--- module: [kind=event] websocket_failure see: http.websocketAsync To send an HTTP request. --- The [`websocket_failure`] event is fired when a WebSocket connection request fails. This event is normally handled inside [`http.websocket`], but it can still be seen when using [`http.websocketAsync`]. ## Return Values 1. [`string`]: The event name. 2. [`string`]: The URL of the site requested. 3. [`string`]: An error describing the failure. ## Example Prints an error why the website cannot be contacted: ```lua local myURL = "wss://example.tweaked.cc/not-a-websocket" http.websocketAsync(myURL) local event, url, err repeat event, url, err = os.pullEvent("websocket_failure") until url == myURL print("The URL " .. url .. " could not be reached: " .. err) ```