import org.jetbrains.gradle.ext.compiler import org.jetbrains.gradle.ext.settings plugins { publishing alias(libs.plugins.taskTree) alias(libs.plugins.githubRelease) id("org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext") id("cc-tweaked") } val isUnstable =["isUnstable"] == "true" val modVersion: String by extra val mcVersion: String by extra githubRelease { token(findProperty("githubApiKey") as String? ?: "") owner.set("cc-tweaked") repo.set("CC-Tweaked") targetCommitish.set(cct.gitBranch) tagName.set("v$mcVersion-$modVersion") releaseName.set("[$mcVersion] $modVersion") body.set( provider { "## " + project(":core").file("src/main/resources/data/computercraft/lua/rom/help/") .readLines() .takeWhile { it != "Type \"help changelog\" to see the full version history." } .joinToString("\n").trim() }, ) prerelease.set(isUnstable) } tasks.publish { dependsOn(tasks.githubRelease) } idea.project.settings.compiler.javac { // We want ErrorProne to be present when compiling via IntelliJ, as it offers some helpful warnings // and errors. Loop through our source sets and find the appropriate flags. moduleJavacAdditionalOptions = subprojects .asSequence() .map { evaluationDependsOn(it.path) } .flatMap { project -> val sourceSets = project.extensions.findByType(SourceSetContainer::class) ?: return@flatMap sequenceOf() sourceSets.asSequence().map { sourceSet -> val name = "${}.${}.${}" val compile = project.tasks.named(sourceSet.compileJavaTaskName, JavaCompile::class).get() name to compile.options.allCompilerArgs.joinToString(" ") { if (it.contains(" ")) "\"$it\"" else it } } } .toMap() }