--- module: [kind=event] task_complete see: commands.execAsync To run a command which fires a task_complete event. --- The @{task_complete} event is fired when an asynchronous task completes. This is usually handled inside the function call that queued the task; however, functions such as @{commands.execAsync} return immediately so the user can wait for completion. ## Return Values 1. @{string}: The event name. 2. @{number}: The ID of the task that completed. 3. @{boolean}: Whether the command succeeded. 4. @{string}: If the command failed, an error message explaining the failure. (This is not present if the command succeeded.) ...: Any parameters returned from the command. ## Example Prints the results of an asynchronous command: ```lua local taskID = commands.execAsync("say Hello") local event repeat event = {os.pullEvent("task_complete")} until event[2] == taskID if event[3] == true then print("Task " .. event[2] .. " succeeded:", table.unpack(event, 4)) else print("Task " .. event[2] .. " failed: " .. event[4]) end ```