; -*- mode: Lisp;-*- (sources /src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lua/bios.lua /src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lua/rom/ /src/test/resources/test-rom) (at / (linters ;; It'd be nice to avoid this, but right now there's a lot of instances of ;; it. -var:set-loop ;; It's useful to name arguments for documentation, so we allow this. It'd ;; be good to find a compromise in the future, but this works for now. -var:unused-arg)) ;; We disable the unused global linter in bios.lua and the APIs. In the future ;; hopefully we'll get illuaminate to handle this. (at (/src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lua/bios.lua /src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lua/rom/apis/) (linters -var:unused-global) (lint (allow-toplevel-global true))) ;; These warnings are broken right now (at (bios.lua worm.lua) (linters -control:unreachable))