-- Load in expect from the module path. -- -- Ideally we'd use require, but that is part of the shell, and so is not -- available to the BIOS or any APIs. All APIs load this using dofile, but that -- has not been defined at this point. local expect do local h = fs.open("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua", "r") local f, err = loadstring(h.readAll(), "@expect.lua") h.close() if not f then error(err) end expect = f().expect end if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then -- If we're on Lua 5.1, install parts of the Lua 5.2/5.3 API so that programs can be written against it local type = type local nativeload = load local nativeloadstring = loadstring local nativesetfenv = setfenv -- Historically load/loadstring would handle the chunk name as if it has -- been prefixed with "=". We emulate that behaviour here. local function prefix(chunkname) if type(chunkname) ~= "string" then return chunkname end local head = chunkname:sub(1, 1) if head == "=" or head == "@" then return chunkname else return "=" .. chunkname end end function load(x, name, mode, env) expect(1, x, "function", "string") expect(2, name, "string", "nil") expect(3, mode, "string", "nil") expect(4, env, "table", "nil") local ok, p1, p2 = pcall(function() if type(x) == "string" then local result, err = nativeloadstring(x, name) if result then if env then env._ENV = env nativesetfenv(result, env) end return result else return nil, err end else local result, err = nativeload(x, name) if result then if env then env._ENV = env nativesetfenv(result, env) end return result else return nil, err end end end) if ok then return p1, p2 else error(p1, 2) end end if _CC_DISABLE_LUA51_FEATURES then -- Remove the Lua 5.1 features that will be removed when we update to Lua 5.2, for compatibility testing. -- See "disable_lua51_functions" in ComputerCraft.cfg setfenv = nil getfenv = nil loadstring = nil unpack = nil math.log10 = nil table.maxn = nil else loadstring = function(string, chunkname) return nativeloadstring(string, prefix(chunkname)) end -- Inject a stub for the old bit library _G.bit = { bnot = bit32.bnot, band = bit32.band, bor = bit32.bor, bxor = bit32.bxor, brshift = bit32.arshift, blshift = bit32.lshift, blogic_rshift = bit32.rshift, } end end -- Install lua parts of the os api function os.version() return "CraftOS 1.8" end function os.pullEventRaw(sFilter) return coroutine.yield(sFilter) end function os.pullEvent(sFilter) local eventData = table.pack(os.pullEventRaw(sFilter)) if eventData[1] == "terminate" then error("Terminated", 0) end return table.unpack(eventData, 1, eventData.n) end -- Install globals function sleep(nTime) expect(1, nTime, "number", "nil") local timer = os.startTimer(nTime or 0) repeat local _, param = os.pullEvent("timer") until param == timer end function write(sText) expect(1, sText, "string", "number") local w, h = term.getSize() local x, y = term.getCursorPos() local nLinesPrinted = 0 local function newLine() if y + 1 <= h then term.setCursorPos(1, y + 1) else term.setCursorPos(1, h) term.scroll(1) end x, y = term.getCursorPos() nLinesPrinted = nLinesPrinted + 1 end -- Print the line with proper word wrapping sText = tostring(sText) while #sText > 0 do local whitespace = string.match(sText, "^[ \t]+") if whitespace then -- Print whitespace term.write(whitespace) x, y = term.getCursorPos() sText = string.sub(sText, #whitespace + 1) end local newline = string.match(sText, "^\n") if newline then -- Print newlines newLine() sText = string.sub(sText, 2) end local text = string.match(sText, "^[^ \t\n]+") if text then sText = string.sub(sText, #text + 1) if #text > w then -- Print a multiline word while #text > 0 do if x > w then newLine() end term.write(text) text = string.sub(text, w - x + 2) x, y = term.getCursorPos() end else -- Print a word normally if x + #text - 1 > w then newLine() end term.write(text) x, y = term.getCursorPos() end end end return nLinesPrinted end function print(...) local nLinesPrinted = 0 local nLimit = select("#", ...) for n = 1, nLimit do local s = tostring(select(n, ...)) if n < nLimit then s = s .. "\t" end nLinesPrinted = nLinesPrinted + write(s) end nLinesPrinted = nLinesPrinted + write("\n") return nLinesPrinted end function printError(...) local oldColour if term.isColour() then oldColour = term.getTextColour() term.setTextColour(colors.red) end print(...) if term.isColour() then term.setTextColour(oldColour) end end function read(_sReplaceChar, _tHistory, _fnComplete, _sDefault) expect(1, _sReplaceChar, "string", "nil") expect(2, _tHistory, "table", "nil") expect(3, _fnComplete, "function", "nil") expect(4, _sDefault, "string", "nil") term.setCursorBlink(true) local sLine if type(_sDefault) == "string" then sLine = _sDefault else sLine = "" end local nHistoryPos local nPos, nScroll = #sLine, 0 if _sReplaceChar then _sReplaceChar = string.sub(_sReplaceChar, 1, 1) end local tCompletions local nCompletion local function recomplete() if _fnComplete and nPos == #sLine then tCompletions = _fnComplete(sLine) if tCompletions and #tCompletions > 0 then nCompletion = 1 else nCompletion = nil end else tCompletions = nil nCompletion = nil end end local function uncomplete() tCompletions = nil nCompletion = nil end local w = term.getSize() local sx = term.getCursorPos() local function redraw(_bClear) local cursor_pos = nPos - nScroll if sx + cursor_pos >= w then -- We've moved beyond the RHS, ensure we're on the edge. nScroll = sx + nPos - w elseif cursor_pos < 0 then -- We've moved beyond the LHS, ensure we're on the edge. nScroll = nPos end local _, cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(sx, cy) local sReplace = _bClear and " " or _sReplaceChar if sReplace then term.write(string.rep(sReplace, math.max(#sLine - nScroll, 0))) else term.write(string.sub(sLine, nScroll + 1)) end if nCompletion then local sCompletion = tCompletions[nCompletion] local oldText, oldBg if not _bClear then oldText = term.getTextColor() oldBg = term.getBackgroundColor() term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) end if sReplace then term.write(string.rep(sReplace, #sCompletion)) else term.write(sCompletion) end if not _bClear then term.setTextColor(oldText) term.setBackgroundColor(oldBg) end end term.setCursorPos(sx + nPos - nScroll, cy) end local function clear() redraw(true) end recomplete() redraw() local function acceptCompletion() if nCompletion then -- Clear clear() -- Find the common prefix of all the other suggestions which start with the same letter as the current one local sCompletion = tCompletions[nCompletion] sLine = sLine .. sCompletion nPos = #sLine -- Redraw recomplete() redraw() end end while true do local sEvent, param, param1, param2 = os.pullEvent() if sEvent == "char" then -- Typed key clear() sLine = string.sub(sLine, 1, nPos) .. param .. string.sub(sLine, nPos + 1) nPos = nPos + 1 recomplete() redraw() elseif sEvent == "paste" then -- Pasted text clear() sLine = string.sub(sLine, 1, nPos) .. param .. string.sub(sLine, nPos + 1) nPos = nPos + #param recomplete() redraw() elseif sEvent == "key" then if param == keys.enter then -- Enter if nCompletion then clear() uncomplete() redraw() end break elseif param == keys.left then -- Left if nPos > 0 then clear() nPos = nPos - 1 recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.right then -- Right if nPos < #sLine then -- Move right clear() nPos = nPos + 1 recomplete() redraw() else -- Accept autocomplete acceptCompletion() end elseif param == keys.up or param == keys.down then -- Up or down if nCompletion then -- Cycle completions clear() if param == keys.up then nCompletion = nCompletion - 1 if nCompletion < 1 then nCompletion = #tCompletions end elseif param == keys.down then nCompletion = nCompletion + 1 if nCompletion > #tCompletions then nCompletion = 1 end end redraw() elseif _tHistory then -- Cycle history clear() if param == keys.up then -- Up if nHistoryPos == nil then if #_tHistory > 0 then nHistoryPos = #_tHistory end elseif nHistoryPos > 1 then nHistoryPos = nHistoryPos - 1 end else -- Down if nHistoryPos == #_tHistory then nHistoryPos = nil elseif nHistoryPos ~= nil then nHistoryPos = nHistoryPos + 1 end end if nHistoryPos then sLine = _tHistory[nHistoryPos] nPos, nScroll = #sLine, 0 else sLine = "" nPos, nScroll = 0, 0 end uncomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.backspace then -- Backspace if nPos > 0 then clear() sLine = string.sub(sLine, 1, nPos - 1) .. string.sub(sLine, nPos + 1) nPos = nPos - 1 if nScroll > 0 then nScroll = nScroll - 1 end recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.home then -- Home if nPos > 0 then clear() nPos = 0 recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.delete then -- Delete if nPos < #sLine then clear() sLine = string.sub(sLine, 1, nPos) .. string.sub(sLine, nPos + 2) recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys["end"] then -- End if nPos < #sLine then clear() nPos = #sLine recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.tab then -- Tab (accept autocomplete) acceptCompletion() end elseif sEvent == "mouse_click" or sEvent == "mouse_drag" and param == 1 then local _, cy = term.getCursorPos() if param1 >= sx and param1 <= w and param2 == cy then -- Ensure we don't scroll beyond the current line nPos = math.min(math.max(nScroll + param1 - sx, 0), #sLine) redraw() end elseif sEvent == "term_resize" then -- Terminal resized w = term.getSize() redraw() end end local _, cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorBlink(false) term.setCursorPos(w + 1, cy) print() return sLine end function loadfile(filename, mode, env) -- Support the previous `loadfile(filename, env)` form instead. if type(mode) == "table" and env == nil then mode, env = nil, mode end expect(1, filename, "string") expect(2, mode, "string", "nil") expect(3, env, "table", "nil") local file = fs.open(filename, "r") if not file then return nil, "File not found" end local func, err = load(file.readAll(), "@" .. fs.getName(filename), mode, env) file.close() return func, err end function dofile(_sFile) expect(1, _sFile, "string") local fnFile, e = loadfile(_sFile, nil, _G) if fnFile then return fnFile() else error(e, 2) end end -- Install the rest of the OS api function os.run(_tEnv, _sPath, ...) expect(1, _tEnv, "table") expect(2, _sPath, "string") local tEnv = _tEnv setmetatable(tEnv, { __index = _G }) local fnFile, err = loadfile(_sPath, nil, tEnv) if fnFile then local ok, err = pcall(fnFile, ...) if not ok then if err and err ~= "" then printError(err) end return false end return true end if err and err ~= "" then printError(err) end return false end local tAPIsLoading = {} function os.loadAPI(_sPath) expect(1, _sPath, "string") local sName = fs.getName(_sPath) if sName:sub(-4) == ".lua" then sName = sName:sub(1, -5) end if tAPIsLoading[sName] == true then printError("API " .. sName .. " is already being loaded") return false end tAPIsLoading[sName] = true local tEnv = {} setmetatable(tEnv, { __index = _G }) local fnAPI, err = loadfile(_sPath, nil, tEnv) if fnAPI then local ok, err = pcall(fnAPI) if not ok then tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil return error("Failed to load API " .. sName .. " due to " .. err, 1) end else tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil return error("Failed to load API " .. sName .. " due to " .. err, 1) end local tAPI = {} for k, v in pairs(tEnv) do if k ~= "_ENV" then tAPI[k] = v end end _G[sName] = tAPI tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil return true end function os.unloadAPI(_sName) expect(1, _sName, "string") if _sName ~= "_G" and type(_G[_sName]) == "table" then _G[_sName] = nil end end function os.sleep(nTime) sleep(nTime) end local nativeShutdown = os.shutdown function os.shutdown() nativeShutdown() while true do coroutine.yield() end end local nativeReboot = os.reboot function os.reboot() nativeReboot() while true do coroutine.yield() end end -- Install the lua part of the HTTP api (if enabled) if http then local nativeHTTPRequest = http.request local methods = { GET = true, POST = true, HEAD = true, OPTIONS = true, PUT = true, DELETE = true, PATCH = true, TRACE = true, } local function checkKey(options, key, ty, opt) local value = options[key] local valueTy = type(value) if (value ~= nil or not opt) and valueTy ~= ty then error(("bad field '%s' (expected %s, got %s"):format(key, ty, valueTy), 4) end end local function checkOptions(options, body) checkKey(options, "url", "string") if body == false then checkKey(options, "body", "nil") else checkKey(options, "body", "string", not body) end checkKey(options, "headers", "table", true) checkKey(options, "method", "string", true) checkKey(options, "redirect", "boolean", true) if options.method and not methods[options.method] then error("Unsupported HTTP method", 3) end end local function wrapRequest(_url, ...) local ok, err = nativeHTTPRequest(...) if ok then while true do local event, param1, param2, param3 = os.pullEvent() if event == "http_success" and param1 == _url then return param2 elseif event == "http_failure" and param1 == _url then return nil, param2, param3 end end end return nil, err end http.get = function(_url, _headers, _binary) if type(_url) == "table" then checkOptions(_url, false) return wrapRequest(_url.url, _url) end expect(1, _url, "string") expect(2, _headers, "table", "nil") expect(3, _binary, "boolean", "nil") return wrapRequest(_url, _url, nil, _headers, _binary) end http.post = function(_url, _post, _headers, _binary) if type(_url) == "table" then checkOptions(_url, true) return wrapRequest(_url.url, _url) end expect(1, _url, "string") expect(2, _post, "string") expect(3, _headers, "table", "nil") expect(4, _binary, "boolean", "nil") return wrapRequest(_url, _url, _post, _headers, _binary) end http.request = function(_url, _post, _headers, _binary) local url if type(_url) == "table" then checkOptions(_url) url = _url.url else expect(1, _url, "string") expect(2, _post, "string", "nil") expect(3, _headers, "table", "nil") expect(4, _binary, "boolean", "nil") url = _url.url end local ok, err = nativeHTTPRequest(_url, _post, _headers, _binary) if not ok then os.queueEvent("http_failure", url, err) end return ok, err end local nativeCheckURL = http.checkURL http.checkURLAsync = nativeCheckURL http.checkURL = function(_url) local ok, err = nativeCheckURL(_url) if not ok then return ok, err end while true do local _, url, ok, err = os.pullEvent("http_check") if url == _url then return ok, err end end end local nativeWebsocket = http.websocket http.websocketAsync = nativeWebsocket http.websocket = function(_url, _headers) expect(1, _url, "string") expect(2, _headers, "table", "nil") local ok, err = nativeWebsocket(_url, _headers) if not ok then return ok, err end while true do local event, url, param = os.pullEvent( ) if event == "websocket_success" and url == _url then return param elseif event == "websocket_failure" and url == _url then return false, param end end end end -- Install the lua part of the FS api local tEmpty = {} function fs.complete(sPath, sLocation, bIncludeFiles, bIncludeDirs) expect(1, sPath, "string") expect(2, sLocation, "string") expect(3, bIncludeFiles, "boolean", "nil") expect(4, bIncludeDirs, "boolean", "nil") bIncludeFiles = bIncludeFiles ~= false bIncludeDirs = bIncludeDirs ~= false local sDir = sLocation local nStart = 1 local nSlash = string.find(sPath, "[/\\]", nStart) if nSlash == 1 then sDir = "" nStart = 2 end local sName while not sName do local nSlash = string.find(sPath, "[/\\]", nStart) if nSlash then local sPart = string.sub(sPath, nStart, nSlash - 1) sDir = fs.combine(sDir, sPart) nStart = nSlash + 1 else sName = string.sub(sPath, nStart) end end if fs.isDir(sDir) then local tResults = {} if bIncludeDirs and sPath == "" then table.insert(tResults, ".") end if sDir ~= "" then if sPath == "" then table.insert(tResults, bIncludeDirs and ".." or "../") elseif sPath == "." then table.insert(tResults, bIncludeDirs and "." or "./") end end local tFiles = fs.list(sDir) for n = 1, #tFiles do local sFile = tFiles[n] if #sFile >= #sName and string.sub(sFile, 1, #sName) == sName then local bIsDir = fs.isDir(fs.combine(sDir, sFile)) local sResult = string.sub(sFile, #sName + 1) if bIsDir then table.insert(tResults, sResult .. "/") if bIncludeDirs and #sResult > 0 then table.insert(tResults, sResult) end else if bIncludeFiles and #sResult > 0 then table.insert(tResults, sResult) end end end end return tResults end return tEmpty end -- Load APIs local bAPIError = false local tApis = fs.list("rom/apis") for _, sFile in ipairs(tApis) do if string.sub(sFile, 1, 1) ~= "." then local sPath = fs.combine("rom/apis", sFile) if not fs.isDir(sPath) then if not os.loadAPI(sPath) then bAPIError = true end end end end if turtle and fs.isDir("rom/apis/turtle") then -- Load turtle APIs local tApis = fs.list("rom/apis/turtle") for _, sFile in ipairs(tApis) do if string.sub(sFile, 1, 1) ~= "." then local sPath = fs.combine("rom/apis/turtle", sFile) if not fs.isDir(sPath) then if not os.loadAPI(sPath) then bAPIError = true end end end end end if pocket and fs.isDir("rom/apis/pocket") then -- Load pocket APIs local tApis = fs.list("rom/apis/pocket") for _, sFile in ipairs(tApis) do if string.sub(sFile, 1, 1) ~= "." then local sPath = fs.combine("rom/apis/pocket", sFile) if not fs.isDir(sPath) then if not os.loadAPI(sPath) then bAPIError = true end end end end end if commands and fs.isDir("rom/apis/command") then -- Load command APIs if os.loadAPI("rom/apis/command/commands.lua") then -- Add a special case-insensitive metatable to the commands api local tCaseInsensitiveMetatable = { __index = function(table, key) local value = rawget(table, key) if value ~= nil then return value end if type(key) == "string" then local value = rawget(table, string.lower(key)) if value ~= nil then return value end end return nil end, } setmetatable(commands, tCaseInsensitiveMetatable) setmetatable(commands.async, tCaseInsensitiveMetatable) -- Add global "exec" function exec = commands.exec else bAPIError = true end end if bAPIError then print("Press any key to continue") os.pullEvent("key") term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) end -- Set default settings settings.define("shell.allow_startup", { default = true, description = "Run startup files when the computer turns on.", type = "boolean", }) settings.define("shell.allow_disk_startup", { default = commands == nil, description = "Run startup files from disk drives when the computer turns on.", type = "boolean", }) settings.define("shell.autocomplete", { default = true, description = "Autocomplete program and arguments in the shell.", type = "boolean", }) settings.define("edit.autocomplete", { default = true, description = "Autocomplete API and function names in the editor.", type = "boolean", }) settings.define("lua.autocomplete", { default = true, description = "Autocomplete API and function names in the Lua REPL.", type = "boolean", }) settings.define("edit.default_extension", { default = "lua", description = [[The file extension the editor will use if none is given. Set to "" to disable.]], type = "string", }) settings.define("paint.default_extension", { default = "nfp", description = [[The file extension the paint program will use if none is given. Set to "" to disable.]], type = "string", }) settings.define("list.show_hidden", { default = false, description = [[Show hidden files (those starting with "." in the Lua REPL)]], type = "boolean", }) settings.define("motd.enable", { default = pocket == nil, description = "Display a random message when the computer starts up.", type = "boolean", }) settings.define("motd.path", { default = "/rom/motd.txt:/motd.txt", description = [[The path to load random messages from. Should be a colon (":") separated string of file paths.]], type = "string", }) if term.isColour() then settings.define("bios.use_multishell", { default = true, description = [[Allow running multiple programs at once, through the use of the "fg" and "bg" programs.]], type = "boolean", }) end if _CC_DEFAULT_SETTINGS then for sPair in string.gmatch(_CC_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, "[^,]+") do local sName, sValue = string.match(sPair, "([^=]*)=(.*)") if sName and sValue then local value if sValue == "true" then value = true elseif sValue == "false" then value = false elseif sValue == "nil" then value = nil elseif tonumber(sValue) then value = tonumber(sValue) else value = sValue end if value ~= nil then settings.set(sName, value) else settings.unset(sName) end end end end -- Load user settings if fs.exists(".settings") then settings.load(".settings") end -- Run the shell local ok, err = pcall(parallel.waitForAny, function() local sShell if term.isColour() and settings.get("bios.use_multishell") then sShell = "rom/programs/advanced/multishell.lua" else sShell = "rom/programs/shell.lua" end os.run({}, sShell) os.run({}, "rom/programs/shutdown.lua") end, rednet.run ) -- If the shell errored, let the user read it. term.redirect(term.native()) if not ok then printError(err) pcall(function() term.setCursorBlink(false) print("Press any key to continue") os.pullEvent("key") end) end -- End os.shutdown()