import cc.tweaked.gradle.mavenDependencies plugins { id("cc-tweaked.fabric") id("cc-tweaked.publishing") } val mcVersion: String by extra java { withJavadocJar() } cct.inlineProject(":common-api") dependencies { api(project(":core-api")) compileOnly(project(":forge-stubs")) } tasks.jar { manifest { attributes["Fabric-Loom-Remap"] = "true" } from(project(":core-api").sourceSets.main.get().output) // TODO(1.19.3): Remove when we've fixed GenericSource from("src/main/modJson") // TODO: Remove once Loom 1.1 is out. } // TODO(1.19.3): Remove when GenericSource no longer uses ResourceLocation. This forces us to bundle the core API with // the Fabric API, in order to remap those classes. tasks.sourcesJar { from(project(":core-api").sourceSets.main.get().allJava) } tasks.withType(GenerateModuleMetadata::class).configureEach { isEnabled = false } publishing { publications { named("maven", MavenPublication::class) { mavenDependencies { exclude(dependencies.create("cc.tweaked:")) } } } }