/* * This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info * Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2022. Do not distribute without permission. * Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com */ package dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem; import dan200.computercraft.api.filesystem.IMount; import net.minecraft.server.packs.FolderPackResources; import net.minecraft.server.packs.PackType; import net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; public class ResourceMountTest { private IMount mount; @BeforeEach public void before() { SimpleReloadableResourceManager manager = new SimpleReloadableResourceManager( PackType.SERVER_DATA ); manager.add( new FolderPackResources( new File( "src/main/resources" ) ) ); mount = ResourceMount.get( "computercraft", "lua/rom", manager ); } @Test public void testList() throws IOException { List files = new ArrayList<>(); mount.list( "", files ); files.sort( Comparator.naturalOrder() ); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "apis", "autorun", "help", "modules", "motd.txt", "programs", "startup.lua" ), files ); } @Test public void testExists() throws IOException { assertTrue( mount.exists( "" ) ); assertTrue( mount.exists( "startup.lua" ) ); assertTrue( mount.exists( "programs/fun/advanced/paint.lua" ) ); assertFalse( mount.exists( "programs/fun/advance/paint.lua" ) ); assertFalse( mount.exists( "programs/fun/advanced/paint.lu" ) ); } @Test public void testIsDir() throws IOException { assertTrue( mount.isDirectory( "" ) ); } @Test public void testIsFile() throws IOException { assertFalse( mount.isDirectory( "startup.lua" ) ); } @Test public void testSize() throws IOException { assertNotEquals( mount.getSize( "startup.lua" ), 0 ); } }