# New features in CC: Tweaked 1.85.2 * Fix crashes when using the mouse with advanced computers. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.85.1 * Add basic mouse support to `read` And several bug fixes: * Fix turtles not having breaking particles. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.85.0 * Window.reposition now allows changing the redirect buffer * Add cc.completion and cc.shell.completion modules * command.exec also returns the number of affected objects, when exposed by the game. And several bug fixes: * Change how turtle mining drops are handled, improving compatibility with some mods. * Fix several GUI desyncs after a turtle moves. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.84.0 * Improve validation in rename, copy and delete programs * Add window.getLine - the inverse of blit * turtle.refuel no longer consumes more fuel than needed * Add "cc.expect" module, for improved argument type checks * Mount the ROM from all mod jars, not just CC's And several bug fixes: * Ensure file error messages use the absolute correct path * Fix NPE when closing a file multiple times. * Do not load chunks when calling writeDescription. * Fix the signature of loadfile * Fix turtles harvesting blocks multiple times * Improve thread-safety of various peripherals * Prevent printed pages having massive/malformed titles # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.83.1 * Add several new MOTD messages (JakobDev) And several bug fixes: * Fix type check in `rednet.lookup` * Error if turtle and pocket computer programs are run on the wrong system (JakobDev) * Do not discard varargs after a nil. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.83.0 * Add Chinese translation (XuyuEre) * Small performance optimisations for packet sending. * Provide an `arg` table to programs fun from the shell, similar to PUC Lua. * Add `os.date`, and handle passing datetime tables to `os.time`, making them largely compatible with PUC Lua. * `rm` and `mkdir` accept multiple arguments (hydraz, JakobDev). * Rework rendering of in-hand pocket computers. * Prevent rendering of a bounding box on a monitor's screen. * Refactor Lua-side type checking code into a single method. Also include the function name in error messages. And several bug fixes: * Fix incorrect computation of server-tick budget. * Fix list-based config options not reloading. * Ensure `require` is usable within the Lua REPL. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.82.3 * Make computers' redstone input handling consistent with repeaters. Redstone inputs parallel to the computer will now be picked up. And several bug fixes: * Fix `turtle.compare*()` crashing the server. * Fix Cobalt leaking threads when coroutines blocked on Java methods are discarded. * Fix `rawset` allowing nan keys * Fix several out-of-bounds exceptions when handling malformed patterns. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.82.2 * Don't tie `turtle.refuel`/the `refuel` script's limits to item stack sizes And several bug fixes: * Fix changes to Project:Red inputs not being detected. * Convert non-modem peripherals to multiparts too, fixing crash with Proportional Destruction Particles * Remove a couple of over-eager error messages * Fix wired modems not correctly saving their attached peripherals # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.82.1 * Make redstone updates identical to vanilla behaviour * Update German translation # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.82.0 * Warn when `pastebin put` potentially triggers spam protection (Lemmmy) * Display HTTP errors on pastebin requests (Lemmmy) * Attach peripherals on the main thread, rather than deferring to the computer thread. * Computers may now be preemptively interrupted if they run for too long. This reduces the risk of malicious or badly written programs making other computers unusable. * Reduce overhead of running with a higher number of computer threads. * Set the initial multishell tab when starting the computer. This fixes the issue where you would not see any content until the first yield. * Allow running `pastebin get|url` with the URL instead (e.g. `pastebin run https://pastebin.com/LYAxmSby`). * Make `os.time`/`os.day` case insensitive. * Add translations for several languages: Brazilian Portuguese (zardyh), Swedish (nothjarnan), Italian (Ale32bit), French(absolument), German (Wilma456), Spanish (daelvn) * Improve JEI integration for turtle/pocket computer upgrades. You can now see recipes and usages of any upgrade or upgrade combination. * Associate turtle/pocket computer upgrades with the mod which registered them. For instance, a "Sensing Turtle" will now be labelled as belonging to Plethora. * Fire `key_up` and `mouse_up` events when closing the GUI. * Allow limiting the amount of server time computers can consume. * Add several new events for turtle refuelling and item inspection. Should allow for greater flexibility in add on mods in the future. * `rednet.send` returns if the message was sent. Restores behaviour present before CC 1.6 (Luca0208) * Add MCMP integration for wireless and ender modems. * Make turtle crafting more consistent with vanilla behaviour. * `commands.getBlockInfo(s)` now also includes NBT. * Turtles will no longer reset their label when clicked with an unnamed name tag. And several bug fixes: * Update Cobalt (fixes `load` not unwind the stack) * Fix `commands.collapseArgs` appending a trailing space. * Fix leaking file descriptors when closing (see [this JVM bug!](https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=JDK-8220477)) * Fix NPE on some invalid URLs * Fix pocket computer API working outside of the player inventory * Fix printing not updating the output display state. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.81.1 * Fix colour.*RGB using 8-bit values, rather than 0-1 floats. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.81.0 * Handle connection errors on websockets (Devilholk) * Make `require` a little more consistent with PUC Lua, passing the required name to modules and improving error messages. * Track how long each turtle action takes within the profiling tools * Bump Cobalt version * Coroutines are no longer backed by threads, reducing overhead of coroutines. * Maximum stack depth is much larger (2^16 rather than 2^8) * Stack is no longer unwound when an unhandled error occurs, meaning `debug.traceback` can be used on dead coroutines. * Reduce jar size by reducing how many extra files we bundle. * Add `term.nativePaletteColo(u)r` (Lignum) * Split `colours.rgb8` into `colours.packRGB` and `colours.unpackRGB` (Lignum) * Printers now only accept paper and ink, rather than any item * Allow scrolling through the multishell tab bar, when lots of programs are running. (Wilma456) And several bug fixes: * Fix modems not being advanced when they should be * Fix direction of some peripheral blocks not being set * Strip `\r` from `.readLine` on binary handles. * Websockets handle pings correctly * Fix turtle peripherals becoming desynced on chunk unload. * `/computercraft` table are now truncated correctly. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.14 * Allow seeking within ROM files. * Fix not being able to craft upgraded turtles or pocket computers when Astral Sorcery was installed. * Make several tile entities (modems, cables, and monitors) non-ticking, substantially reducing their overhead, And several bug fixes: * Fix cables not rendering the breaking steps * Try to prevent `/computercraft_copy` showing up in auto-complete. * Fix several memory leaks and other issues with ROM mounts. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.13 * `websocket_message` and `.receive` now return whether a message was binary or not. * `websocket_close` events may contain a status code and reason the socket was closed. * Enable the `debug` library by default. * Clean up configuration files, moving various properties into sub-categories. * Rewrite the HTTP API to use Netty. * HTTP requests may now redirect from http to https if the server requests it. * Add config options to limit various parts of the HTTP API: * Restrict the number of active http requests and websockets. * Limit the size of HTTP requests and responses. * Introduce a configurable timeout * `.getResponseCode` also returns the status text associated with that status code. And several bug fixes: * Fix being unable to create resource mounts from individual files. * Sync computer state using TE data instead. * Fix `.read` always consuming a multiple of 8192 bytes for binary handles. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.12 * Using longs inside `.seek` rather than 32 bit integers. This allows you to seek in very large files. * Move the `/computer` command into the main `/computercraft` command * Allow copying peripheral names from a wired modem's attach/detach chat message. And several bug fixes * Fix `InventoryUtil` ignoring the stack limit when extracting items * Fix computers not receiving redstone inputs sent through another block. * Fix JEI responding to key-presses when within a computer or turtle's inventory. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.11 * Rename all tile entities to have the correct `computercraft:` prefix. * Fix files not being truncated when opened for a write. * `.read*` methods no longer fail on malformed unicode. Malformed input is replaced with a fake character. * Fix numerous issues with wireless modems being attached to wired ones. * Prevent deadlocks within the wireless modem code. * Create coroutines using a thread pool, rather than creating a new thread each time. Should make short-lived coroutines (such as iterators) much more performance friendly. * Create all CC threads under appropriately named thread groups. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.10 This is just a minor bugfix release to solve some issues with the filesystem rewrite * Fix computers not loading if resource packs are enabled * Fix stdin not being recognised as a usable input * Return an unsigned byte rather than a signed one for no-args `.read()` # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.9 * Add German translation (Vexatos) * Add `.getCursorBlink` to monitors and terminals. * Allow sending binary messages with websockets. * Extend `fs` and `io` APIs * `io` should now be largely compatible with PUC Lua's implementation (`:read("n")` is not currently supported). * Binary readable file handles now support `.readLine` * Binary file handles now support `.seek(whence: string[, position:number])`, taking the same arguments as PUC Lua's method. And several bug fixes: * Fix `repeat` program crashing when malformed rednet packets are received (gollark/osmarks) * Reduce risk of deadlock when calling peripheral methods. * Fix speakers being unable to play sounds. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.8 * Bump Cobalt version * Default to using little endian in string.dump * Remove propagation of debug hooks to child coroutines * Allow passing functions to `debug.getlocal`, al-la Lua 5.2 * Add Charset support for bundled cables * `/computercraft` commands are more generous in allowing computer selectors to fail. * Remove bytecode loading disabling from bios.lua. And several bug fixes: * Fix stack overflow when using `turtle.place` with a full inventory * Fix in-hand printout rendering causing visual glitches. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.7 * Add `.getNameLocal` to wired modems: provides the name that computer is exposed as on the network. This is mostly useful for working with Plethora's transfer locations, though could have other purposes. * Change turtle block breaking to closer conform to how players break blocks. * Rewrite rendering of printed pages, allowing them to be held in hand, and placed in item frames. And several bug fixes: * Improve formatting of `/computercraft` when run by a non-player. * Fix pocket computer terminals not updating when being held. * Fix a couple of minor blemishes in the GUI textures. * Fix sign text not always being set when placed. * Cache turtle fakeplayer, hopefully proving some minor performance improvements. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.6 * Allow network cables to work with compact machines. * A large number of improvements to the `/computercraft` command, including: * Ensure the tables are correctly aligned * Remove the output of the previous invocation of that command when posting to chat. * `/computercraft track` is now per-user, instead of global. * We now track additional fields, such as the number of peripheral calls, http requests, etc... You can specify these as an optional argument to `/computercraft track dump` to see them. * `wget` automatically determines the filename (Luca0208) * Allow using alternative HTTP request methods (`DELETE`, `PUT`, etc...) * Enable Gzip compression for websockets. * Fix monitors not rendering when optifine shaders are enabled. There are still issues (they are tinted orange during the night), but it is an improvement. And several bug fixes: * Fix `.isDiskPresent()` always returning true. * Fix peripherals showing up on wired networks when they shouldn't be. * Fix `turtle.place()` crashing the server in some esoteric conditions. * Remove upper bound on the number of characters than can be read with `.read(n: number)`. * Fix various typos in `keys.lua` (hugeblank) # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.5 * Several additional fixes to monitors, solving several crashes and graphical glitches. * Add recipes to upgrade computers, turtles and pocket computers. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.4 * Verify the action can be completed in `copy`, `rename` and `mkdir` commands. * Add `/rom/modules` so the package path. * Add `read` to normal file handles - allowing reading a given number of characters. * Various minor bug fixes. * Ensure ComputerCraft peripherals are thread-safe. This fixes multiple Lua errors and crashes with modems monitors. * Add `/computercraft track` command, for monitoring how long computers execute for. * Add ore dictionary support for recipes. * Track which player owns a turtle. This allows turtles to play nicely with various claim/grief prevention systems. * Add config option to disable various turtle actions. * Add an API for extending wired networks. * Add full-block wired modems. * Several minor bug fixes. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.3 * Add `/computercraft` command, providing various diagnostic tools. * Make `http.websocket` synchronous and add `http.websocketAsync`. * Restore binary compatibility for `ILuaAPI`. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.2 * Fix `term.getTextScale()` not working across multiple monitors. * Fix computer state not being synced to client when turning on/off. * Provide an API for registering custom APIs. * Render turtles called "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm" upside*down. * Fix `getCollisionBoundingBox` not using all AABBs. * **Experimental:** Add map-like rendering for pocket computers. # New features in CC: Tweaked 1.80pr1.1 * Large numbers of bug fixes, stabilisation and hardening. * Replace LuaJ with Cobalt. * Allow running multiple computers at the same time. * Add config option to enable Lua's debug API. * Add websocket support to HTTP library. * Add `/computer` command, allowing one to queue events on command computers. * Fix JEI's handling of various ComputerCraft items. * Make wired cables act more like multiparts. * Add turtle and pocket recipes to recipe book. * Flash pocket computer's light when playing a note. # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.80pr1: * Update to Minecraft 1.12.2 * Large number of bug fixes and stabilisation. * Allow loading bios.lua files from resource packs. * Fix texture artefacts when rendering monitors. * Improve HTTP whitelist functionality and add an optional blacklist. * Add support for completing Lua's self calls (`foo:bar()`). * Add binary mode to HTTP. * Use file extensions for ROM files. * Automatically add `.lua` when editing files, and handle running them in the shell. * Add require to the shell environment. * Allow startup to be a directory. * Add speaker peripheral and corresponding turtle and pocket upgrades. * Add pocket computer upgrades. * Allow turtles and pocket computers to be dyed any colour. * Allow computer and monitors to configure their palette. Also allow normal computer/monitors to use any colour converting it to greyscale. * Add extensible pocket computer upgrade system, including ender modem upgrade. * Add config option to limit the number of open files on a computer. * Monitors glow in the dark. * http_failure event includes the HTTP handle if available. * HTTP responses include the response headers. # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.79: * Ported ComputerCraftEdu to Minecraft 1.8.9 * Fixed a handful of bugs in ComputerCraft # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.77: * Ported to Minecraft 1.8.9 * Added `settings` API * Added `set` and `wget` programs * Added settings to disable multishell, startup scripts, and tab completion on a per-computer basis. The default values for these settings can be customised in ComputerCraft.cfg * All Computer and Turtle items except Command Computers can now be mounted in Disk Drives # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.76: * Ported to Minecraft 1.8 * Added Ender Modems for cross-dimensional communication * Fixed handling of 8-bit characters. All the characters in the ISO 8859-1 codepage can now be displayed * Added some extra graphical characters in the unused character positions, including a suite of characters for Teletext style drawing * Added support for the new commands in Minecraft 1.8 to the Command Computer * The return values of `turtle.inspect()` and `commands.getBlockInfo()` now include blockstate information * Added `commands.getBlockInfos()` function for Command Computers * Added new `peripherals` program * Replaced the `_CC_VERSION` and `_MC_VERSION` constants with a new `_HOST` constant * Shortened the length of time that "Ctrl+T", "Ctrl+S" and "Ctrl+R" must be held down for to terminate, shutdown and reboot the computer * `textutils.serialiseJSON()` now takes an optional parameter allowing it to produce JSON text with unquoted object keys. This is used by all autogenerated methods in the `commands` api except for "title" and "tellraw" * Fixed many bugs # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.75: * Fixed monitors sometimes rendering without part of their text. * Fixed a regression in the `bit` API. # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.74: * Added tab completion to `edit`, `lua` and the shell. * Added `textutils.complete()`, `fs.complete()`, `shell.complete()`, `shell.setCompletionFunction()` and `help.complete()`. * Added tab completion options to `read()`. * Added `key_up` and `mouse_up` events. * Non-advanced terminals now accept both grey colours. * Added `term.getTextColour()`, `term.getBackgroundColour()` and `term.blit()`. * Improved the performance of text rendering on Advanced Computers. * Added a "Run" button to the edit program on Advanced Computers. * Turtles can now push players and entities (configurable). * Turtles now respect server spawn protection (configurable). * Added a turtle permissions API for mod authors. * Implemented a subset of the Lua 5.2 API so programs can be written against it now, ahead of a future Lua version upgrade. * Added a config option to disable parts of the Lua 5.1 API which will be removed when a future Lua version upgrade happens. * Command Computers can no longer be broken by survival players. * Fixed the "pick block" key not working on ComputerCraft items in creative mode. * Fixed the `edit` program being hard to use on certain European keyboards. * Added `_CC_VERSION` and `_MC_VERSION` constants. # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.73: * The `exec` program, `commands.exec()` and all related Command Computer functions now return the console output of the command. * Fixed two multiplayer crash bugs. # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.7: * Added Command Computers * Added new API: `commands` * Added new programs: `commands`, `exec` * Added `textutils.serializeJSON()` * Added `ILuaContext.executeMainThreadTask()` for peripheral developers * Disk Drives and Printers can now be renamed with Anvils * Fixed various bugs, crashes and exploits * Fixed problems with HD texture packs * Documented the new features in the in-game help # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.65: * Fixed a multiplayer-only crash with `turtle.place()` * Fixed some problems with `http.post()` * Fixed `fs.getDrive()` returning incorrect results on remote peripherals # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.64: * Ported to Minecraft 1.7.10 * New turtle functions: `turtle.inspect()`, `turtle.inspectUp()`, `turtle.inspectDown()`, `turtle.getItemDetail()` * Lots of bug and crash fixes, a huge stability improvement over previous versions # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.63: * Turtles can now be painted with dyes, and cleaned with water buckets * Added a new game: Redirection - ComputerCraft Edition * Turtle label nameplates now only show when the Turtle is moused-over * The HTTP API is now enabled by default, and can be configured with a whitelist of permitted domains * `http.get()` and `http.post()` now accept parameters to control the request headers * New fs function: `fs.getDir( path )` * Fixed some bugs # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.62: * Added IRC-style commands to the `chat` program * Fixed some bugs and crashes # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.6: * Added Pocket Computers * Added a multi-tasking system for Advanced Computers and Turtles * Turtles can now swap out their tools and peripherals at runtime * Turtles can now carry two tools or peripherals at once in any combination * Turtles and Computers can now be labelled using Name Tags and Anvils * Added a configurable fuel limit for Turtles * Added hostnames, protocols and long distance routing to the rednet API * Added a peer-to-peer chat program to demonstrate new rednet capabilities * Added a new game, only on Pocket Computers: "falling" by GopherATL * File system commands in the shell now accept wildcard arguments * The shell now accepts long arguments in quotes * Terminal redirection now no longer uses a stack-based system. Instead: `term.current()` gets the current terminal object and `term.redirect()` replaces it. `term.restore()` has been removed. * Added a new Windowing API for addressing sub-areas of the terminal * New programs: `fg`, `bg`, `multishell`, `chat`, `repeat`, `redstone`, `equip`, `unequip` * Improved programs: `copy`, `move`, `delete`, `rename`, `paint`, `shell` * Removed programs: `redset`, `redprobe`, `redpulse` * New APIs: `window`, `multishell` * New turtle functions: `turtle.equipLeft()` and `turtle.equipRight()` * New peripheral functions: `peripheral.find( [type] )` * New rednet functions: `rednet.host( protocol, hostname )`, `rednet.unhost( protocol )`, `rednet.locate( protocol, [hostname] )` * New fs function: `fs.find( wildcard )` * New shell functions: `shell.openTab()`, `shell.switchTab( [number] )` * New event `term_resize` fired when the size of a terminal changes * Improved rednet functions: `rednet.send()`, `rednet.broadcast()` and `rednet.receive()`now take optional protocol parameters * `turtle.craft(0)` and `turtle.refuel(0)` now return true if there is a valid recipe or fuel item, but do not craft of refuel anything * `turtle.suck( [limit] )` can now be used to limit the number of items picked up * Users of `turtle.dig()` and `turtle.attack()` can now specify which side of the turtle to look for a tool to use (by default, both will be considered) * `textutils.serialise( text )` now produces human-readable output * Refactored most of the codebase and fixed many old bugs and instabilities, turtles should never ever lose their content now * Fixed the `turtle_inventory` event firing when it shouldn't have * Added error messages to many more turtle functions after they return false * Documented all new programs and API changes in the `help` system # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.58: * Fixed a long standing bug where turtles could lose their identify if they travel too far away * Fixed use of deprecated code, ensuring mod compatibility with the latest versions of Minecraft Forge, and world compatibility with future versions of Minecraft # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.57: * Ported to Minecraft 1.6.4 * Added two new Treasure Disks: Conway's Game of Life by vilsol and Protector by fredthead * Fixed a very nasty item duplication bug # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.56: * Added Treasure Disks: Floppy Disks in dungeons which contain interesting community made programs. Find them all! * All turtle functions now return additional error messages when they fail. * Resource Packs with Lua Programs can now be edited when extracted to a folder, for easier editing. # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.55: * Ported to Minecraft 1.6.2 * Added Advanced Turtles * Added `turtle_inventory` event. Fires when any change is made to the inventory of a turtle * Added missing functions `io.close`, `io.flush`, `io.input`, `io.lines`, `io.output` * Tweaked the screen colours used by Advanced Computers, Monitors and Turtles * Added new features for Peripheral authors * Lua programs can now be included in Resource Packs # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.52: * Ported to Minecraft 1.5.1 # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.51: * Ported to Minecraft 1.5 * Added Wired Modems * Added Networking Cables * Made Wireless Modems more expensive to craft * New redstone API functions: `getAnalogInput()`, `setAnalogOutput()`, `getAnalogOutput()` * Peripherals can now be controlled remotely over wired networks. New peripheral API function: `getNames()` * New event: `monitor_resize` when the size of a monitor changes * Except for labelled computers and turtles, ComputerCraft blocks no longer drop items in creative mode * The pick block function works in creative mode now works for all ComputerCraft blocks * All blocks and items now use the IDs numbers assigned by FTB by default * Fixed turtles sometimes placing blocks with incorrect orientations * Fixed Wireless modems being able to send messages to themselves * Fixed `turtle.attack()` having a very short range * Various bugfixes # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.5: * Redesigned Wireless Modems; they can now send and receive on multiple channels, independent of the computer ID. To use these features, interface with modem peripherals directly. The rednet API still functions as before * Floppy Disks can now be dyed with multiple dyes, just like armour * The `excavate` program now retains fuel in it's inventory, so can run unattended * `turtle.place()` now tries all possible block orientations before failing * `turtle.refuel(0)` returns true if a fuel item is selected * `turtle.craft(0)` returns true if the inventory is a valid recipe * The in-game help system now has documentation for all the peripherals and their methods, including the new modem functionality * A romantic surprise # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.48: * Ported to Minecraft 1.4.6 * Advanced Monitors now emit a `monitor_touch` event when right clicked * Advanced Monitors are now cheaper to craft * Turtles now get slightly less fuel from items * Computers can now interact with Command Blocks (if enabled in ComputerCraft.cfg) * New API function: `os.day()` * A christmas surprise # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.45: * Added Advanced Computers * Added Advanced Monitors * New program: paint by nitrogenfingers * New API: `paintutils` * New term functions: `term.setBackgroundColor`, `term.setTextColor`, `term.isColor` * New turtle function: `turtle.transferTo` # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.43: * Added Printed Pages * Added Printed Books * Fixed incompatibility with Forge 275 and above * Labelled Turtles now keep their fuel when broken # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.42: * Ported to Minecraft 1.3.2 * Added Printers * Floppy Disks can be dyed different colours * Wireless Crafty Turtles can now be crafted * New textures * New forge config file * Bug fixes # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.4: * Ported to Forge Mod Loader. ComputerCraft can now be ran directly from the .zip without extraction * Added Farming Turtles * Added Felling Turtles * Added Digging Turtles * Added Melee Turtles * Added Crafty Turtles * Added 14 new Turtle Combinations accessible by combining the turtle upgrades above * Labelled computers and turtles can now be crafted into turtles or other turtle types without losing their ID, label and data * Added a "Turtle Upgrade API" for mod developers to create their own tools and peripherals for turtles * Turtles can now attack entities with `turtle.attack()`, and collect their dropped items * Turtles can now use `turtle.place()` with any item the player can, and can interact with entities * Turtles can now craft items with `turtle.craft()` * Turtles can now place items into inventories with `turtle.drop()` * Changed the behaviour of `turtle.place()` and `turtle.drop()` to only consider the currently selected slot * Turtles can now pick up items from the ground, or from inventories, with `turtle.suck()` * Turtles can now compare items in their inventories * Turtles can place signs with text on them with `turtle.place( [signText] )` * Turtles now optionally require fuel items to move, and can refuel themselves * The size of the the turtle inventory has been increased to 16 * The size of the turtle screen has been increased * New turtle functions: `turtle.compareTo( [slotNum] )`, `turtle.craft()`, `turtle.attack()`, `turtle.attackUp()`, `turtle.attackDown()`, `turtle.dropUp()`, `turtle.dropDown()`, `turtle.getFuelLevel()`, `turtle.refuel()` * New disk function: disk.getID() * New turtle programs: `craft`, `refuel` * `excavate` program now much smarter: Will return items to a chest when full, attack mobs, and refuel itself automatically * New API: `keys` * Added optional Floppy Disk and Hard Drive space limits for computers and turtles * New `fs` function: `fs.getFreeSpace( path )`, also `fs.getDrive()` works again * The send and receive range of wireless modems now increases with altitude, allowing long range networking from high-altitude computers (great for GPS networks) * `http.request()` now supports https:// URLs * Right clicking a Disk Drive with a Floppy Disk or a Record when sneaking will insert the item into the Disk Drive automatically * The default size of the computer screen has been increased * Several stability and security fixes. LuaJ can now no longer leave dangling threads when a computer is unloaded, turtles can no longer be destroyed by tree leaves or walking off the edge of the loaded map. Computers no longer crash when used with RedPower frames. # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.31: * Ported to Minecraft 1.2.3 * Added Monitors (thanks to Cloudy) * Updated LuaJ to a newer, less memory hungry version * `rednet_message` event now has a third parameter, "distance", to support position triangulation. * New programs: `gps`, `monitor`, `pastebin`. * Added a secret program. Use with large monitors! * New apis: `gps`, `vector` * New turtle functions: `turtle.compare()`, `turtle.compareUp()`, `turtle.compareDown()`, `turtle.drop( quantity )` * New `http` functions: `http.post()`. * New `term` functions: `term.redirect()`, `term.restore()` * New `textutils` functions: `textutils.urlEncode()` * New `rednet` functions: `rednet.isOpen()` * New config options: modem_range, modem_rangeDuringStorm * Bug fixes, program tweaks, and help updates # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.3: * Ported to Minecraft Forge * Added Turtles * Added Wireless Modems * Added Mining Turtles * Added Wireless Turtles * Added Wireless Mining Turtles * Computers and Disk Drives no longer get destroyed by water. * Computers and Turtles can now be labelled with the label program, and labelled devices keep their state when destroyed. * Computers/Turtles can connect to adjacent devices, and turn them on and off * User programs now give line numbers in their error messages * New APIs: `turtle`, `peripheral` * New programs for turtles: tunnel, excavate, go, turn, dance * New os functions: `os.getComputerLabel()`, `os.setComputerLabel()` * Added "filter" parameter to `os.pullEvent()` * New shell function: `shell.getCurrentProgram()` * New textutils functions: `textutils.serialize()`, `textutils.unserialize()`, `textutils.tabulate()`, `textutils.pagedTabulate()`, `textutils.slowWrite()` * New io file function: `file:lines()` * New fs function: `fs.getSize()` * Disk Drives can now play records from other mods * Bug fixes, program tweaks, and help updates # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.2: * Added Disk Drives and Floppy Disks * Added Ctrl+T shortcut to terminate the current program (hold) * Added Ctrl+S shortcut to shutdown the computer (hold) * Added Ctrl+R shortcut to reboot the computer (hold) * New Programs: `alias`, `apis`, `copy`, `delete`, `dj`, `drive`, `eject`, `id`, `label`, `list`, `move`, `reboot`, `redset`, `rename`, `time`, `worm`. * New APIs: `bit`, `colours`, `disk`, `help`, `rednet`, `parallel`, `textutils`. * New color functions: `colors.combine()`, `colors.subtract()`, `colors.test()` * New fs functions: `fs.getName()`, new modes for `fs.open()` * New os functions: `os.loadAPI()`, `os.unloadAPI()`, `os.clock()`, `os.time()`, `os.setAlarm()`, `os.reboot()`, `os.queueEvent()` * New redstone function: `redstone.getSides()` * New shell functions: `shell.setPath()`, `shell.programs()`, `shell.resolveProgram()`, `shell.setAlias()` * Lots of updates to the help pages * Bug fixes # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.1: * Added Multiplayer support throughout. * Added connectivity with RedPower bundled cables * Added HTTP api, enabled via the mod config, to allow computers to access the real world internet * Added command history to the shell. * Programs which spin in an infinite loop without yielding will no longer freeze minecraft * Help updates and bug fixes # New Features in ComputerCraft 1.0: * First Release!