--- module: [kind=event] terminate --- The [`terminate`] event is fired when Ctrl-T is held down. This event is normally handled by [`os.pullEvent`], and will not be returned. However, [`os.pullEventRaw`] will return this event when fired. [`terminate`] will be sent even when a filter is provided to [`os.pullEventRaw`]. When using [`os.pullEventRaw`] with a filter, make sure to check that the event is not [`terminate`]. ## Return values 1. [`string`]: The event name. ## Example Prints a message when Ctrl-T is held: ```lua while true do local event = os.pullEventRaw("terminate") if event == "terminate" then print("Terminate requested!") end end ``` Exits when Ctrl-T is held: ```lua while true do os.pullEvent() end ```