguments
-- @return The new expectation
function expect.error(fun, ...)
local ok, res = pcall(fun, ...) local _, line = pcall(error, "", 2)
if ok then fail("expected function to error") end
if res:sub(1, #line) == line then
res = res:sub(#line + 1)
elseif res:sub(1, 7) == "pcall: " then
res = res:sub(8)
return setmetatable({ value = res }, expect_mt)
--- Construct a new expectation from the provided value
-- @param value The value to apply assertions to
-- @return The new expectation
function expect:__call(value)
return setmetatable({ value = value }, expect_mt)
--- The stack of "describe"s.
local test_stack = { n = 0 }
--- Whether we're now running tests, and so cannot run any more.
local tests_locked = false
--- The list of tests that we'll run
local test_list = {}
local test_map, test_count = {}, 0
--- Add a new test to our queue.
-- @param test The descriptor of this test
local function do_test(test)
-- Set the name if it doesn't already exist
if not test.name then test.name = table.concat(test_stack, "\0", 1, test_stack.n) end
test_count = test_count + 1
test_list[test_count] = test
test_map[test.name] = test_count
--- Get the "friendly" name of this test.
-- @treturn string This test's friendly name
local function test_name(test) return (test.name:gsub("\0", " \26 ")) end
--- Describe something which will be tested, such as a function or situation
-- @tparam string name The name of the object to test
-- @tparam function body A function which describes the tests for this object.
local function describe(name, body)
check('describe', 1, 'string', name)
check('describe', 2, 'function', body)
if tests_locked then error("Cannot describe something while running tests", 2) end
-- Push our name onto the stack, eval and pop it
local n = test_stack.n + 1
test_stack[n], test_stack.n = name, n
local ok, err = try(body)
-- We count errors as a (failing) test.
if not ok then do_test { error = err } end
test_stack.n = n - 1
--- Declare a single test within a context
-- @tparam string name What you are testing
-- @tparam function body A function which runs the test, failing if it does
-- the assertions are not met.
local function it(name, body)
check('it', 1, 'string', name)
check('it', 2, 'function', body)
if tests_locked then error("Cannot create test while running tests", 2) end
-- Push name onto the stack
local n = test_stack.n + 1
test_stack[n], test_stack.n, tests_locked = name, n, true
do_test { action = body }
-- Pop the test from the stack
test_stack.n, tests_locked = n - 1, false
--- Declare a single not-yet-implemented test
-- @tparam string name What you really should be testing but aren't
local function pending(name)
check('it', 1, 'string', name)
if tests_locked then error("Cannot create test while running tests", 2) end
local _, loc = pcall(error, "", 3)
loc = loc:gsub(":%s*$", "")
local n = test_stack.n + 1
test_stack[n], test_stack.n = name, n
do_test { pending = true, trace = loc }
test_stack.n = n - 1
local native_co_create, native_loadfile = coroutine.create, loadfile
local line_counts = {}
if cct_test then
local string_sub, debug_getinfo = string.sub, debug.getinfo
local function debug_hook(_, line_nr)
local name = debug_getinfo(2, "S").source
if string_sub(name, 1, 1) ~= "@" then return end
name = string_sub(name, 2)
local file = line_counts[name]
if not file then file = {} line_counts[name] = file end
file[line_nr] = (file[line_nr] or 0) + 1
coroutine.create = function(...)
local co = native_co_create(...)
debug.sethook(co, debug_hook, "l")
return co
local expect = require "cc.expect".expect
_G.native_loadfile = native_loadfile
_G.loadfile = function(filename, mode, env)
-- Support the previous `loadfile(filename, env)` form instead.
if type(mode) == "table" and env == nil then
mode, env = nil, mode
expect(1, filename, "string")
expect(2, mode, "string", "nil")
expect(3, env, "table", "nil")
local file = fs.open(filename, "r")
if not file then return nil, "File not found" end
local func, err = load(file.readAll(), "@/" .. fs.combine(filename, ""), mode, env)
return func, err
debug.sethook(debug_hook, "l")
local arg = ...
if arg == "--help" or arg == "-h" then
io.write("Usage: mcfly [DIR]\n")
io.write("Run tests in the provided DIRectory, or `spec` if not given.")
local root_dir = shell.resolve(arg or "spec")
if not fs.isDir(root_dir) then
io.stderr:write(("%q is not a directory.\n"):format(root_dir))
-- Ensure the test folder is also on the package path
package.path = ("/%s/?.lua;/%s/?/init.lua;%s"):format(root_dir, root_dir, package.path)
-- Load in the tests from all our files
local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = _ENV })
local function set_env(tbl)
for k in pairs(env) do env[k] = nil end
for k, v in pairs(tbl) do env[k] = v end
-- When declaring tests, you shouldn't be able to use test methods
set_env { describe = describe, it = it, pending = pending }
local suffix = "_spec.lua"
local function run_in(sub_dir)
for _, name in ipairs(fs.list(sub_dir)) do
local file = fs.combine(sub_dir, name)
if fs.isDir(file) then
elseif file:sub(-#suffix) == suffix then
local fun, err = loadfile(file, nil, env)
if not fun then
do_test { name = file:sub(#root_dir + 2), error = { message = err } }
local ok, err = try(fun)
if not ok then do_test { name = file:sub(#root_dir + 2), error = err } end
-- When running tests, you shouldn't be able to declare new ones.
set_env { expect = expect, fail = fail, stub = stub }
-- Error if we've found no tests
if test_count == 0 then
io.stderr:write(("Could not find any tests in %q\n"):format(root_dir))
-- The results of each test, as well as how many passed and the count.
local test_results, test_status, tests_run = { n = 0 }, {}, 0
-- All possible test statuses
local statuses = {
pass = { desc = "Pass", col = colours.green, dot = "\7" }, -- Circle
fail = { desc = "Failed", col = colours.red, dot = "\4" }, -- Diamond
error = { desc = "Error", col = colours.magenta, dot = "\4" },
pending = { desc = "Pending", col = colours.yellow, dot = "\186" }, -- Hollow circle
-- Set up each test status count.
for k in pairs(statuses) do test_status[k] = 0 end
--- Do the actual running of our test
local function do_run(test)
-- If we're a pre-computed test, determine our status message. Otherwise,
-- skip.
local status, err
if test.pending then
status = "pending"
elseif test.error then
err = test.error
status = "error"
elseif test.action then
local state = push_state()
local ok
ok, err = try(test.action)
status = ok and "pass" or (err.fail and "fail" or "error")
-- If we've a boolean status, then convert it into a string
if status == true then status = "pass"
elseif status == false then status = err.fail and "fail" or "error"
tests_run = tests_run + 1
test_status[status] = test_status[status] + 1
test_results[tests_run] = {
status = status, name = test.name,
message = test.message or err and err.message,
trace = test.trace or err and err.trace,
-- If we're running under howlci, then log some info.
if howlci then howlci.status(status, test_name(test)) end
if cct_test then cct_test.submit(test_results[tests_run]) end
-- Print our progress dot
local data = statuses[status]
term.setTextColour(data.col) io.write(data.dot)
-- Loop over all our tests, running them as required.
if cct_test then
-- If we're within a cct_test environment, then submit them and wait on tests
-- to be run.
while true do
local _, name = os.pullEvent("cct_test_run")
if not name then break end
for _, test in pairs(test_list) do do_run(test) end
-- Otherwise, display the results of each failure
for i = 1, tests_run do
local test = test_results[i]
if test.status ~= "pass" then
local status_data = statuses[test.status]
io.write(" \26 " .. test_name(test) .. "\n")
if test.message then
io.write(" " .. test.message:gsub("\n", "\n ") .. "\n")
if test.trace then
io.write(" " .. test.trace:gsub("\n", "\n ") .. "\n")
-- And some summary statistics
local actual_count = tests_run - test_status.pending
local info = ("Ran %s test(s), of which %s passed (%g%%).")
:format(actual_count, test_status.pass, test_status.pass / actual_count * 100)
if test_status.pending > 0 then
info = info .. (" Skipped %d pending test(s)."):format(test_status.pending)
term.setTextColour(colours.white) io.write(info .. "\n")
-- Restore hook stubs
debug.sethook(nil, "l")
coroutine.create = native_co_create
_G.loadfile = native_loadfile
if cct_test then cct_test.finish(line_counts) end
if howlci then howlci.log("debug", info) sleep(3) end