import { readFileSync, promises as fs } from "fs"; import path from "path"; import typescript from "@rollup/plugin-typescript"; const input = "src/web"; const requirejs = readFileSync("node_modules/requirejs/require.js"); export default { input: [`${input}/index.tsx`], output: { file: "build/rollup/index.js", // We bundle requirejs (and config) into the header. It's rather gross // but also works reasonably well. banner: `${requirejs}\nrequire.config({ paths: { copycat: "" } });`, format: "amd", preferConst: true, amd: { define: "require", } }, context: "window", external: ["copycat/embed"], plugins: [ typescript(), { name: "cc-tweaked", async options(options) { // Generate .d.ts files for all /mount files. This is the worst way to do it, // but we need to run before the TS pass. const template = "declare const contents : string;\nexport default contents;\n"; const files = await fs.readdir(`${input}/mount`); await Promise.all(files .filter(x => path.extname(x) !== ".ts") .map(async file => { const path = `${input}/mount/${file}.d.ts`; const contents = await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf-8" }).catch(() => ""); if (contents !== template) await fs.writeFile(path, template); }) ); return options; }, async transform(code, file) { // Allow loading files in /mount. const ext = path.extname(file); return ext != '.tsx' && ext != '.ts' && path.dirname(file) === path.resolve(`${input}/mount`) ? `export default ${JSON.stringify(code)};\n` : null; }, } ], };