- Add a check to ensure declared dependencies in the :core project, and
those inherited from Minecraft are the same.
- Compute the next Cobalt version, rather than specifying it manually.
- Add the gradle versions plugin (and version catalog update), and
update some versions.
When the target method is in a different class loader to CC, our
generated method fails, as it cannot find the target class. To get
around that, we create a MethodHandle to the target method, and then
inject that into the generated class (with Java's new dynamic constant
system). We can then invoke the MethodHandle in our generated code,
avoiding any references to the target class/method.
This adds SPDX license headers to all source code files, following the
REUSE[1] specification. This does not include any asset files (such as
generated JSON files, or textures). While REUSE does support doing so
with ".license" files, for now we define these licences using the
.reuse/dep5 file.
[1]: https://reuse.software/
This fixes several issues I had with consuming multi-loader CC:T in
various upstream mods.
- Include /all/ sources in the Forge/Fabric jar. Before it was just the
common classes, and not the core or API.
- Use some Gradle magic to remove superfluous dependencies from the POM
file. Also make sure Cobalt and Netty are present as dependencies.
- Start using minimize() in our shadow jar config again.
After several weeks of carefully arranging ribbons, we pull the string
and end up with, ... a bit of a messy bow. There were still some things
I'd missed.
- Split the mod into a common (vanilla-only) project and Forge-specific
project. This gives us room to add Fabric support later on.
- Split the project into main/client source sets. This is not currently
statically checked: we'll do that soon.
- Rename block/item/tile entities to use suffixes rather than prefixes.
- Publish javadoc again: for now this is just the common-api
- Remove all dependencies from the published Forge jar. This is
technically not needed (fg.deobf does this anyway), but seems
Previously we overrode getCapability on our BlockEntity implementations.
While this is the Proper way to do things, it's obviously impossible to
do in a multi-loader environment.
We now subscribe to the AttachCapabilitiesEvent and add our caps that
way. This does require[^1] some nasty invalidation of caps in a couple
of places, which I'm not wild about.
[^1]: I'm not actually sure it does: we invalidate peripherals and wired
elements when neighbours change, so the explicit invalidation probably
isn't useful.
This adds two new modules: common-api and forge-api, which contain the
common and Forge-specific interfaces for CC's Minecraft-specific API.
We add a new PlatformHelper interface, which abstracts over some of the
loader-specific functionality, such as reading registries[^1] or calling
Forge-specific methods. This interface is then implemented in the main
mod, and loaded via ServiceLoaders.
Some other notes on this:
- We now split shared and client-specific source code into separate
modules. This is to make it harder to reference client code on the
server, thus crashing the game.
Eventually we'll split the main mod up too into separate source sets
- this is, of course, a much bigger problem!
- There's currently some nastiness here due to wanting to preserve
binary compatibility of the API. We'll hopefully be able to remove
this when 1.19.3 releases.
- In order to build a separate Forge-specific API jar, we compile the
common sources twice: once for the common jar and once for the Forge
Getting this to play nicely with IDEs is a little tricky and so we
provide a cct.inlineProject(...) helper to handle everything.
[^1]: We /can/ do this with vanilla's APIs, but it gives a lot of
deprecation warnings. It just ends up being nicer to abstract over it.
We'll do this everywhere eventually, but much easier to do it
- Use checker framework to default all field/methods/parameters to
- Start using ErrorProne[1] and NullAway[2] to check for possible null
pointer issues. I did look into using CheckerFramework, but it's much
stricter (i.e. it's actually Correct). This is technically good, but
is a much steeper migration path, which I'm not sure we're prepared
for yet!
[1]: https://github.com/google/error-prone
[2]: https://github.com/uber/NullAway
It should be possible to consume the ComputerCraft's core (i.e.
non-Minecraft code) in other projects, such as emulators. While this
has been possible for years, it's somewhat tricky from a maintenance
perspective - it's very easy to accidentally add an MC dependency
By publishing a separate "core" jar, we can better distinguish the
boundaries between our Lua runtime and the Minecraft-specific code.
Ideally we could have one core project (rather than separate core and
core-api modules), and publish a separate "api" jar, like we do for the
main mod. However, this isn't really possible to express using Maven
dependencies, and so we must resort to this system.
Of course, this is kinda what the Java module system is meant to solve,
but unfortunately getting that working with Minecraft is infeasible.
This is a noisier diff than I'd like as this is just a direct copy from
the multi-loader branch.
- Rename "ingame" package to "gametest"
- Don't chain GameTestSequence methods - it's actually much cleaner if
we just use Kotlin's implicit this syntax.
- Use our work in 71f81e12013edf82e8a815c0938cbbb3a3c8c2e5 to write
computer tests using Kotlin instead of Lua. This means all the logic
is in one place, which is nice!
- Add a couple more tests for some of the more error-prone bits of
This offers very few advantages now, but helps support the following in
the future:
- Reuse test support code across multiple projects (useful for
- Allow using test fixture code in testMod. We've got a version of our
gametest which use Kotlin instead of Lua for asserting computer
We can't use java-test-fixtures here for Forge reasons, so have to roll
our own version. Alas.
- Add an ILuaMachine implementation which runs Kotlin coroutines
instead. We can use this for testing asynchronous APIs. This also
replaces the FakeComputerManager.
- Move most things in the .support module to .test.core. We need to use
a separate package in order to cope with Java 9 modules (again,
thanks Forge).
- Use <p> everywhere. This is uglier, but also technically more
correct. This requires a version bump to cct-javadoc, and will give
me a massive headache when merging.
- Link against the existing OpenJDK docs.
- Correctly handle Git commands failing. We need an actual default
value, not just null!
- Use run/ and build/tmp/ for temporary test locations, not
- Add a new Node plugin. This automatically installs npm dependencies
and provides a "NpxExecToDir" to dir task. This allows us to make the
doc website task dependencies a little nicer, by simply chaining
tasks together, rather than doing dependsOn + `input.files(the other
task output)`.
- Switch over to CurseForgeGradle from CurseGradle. The latter is
super clunky to use in non-Groovy languages.
- Copy our Modrinth description body to our repo, and add support for
syncing it. We'll still have to do CF manually I think.