This adds SPDX license headers to all source code files, following the
REUSE[1] specification. This does not include any asset files (such as
generated JSON files, or textures). While REUSE does support doing so
with ".license" files, for now we define these licences using the
.reuse/dep5 file.
- Add a TOC to the Local IPs page.
- Increase the echo delay in our speaker audio page to 1.5s. This
sounds much better and is less clashy than 1s. Also add a
sleep(0) (eww, I know) to fix timeouts on some browsers/computers.
- Move Lua feature compat to a new "reference" section. Still haven't
figured out how to structure these docs - open to any ideas really.
- Mention FFmpeg as an option for converting to DFPWM (closes#1075).
- Allow data-mount to override built-in files. See my comment in #1069.