This adds SPDX license headers to all source code files, following the
REUSE[1] specification. This does not include any asset files (such as
generated JSON files, or textures). While REUSE does support doing so
with ".license" files, for now we define these licences using the
.reuse/dep5 file.
Let's see how this goes.
- Update references to the new repo
- Use rrsync on the server, meaning uploads relative to the
website root.
- Bump Gradle wrapper to 7.2. Not related to this change, but possibly
fixes running under Java 16. Possibly.
This adds documentation comments to many of CC's Lua APIs, and
a couple of the Java ones, through the use of stubs. We then
export these to HTML using illuaminate [1] and upload them to our
documentation site [2].
Uploads currently occur on pushes to master and any release/tag. The
site is entirely static - there is no way to switch between versions,
etc... but hopefully we can improve this in the future.