--- The http library allows communicating with web servers, sending and -- receiving data from them. -- -- #### `http_check` event -- -- @module http --- Asynchronously make a HTTP request to the given url. -- -- This returns immediately, a [`http_success`](#http-success-event) or -- [`http_failure`](#http-failure-event) will be queued once the request has -- completed. -- -- @tparam string url The url to request -- @tparam[opt] string body An optional string containing the body of the -- request. If specified, a `POST` request will be made instead. -- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part -- of this request. -- @tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true, -- the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be -- decoded. -- -- @tparam[2] { -- url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, -- binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean, -- } request Options for the request. -- -- This table form is an expanded version of the previous syntax. All arguments -- from above are passed in as fields instead (for instance, -- `http.request("https://example.com")` becomes `http.request { url = -- "https://example.com" }`). -- -- This table also accepts several additional options: -- -- - `method`: Which HTTP method to use, for instance `"PATCH"` or `"DELETE"`. -- - `redirect`: Whether to follow HTTP redirects. Defaults to true. -- -- @see http.get For a synchronous way to make GET requests. -- @see http.post For a synchronous way to make POST requests. function request(...) end --- Make a HTTP GET request to the given url. -- -- @tparam string url The url to request -- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part -- of this request. -- @tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true, -- the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be -- decoded. -- -- @tparam[2] { -- url = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, -- binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean, -- } request Options for the request. See @{http.request} for details on how -- these options behave. -- -- @treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from. -- @treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404 -- error or connection timeout. -- @treturn string A message detailing why the request failed. -- @treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available. -- -- @usage Make a request to [example.computercraft.cc](https://example.computercraft.cc), -- and print the returned page. -- ```lua -- local request = http.get("https://example.computercraft.cc") -- print(request.readAll()) -- -- => HTTP is working! -- request.close() -- ``` function get(...) end --- Make a HTTP POST request to the given url. -- -- @tparam string url The url to request -- @tparam string body The body of the POST request. -- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part -- of this request. -- @tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true, -- the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be -- decoded. -- -- @tparam[2] { -- url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, -- binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean, -- } request Options for the request. See @{http.request} for details on how -- these options behave. -- -- @treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from. -- @treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404 -- error or connection timeout. -- @treturn string A message detailing why the request failed. -- @treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available. function post(...) end --- A http response. This acts very much like a @{fs.ReadHandle|file}, though -- provides some http specific methods. -- -- #### `http_success` event -- #### `http_failure` event -- -- @type Response -- @see http.request On how to make a http request. local Response = {} --- Returns the response code and response message returned by the server -- -- @treturn number The response code (i.e. 200) -- @treturn string The response message (i.e. "OK") function Response.getResponseCode() end --- Get a table containing the response's headers, in a format similar to that -- required by @{http.request}. If multiple headers are sent with the same -- name, they will be combined with a comma. -- -- @treturn { [string]=string } The response's headers. -- Make a request to [example.computercraft.cc](https://example.computercraft.cc), -- and print the returned headers. -- ```lua -- local request = http.get("https://example.computercraft.cc") -- print(textutils.serialize(request.getResponseHeaders())) -- -- => { -- -- [ "Content-Type" ] = "text/plain; charset=utf8", -- -- [ "content-length" ] = 17, -- -- ... -- -- } -- request.close() -- ``` function Response.getResponseHeaders() end function Response.read(count) end function Response.readAll() end function Response.readLine(with_trailing) end function Response.seek(whence, offset) end function Response.close() end --- Asynchronously determine whether a URL can be requested. -- -- If this returns `true`, one should also listen for [`http_check` -- events](#http-check-event) which will container further information about -- whether the URL is allowed or not. -- -- @tparam string url The URL to check. -- @treturn true When this url is not invalid. This does not imply that it is -- allowed - see the comment above. -- @treturn[2] false When this url is invalid. -- @treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is -- malformed, or blocked). -- -- @see http.checkURL For a synchronous version. function checkURLAsync(url) end --- Determine whether a URL can be requested. -- -- If this returns `true`, one should also listen for [`http_check` -- events](#http-check-event) which will container further information about -- whether the URL is allowed or not. -- -- @tparam string url The URL to check. -- @treturn true When this url is valid and can be requested via @{http.request}. -- @treturn[2] false When this url is invalid. -- @treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is -- malformed, or blocked). -- -- @see http.checkURLAsync For an asynchronous version. -- -- @usage -- ```lua -- print(http.checkURL("https://example.computercraft.cc/")) -- -- => true -- print(http.checkURL("http://localhost/")) -- -- => false Domain not permitted -- print(http.checkURL("not a url")) -- -- => false URL malformed -- ``` function checkURL(url) end --- Open a websocket. -- -- @tparam string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the -- `ws://` or `wss://` protocol. -- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part -- of the initial websocket connection. -- -- @treturn Websocket The websocket connection. -- @treturn[2] false If the websocket connection failed. -- @treturn string An error message describing why the connection failed. function websocket(url, headers) end --- Asynchronously open a websocket. -- -- This returns immediately, a [`websocket_success`](#websocket-success-event) -- or [`websocket_failure`](#websocket-failure-event) will be queued once the -- request has completed. -- -- @tparam string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the -- `ws://` or `wss://` protocol. -- @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part -- of the initial websocket connection. function websocketAsync(url, headers) end --- A websocket, which can be used to send an receive messages with a web -- server. -- -- @type Websocket -- @see http.websocket On how to open a websocket. local Websocket = {} --- Send a websocket message to the connected server. -- -- @tparam string message The message to send. -- @tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether this message should be treated as a -- binary string, rather than encoded text. -- @throws If the websocket has been closed. function Websocket.send(message, binary) end --- Wait for a message from the server. -- -- @tparam[opt] number timeout The number of seconds to wait if no message is -- received. -- @treturn[1] string The received message. -- @treturn boolean If this was a binary message. -- @treturn[2] nil If the websocket was closed while waiting, or if we timed out. -- @throws If the websocket has been closed. function Websocket.receive(timeout) end --- Close this websocket. This will terminate the connection, meaning messages -- can no longer be sent or received along it. function Websocket.close() end