--- Rewrites language files in order to be consistent with en_us. -- -- This will take every given language file and rewrite it to be in the same -- order as the en_us file. Any keys which appear in the given file, but not -- in en_us are warned about. -- -- When passing the `-v` flag, we also print any missing commands. -- -- Note, this is not intended to be a fool-proof tool, rather a quick way to -- ensure language files are mostly correct. -- -- @example -- -- # Reformat all files -- > lua tools/language.lua -- # Reformat German, and warn about missing entries -- > lua tools/language.lua -v de_de local primary = "en_us" local secondary = { "de_de", "es_es", "fr_fr", "it_it", "pt_br", "sv_se", "zh_cn", } local verbose = false local path = "src/main/resources/assets/computercraft/lang/%s.json" local args = { ... } for i = #args, 1, -1 do if args[i] == "-v" or args[i] == "--verbose" then table.remove(args, i) verbose = true end end if #args > 0 then secondary = args end -- Read the contents of the primary language file local primary_contents, n = {}, 1 for line in io.lines(path:format(primary)) do local key = line:match('^%s*"([^"]+)":.*$') if key then primary_contents[n], n = key, n + 1 elseif line == "" or line == "{" or line == "}" then primary_contents[n], n = line, n + 1 else io.stderr:write(("Unknown line %q in %s\n"):format(line, primary)) os.exit(1) end end for _, language in ipairs(secondary) do local keys = {} for line in io.lines(path:format(language)) do local key, value = line:match('^%s*"([^"]+)":%s*(.-),?$') if key then if keys[key] then io.stderr:write(("Duplicate keys for %q in %q\n"):format(key, language)) os.exit(10) end keys[key] = value elseif line ~= "" and line ~= "{" and line ~= "}" then io.stderr:write(("Unknown line %q in %s\n"):format(line, language)) os.exit(1) end end local h = io.open(path:format(language), "wb") h:write("{") local has_blank, has_any = false, false for _, line in ipairs(primary_contents) do if line == "{" or line == "}" then -- Skip elseif line == "" then has_blank = true else local translated = keys[line] if translated then if has_any then h:write(",") else has_any = true end if has_blank then h:write("\n") has_blank = false end h:write(("\n %q: %s"):format(line, translated)) keys[line] = nil elseif verbose then io.stderr:write(("Missing translation %q for %q\n"):format(line, language)) end end end if next(keys) ~= nil then local extra = {} for k, v in pairs(keys) do extra[#extra + 1] = ("\n %q: %s"):format(k, v) end table.sort(extra) io.stderr:write(("%d additional unknown translation keys in %q\n"):format(#extra, language)) has_blank = true for _, line in ipairs(extra) do if has_any then h:write(",") else has_any = true end if has_blank then h:write("\n") has_blank = false end h:write(line) end end h:write("\n}\n") h:close() end