/* * This file is part of the public ComputerCraft API - http://www.computercraft.info * Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2019. This API may be redistributed unmodified and in full only. * For help using the API, and posting your mods, visit the forums at computercraft.info. */ package dan200.computercraft.api; import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IMount; import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IWritableMount; import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ILuaAPIFactory; import dan200.computercraft.api.media.IMedia; import dan200.computercraft.api.media.IMediaProvider; import dan200.computercraft.api.network.IPacketNetwork; import dan200.computercraft.api.network.wired.IWiredElement; import dan200.computercraft.api.network.wired.IWiredNode; import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IComputerAccess; import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral; import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheralProvider; import dan200.computercraft.api.pocket.IPocketUpgrade; import dan200.computercraft.api.redstone.IBundledRedstoneProvider; import dan200.computercraft.api.turtle.ITurtleUpgrade; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.world.IBlockReader; import net.minecraft.world.World; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * The static entry point to the ComputerCraft API. * Members in this class must be called after mod_ComputerCraft has been initialised, * but may be called before it is fully loaded. */ public final class ComputerCraftAPI { @Nonnull public static String getInstalledVersion() { return getInstance().getInstalledVersion(); } @Nonnull public static String getAPIVersion() { return "${version}"; } /** * Creates a numbered directory in a subfolder of the save directory for a given world, and returns that number. * * Use in conjunction with createSaveDirMount() to create a unique place for your peripherals or media items to store files. * * @param world The world for which the save dir should be created. This should be the server side world object. * @param parentSubPath The folder path within the save directory where the new directory should be created. eg: "computercraft/disk" * @return The numerical value of the name of the new folder, or -1 if the folder could not be created for some reason. * * eg: if createUniqueNumberedSaveDir( world, "computer/disk" ) was called returns 42, then "computer/disk/42" is now * available for writing. * @see #createSaveDirMount(World, String, long) */ public static int createUniqueNumberedSaveDir( @Nonnull World world, @Nonnull String parentSubPath ) { return getInstance().createUniqueNumberedSaveDir( world, parentSubPath ); } /** * Creates a file system mount that maps to a subfolder of the save directory for a given world, and returns it. * * Use in conjunction with IComputerAccess.mount() or IComputerAccess.mountWritable() to mount a folder from the * users save directory onto a computers file system. * * @param world The world for which the save dir can be found. This should be the server side world object. * @param subPath The folder path within the save directory that the mount should map to. eg: "computer/disk/42". * Use createUniqueNumberedSaveDir() to create a new numbered folder to use. * @param capacity The amount of data that can be stored in the directory before it fills up, in bytes. * @return The mount, or null if it could be created for some reason. Use IComputerAccess.mount() or IComputerAccess.mountWritable() * to mount this on a Computers' file system. * @see #createUniqueNumberedSaveDir(World, String) * @see IComputerAccess#mount(String, IMount) * @see IComputerAccess#mountWritable(String, IWritableMount) * @see IMount * @see IWritableMount */ @Nullable public static IWritableMount createSaveDirMount( @Nonnull World world, @Nonnull String subPath, long capacity ) { return getInstance().createSaveDirMount( world, subPath, capacity ); } /** * Creates a file system mount to a resource folder, and returns it. * * Use in conjunction with {@link IComputerAccess#mount} or {@link IComputerAccess#mountWritable} to mount a * resource folder onto a computer's file system. * * The files in this mount will be a combination of files in all mod jar, and data packs that contain * resources with the same domain and path. * * @param domain The domain under which to look for resources. eg: "mymod". * @param subPath The subPath under which to look for resources. eg: "lua/myfiles". * @return The mount, or {@code null} if it could be created for some reason. * @see IComputerAccess#mount(String, IMount) * @see IComputerAccess#mountWritable(String, IWritableMount) * @see IMount */ @Nullable public static IMount createResourceMount( @Nonnull String domain, @Nonnull String subPath ) { return getInstance().createResourceMount( domain, subPath ); } /** * Creates a file system mount to a resource folder, and returns it. * * Use in conjunction with {@link IComputerAccess#mount} or {@link IComputerAccess#mountWritable} to mount a * resource folder onto a computer's file system. * * The files in this mount will be a combination of files in all mod jar, and data packs that contain * resources with the same domain and path. * * @param klass The mod class to which the files belong. * @param domain The domain under which to look for resources. eg: "mymod". * @param subPath The subPath under which to look for resources. eg: "lua/myfiles". * @return The mount, or {@code null} if it could be created for some reason. * @see IComputerAccess#mount(String, IMount) * @see IComputerAccess#mountWritable(String, IWritableMount) * @see IMount * @deprecated Use {@link #createResourceMount(String, String)} instead. */ @Nullable @Deprecated public static IMount createResourceMount( Class klass, @Nonnull String domain, @Nonnull String subPath ) { return getInstance().createResourceMount( domain, subPath ); } /** * Registers a peripheral provider to convert blocks into {@link IPeripheral} implementations. * * @param provider The peripheral provider to register. * @see IPeripheral * @see IPeripheralProvider */ public static void registerPeripheralProvider( @Nonnull IPeripheralProvider provider ) { getInstance().registerPeripheralProvider( provider ); } /** * Registers a new turtle turtle for use in ComputerCraft. After calling this, * users should be able to craft Turtles with your new turtle. It is recommended to call * this during the load() method of your mod. * * @param upgrade The turtle upgrade to register. * @see ITurtleUpgrade */ public static void registerTurtleUpgrade( @Nonnull ITurtleUpgrade upgrade ) { getInstance().registerTurtleUpgrade( upgrade ); } /** * Registers a bundled redstone provider to provide bundled redstone output for blocks. * * @param provider The bundled redstone provider to register. * @see IBundledRedstoneProvider */ public static void registerBundledRedstoneProvider( @Nonnull IBundledRedstoneProvider provider ) { getInstance().registerBundledRedstoneProvider( provider ); } /** * If there is a Computer or Turtle at a certain position in the world, get it's bundled redstone output. * * @param world The world this block is in. * @param pos The position this block is at. * @param side The side to extract the bundled redstone output from. * @return If there is a block capable of emitting bundled redstone at the location, it's signal (0-65535) will be returned. * If there is no block capable of emitting bundled redstone at the location, -1 will be returned. * @see IBundledRedstoneProvider */ public static int getBundledRedstoneOutput( @Nonnull World world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nonnull EnumFacing side ) { return getInstance().getBundledRedstoneOutput( world, pos, side ); } /** * Registers a media provider to provide {@link IMedia} implementations for Items * * @param provider The media provider to register. * @see IMediaProvider */ public static void registerMediaProvider( @Nonnull IMediaProvider provider ) { getInstance().registerMediaProvider( provider ); } public static void registerPocketUpgrade( @Nonnull IPocketUpgrade upgrade ) { getInstance().registerPocketUpgrade( upgrade ); } /** * Attempt to get the game-wide wireless network. * * @return The global wireless network, or {@code null} if it could not be fetched. */ public static IPacketNetwork getWirelessNetwork() { return getInstance().getWirelessNetwork(); } public static void registerAPIFactory( @Nonnull ILuaAPIFactory factory ) { getInstance().registerAPIFactory( factory ); } /** * Construct a new wired node for a given wired element * * @param element The element to construct it for * @return The element's node * @see IWiredElement#getNode() */ @Nonnull public static IWiredNode createWiredNodeForElement( @Nonnull IWiredElement element ) { return getInstance().createWiredNodeForElement( element ); } /** * Get the wired network element for a block in world * * @param world The world the block exists in * @param pos The position the block exists in * @param side The side to extract the network element from * @return The element's node * @see IWiredElement#getNode() */ @Nullable public static IWiredElement getWiredElementAt( @Nonnull IBlockReader world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nonnull EnumFacing side ) { return getInstance().getWiredElementAt( world, pos, side ); } private static IComputerCraftAPI instance; @Nonnull private static IComputerCraftAPI getInstance() { if( instance != null ) return instance; try { return instance = (IComputerCraftAPI) Class.forName( "dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraftAPIImpl" ) .getField( "INSTANCE" ).get( null ); } catch( ReflectiveOperationException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot find ComputerCraft API", e ); } } public interface IComputerCraftAPI { String getInstalledVersion(); int createUniqueNumberedSaveDir( @Nonnull World world, @Nonnull String parentSubPath ); IWritableMount createSaveDirMount( @Nonnull World world, @Nonnull String subPath, long capacity ); IMount createResourceMount( @Nonnull String domain, @Nonnull String subPath ); void registerPeripheralProvider( @Nonnull IPeripheralProvider provider ); void registerTurtleUpgrade( @Nonnull ITurtleUpgrade upgrade ); void registerBundledRedstoneProvider( @Nonnull IBundledRedstoneProvider provider ); int getBundledRedstoneOutput( @Nonnull World world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nonnull EnumFacing side ); void registerMediaProvider( @Nonnull IMediaProvider provider ); void registerPocketUpgrade( @Nonnull IPocketUpgrade upgrade ); IPacketNetwork getWirelessNetwork(); void registerAPIFactory( @Nonnull ILuaAPIFactory factory ); IWiredNode createWiredNodeForElement( @Nonnull IWiredElement element ); IWiredElement getWiredElementAt( @Nonnull IBlockReader world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nonnull EnumFacing side ); } }