--- The FS API allows you to manipulate files and the filesystem. -- -- @module fs function list(path) end function combine(base, child) end function getName(path) end function getSize(path) end function exists(path) end function isDir(path) end function isReadOnly(path) end function makeDir(path) end function move(from, to) end function copy(from, to) end function delete(path) end function open(path, mode) end function getDrive(path) end function getFreeSpace(path) end function find(pattern) end function getDir(path) end --- Get the capacity of the drive at the given path. -- -- This may be used in conjunction with @{getFreeSpace} to determine what -- percentage of this drive has been used. -- -- @tparam string path The path of the drive to get. -- @treturn number This drive's capacity. This will be 0 for "read-only" drives, -- such as the ROM or treasure disks. function getCapacity(path) end --- Get attributes about a specific file or folder. -- -- The returned attributes table contains information about the size of the -- file, whether it is a directory, and when it was created and last modified. -- -- The creation and modification times are given as the number of milliseconds -- since the UNIX epoch. This may be given to @{os.date} in order to convert it -- to more usable form. -- -- @tparam string path The path to get attributes for. -- @treturn { size = number, isDir = boolean, created = number, modified = number } -- The resulting attributes. -- @throws If the path does not exist. -- @see getSize If you only care about the file's size. -- @see isDir If you only care whether a path is a directory or not. function attributes(path) end -- Defined in bios.lua function complete(sPath, sLocation, bIncludeFiles, bIncludeDirs) end --- A file handle which can be read from. -- -- @type ReadHandle -- @see fs.open local ReadHandle = {} function ReadHandle.read(count) end function ReadHandle.readAll() end function ReadHandle.readLine(with_trailing) end function ReadHandle.seek(whence, offset) end function ReadHandle.close() end --- A file handle which can be written to. -- -- @type WriteHandle -- @see fs.open local WriteHandle = {} function WriteHandle.write(text) end function WriteHandle.writeLine(text) end function WriteHandle.flush(text) end function WriteHandle.seek(whence, offset) end function WriteHandle.close() end