#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Parse reports generated by Gradle and convert them into GitHub annotations. See https://github.com/actions/toolkit/blob/master/docs/problem-matchers.md and https://github.com/actions/toolkit/blob/master/docs/commands.md. """ from typing import Optional, Tuple import pathlib import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import re import os.path LUA_ERROR_LOCATION = re.compile(r"^\s+(/[\w./-]+):(\d+):", re.MULTILINE) JAVA_LUA_ERROR_LOCATION = re.compile(r"^java.lang.IllegalStateException: (/[\w./-]+):(\d+):") JAVA_ERROR_LOCATION = re.compile(r"^\tat ([\w.]+)\.[\w]+\([\w.]+:(\d+)\)$", re.MULTILINE) ERROR_MESSAGE = re.compile(r"(.*)\nstack traceback:", re.DOTALL) SPACES = re.compile(r"\s+") SOURCE_LOCATIONS = [ "src/main/java", "src/main/resources/data/computercraft/lua", "src/test/java", "src/test/resources", ] def find_file(path: str) -> Optional[str]: while len(path) > 0 and path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] for source_dir in SOURCE_LOCATIONS: child_path = os.path.join(source_dir, path) if os.path.exists(child_path): return child_path return None def find_location(message: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: location = LUA_ERROR_LOCATION.search(message) if location: file = find_file(location[1]) if file: return file, location[2] location = JAVA_LUA_ERROR_LOCATION.search(message) if location: file = find_file(location[1]) if file: return file, location[2] for location in JAVA_ERROR_LOCATION.findall(message): file = find_file(location[0].replace(".", "/") + ".java") if file: return file, location[1] return None def parse_junit() -> None: """ Scrape JUnit test reports for errors. We determine the location from the Lua or Java stacktrace. """ print("::add-matcher::.github/matchers/junit.json") for path in pathlib.Path("build/test-results/test").glob("TEST-*.xml"): for testcase in ET.parse(path).getroot(): if testcase.tag != "testcase": continue for result in testcase: if result.tag != "failure": continue name = f'{testcase.attrib["classname"]}.{testcase.attrib["name"]}' message = result.attrib.get('message') location = find_location(result.text) error = ERROR_MESSAGE.match(message) if error: error = error[1] else: error = message if location: print(f'## {location[0]}:{location[1]}: {name} failed: {SPACES.sub(" ", error)}') else: print(f'::error::{name} failed') print("::group::Full error message") print(result.text) print("::endgroup") print("::remove-matcher owner=junit::") def parse_checkstyle() -> None: """ Scrape JUnit test reports for errors. We determine the location from the Lua or Java stacktrace. """ print("::add-matcher::.github/matchers/checkstyle.json") for path in pathlib.Path("build/reports/checkstyle/").glob("*.xml"): for file in ET.parse(path).getroot(): for error in file: filename = os.path.relpath(file.attrib['name']) attrib = error.attrib print(f'{attrib["severity"]} {filename}:{attrib["line"]}:{attrib.get("column", 1)}: {SPACES.sub(" ", attrib["message"])}') print("::remove-matcher owner=checkstyle::") if __name__ == '__main__': parse_junit() parse_checkstyle()