--- module: [kind=reference] computercraft_command --- # The `/computercraft` command CC: Tweaked provides a `/computercraft` command for server owners to manage running computers on a server. ## Permissions {#permissions} As the `/computercraft` command is mostly intended for debugging and administrative purposes, its sub-commands typically require you to have op (or similar). - All players have access to the [`queue`] sub-command. - On a multi-player server, all other commands require op. - On a single-player world, the player can run the [`dump`], [`turn-on`]/[`shutdown`], and [`track`] sub-commands, even when cheats are not enabled. The [`tp`] and [`view`] commands require cheats. If a permission mod such as [LuckPerms] is installed[^permission], you can configure access to the individual sub-commands. Each sub-command creates a `computercraft.command.NAME` permission node to control which players can execute it. [LuckPerms]: https://github.com/LuckPerms/LuckPerms/ "A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers." [fabric-permission-api]: https://github.com/lucko/fabric-permissions-api "A simple permissions API for Fabric" [^permission]: This supports any mod which uses Forge's permission API or [fabric-permission-api]. ## Computer selectors {#computer-selectors} Some commands (such as [`tp`] or [`turn-on`]) target a specific computer, or a list of computers. To specify which computers to operate on, you must use "computer selectors". Computer selectors are similar to Minecraft's [entity target selectors], but targeting computers instead. They allow you to select one or more computers, based on a set of predicates. The following predicates are supported: - `id=`: Select computer(s) with a specific id. - `instance=`: Select the computer with the given instance id. - `family=`: Select computers based on their type. - `label=