/* * This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info * Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2016. Do not distribute without permission. * Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com */ package dan200.computercraft.shared.common; import dan200.computercraft.core.terminal.Terminal; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; public class ServerTerminal implements ITerminal { private final boolean m_colour; private Terminal m_terminal; private boolean m_terminalChanged; private boolean m_terminalChangedLastFrame; public ServerTerminal( boolean colour ) { m_colour = colour; m_terminal = null; m_terminalChanged = false; m_terminalChangedLastFrame = false; } public ServerTerminal( boolean colour, int terminalWidth, int terminalHeight ) { m_colour = colour; m_terminal = new Terminal( terminalWidth, terminalHeight ); m_terminalChanged = false; m_terminalChangedLastFrame = false; } public void resize( int width, int height ) { if( m_terminal == null ) { m_terminal = new Terminal( width, height ); m_terminalChanged = true; } else { m_terminal.resize( width, height ); } } public void delete() { if( m_terminal != null ) { m_terminal = null; m_terminalChanged = true; } } public void update() { m_terminalChangedLastFrame = m_terminalChanged || (m_terminal != null && m_terminal.getChanged()); if( m_terminal != null ) { m_terminal.clearChanged(); } m_terminalChanged = false; } public boolean hasTerminalChanged() { return m_terminalChangedLastFrame; } // ITerminal implementation @Override public Terminal getTerminal() { return m_terminal; } @Override public boolean isColour() { return m_colour; } // Networking stuff public void writeDescription( NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound ) { nbttagcompound.setBoolean( "colour", m_colour ); if( m_terminal != null ) { NBTTagCompound terminal = new NBTTagCompound(); terminal.setInteger( "term_width", m_terminal.getWidth() ); terminal.setInteger( "term_height", m_terminal.getHeight() ); m_terminal.writeToNBT( terminal ); nbttagcompound.setTag( "terminal", terminal ); } } }